Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 309: Free Meal

Chapter 311 Overlord’s meal

“Furthermore, once we fail to rescue the wealthy and capricious people, the attitude of other wealthy people who support the association’s finances will most likely change.

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In order to convince these people, Xiqi specially created a fan chart.

"Everyone, this is the association's current financial revenue sources. Among them, public donations account for 9.2%, heroes-related film and television, toys, comics and other peripherals account for 8.3%, and the remaining 100% 82.5% of it is invested by these rich people and their companies. Once they withdraw their investment, it will have a fundamental blow to the association. "

Xiqi said with a sigh.

"So, even if this may be a trap, I implore you to take action and go to the bottom of the no-man's land of Z City to rescue the association's major shareholder and eliminate the Weird Association."

"Because once this continues, not only will the foundation of the association be shaken, but the existence of the Weird Association will also inevitably attract a large number of weirdos. Under the ebb and flow of one another, the strength of the Heroes Association will become increasingly weakened, while the strength of the weirdos will continue to increase. If the earth strengthens, then in the future, just like Xi Babawa’s last words before his death, the earth will be completely destroyed!”

"Please, everyone!"

Xiqi stood in front of the conference table and bowed earnestly to everyone's voices.

"However, since the Weird Association uses this method to force us to take action, it means that they are sure to eliminate us all there, which represents a great risk."

Metal Knight's electronic sound came from a robot with glowing red eyes.

Dr. Fourboy still did not let his true body appear, but sent a robot to the meeting.

He is not afraid of lack of signal. After all, the new headquarters of the Heroes Association in City A was built with his technology, money, people and materials from the association. His level of control over this place is even greater than that of Al, the founder and president of the association. above gurney.

"What about the others? I promise that you can not participate in this event, but you can still maintain your status as an S-class hero. Before the Hero Association is disbanded, the various benefits of an S-class hero will be paid as usual."

Xiqi raised his head, closed his eyes, and said expressionlessly.

He didn't know what expression he should show now.

"Oh, but as a hero, isn't it what you should do to save people and eliminate monsters?"

Saitama touched his shiny head and said with a dumb look on his face.

"Then I'll go too."

Seeing that Saitama would go, Ming Jing was completely relieved.

The monster king Orochi may not be stronger than himself. If the evil wolf breaks through the limit, nothing will happen to him with Saitama by his side.

Apart from this, the Weird Association has nothing that can threaten itself.

"The attitude of these two teachers is my attitude."

Genos followed and echoed.

Banggu did not hesitate and said:

"I will go. The evil wolf is a disciple taught by me. Now he is in cahoots with the Weird Association. As his master, I have to clean up the family no matter what, no matter what the result is."

The Atomic Warrior sat next to Bang Gu and said immediately:

"Mr. Banggu and I have the same view. Since these guys have reached out to the Sword Saint Association and want my head by name, I am not a generous person."

More and more heroes are beginning to speak out.

Super Alloy Black Light believes that there will be no one in the Monster Association who can break his muscle defense, and is very confident in this battle. Sweet Mask also believes that the evil weirdos must be eliminated.

Even Tatsumaki expressed his intention to teach the Weird Association a severe lesson.

Who told them to take action against their sister Fubuki?

At the same time, there is no man's land in Z city, underground.

The waking wolf understood the current situation through the letter Da Jiongyan left on the table.

"Weird Association..."

The evil wolf touched his belly and walked out of the room.

He planned to find some food.

Although the previous battles had allowed him to continuously break through his limits and improve his strength a lot, it also consumed a lot of energy.

Moreover, he still has wounds on his body that were hit by metal bats, Genos, Bangu, Bump and others, and he needs more nutrition.

"There is actually a kitchen here? It looks like it has been used by humans? Doesn't it mean that this is a weirdo association, and the people in it are all weirdos? Do weirdos eat human food?"

The evil wolf opened the refrigerator and stuffed the food into his mouth, muttering at the same time, regardless of whether the food was raw or cooked.

There wasn't a lot of food stored in it, but at least it padded the wolf's belly and made him feel that he had some strength.

After solving the food problem, the wolf walked out towards the only tunnel.

Until he came to a large hall.

"Hey, hero hunting, evil wolf, you're here."

A fat pink weirdo whose face was almost occupied by one big eye saw the evil wolf and walked over on his own initiative.

"Weird Association, weirdos? Why are you here to see me? I don't remember any communication I had with you in the past."

The evil wolf puffed out his chest and asked with his bright eyes. At the same time, he raised his head and looked around.

The high-rise fences one after another were filled with groups of weirdos, looking down at the wolves in the hall below.

Among these dozens of weirdos, there are many dragon-level and ghost-level weirdos with extremely powerful auras.

However, the wolf showed no fear.

"Of course we are looking for you for something. You can defeat multiple S-class heroes with a human body. There is no doubt about your potential. Maybe after taking the weird cells, you can also become a cadre of the association. After all, in the previous big riot , we lost two, oh no, three dragon-level monsters and ten ghost-level monsters. Although there are still more than thirty ghost-level monsters, we are in urgent need of replenishing our strength."

Da Jiongyan stretched out a finger and pointed at the wolf's chest.

"And you, after becoming a weirdo, I think you should not be inferior to Elder Centipede, and you can just fill a large part of the vacancy in combat power."

The evil wolf took a look at the many weirdos above, and then looked at Da Jiongyan, as if assessing their strength.

"Hey, hey, why does this guy not have to do anything? He can become a cadre as long as he becomes a weirdo. That's so unfair!"

The black sperm stood on the balcony, with his hands on his hips, pointing at the evil wolf, and said dissatisfiedly.

The evil wolf ignored the black sperm.

He is a martial arts genius. He is at the top level of mankind in terms of body, intelligence, and combat awareness, and his IQ is naturally not low.

He naturally knows that these people save him because they are profitable and optimistic about his potential.

Although deep down he does not intend to join the Weird Association and only wants to become his ideal "weird", the evil wolf still plans to get along with him for a while.

No matter how arrogant he is, he still knows that he is not invincible yet.

The Wolf Pays Itself can now deal with some S-class heroes, but it is still far behind against the top S-class heroes, not to mention these weirdo associations who dare to stand up to the Heroes Association.

Thinking of this, the image of King pushing a bicycle flashed through the Wolf's mind.

That guy looked like he had just come back from shopping for groceries, as if he was covered in flaws, and there was a bald guy next to him who couldn't remember what he looked like, but he was able to kick him into the air the moment he launched his attack. faint.

The bad wolf didn't even realize that the opponent had kicked that kick.

Even though the evil wolf now thinks that his strength is much stronger than that then, he still thinks that he can't take that move.

"By the way, you just said... that the big centipede was eliminated by the Heroes Association?"

Hungry Wolf suddenly asked Da Jiongyan.

He had seen the battle between the metal bat and the centipede elder, and thought that his martial arts might not be able to do anything against this large creature with super defense.

"Did Bang Gu, Bang Pu and the devil transform people do it?"

"No, even if the three of them join forces, they can't defeat Elder Centipede. The one who really eliminated Elder Centipede was the Scarlet Ninja. He sealed Elder Centipede, and finally sent him to space with Tatsumaki to kill him."

Da Jiongyan explained to the evil wolf.

At that time, the meteorites from the Earth Exploding Sky Star made so much noise, it was probably not difficult to find out what was going on.

"Don't worry, we won't ask you to deal with the Scarlet Ninja and Tornado for the time being, but I think that after you become a weirdo, you may be able to have more power than Elder Centipede to kill them. But, we need you A certificate of submission.”

A mysterious smile appeared on Da Jiongyan's face.

"Although you were called Hero Hunting before, you defeated many heroes, but there were still no lives in your hands. This time, I want you to bring back the head of a hero. It doesn't need to be S level, it can be any level. Okay, now You can go out. We only give you half a day. If it takes too long, the Heroes Association will invade and ignore you. "

The wolf was silent for a while and walked away silently, leaving only one sentence.

"I see."

City Z.

All S-class heroes gathered here, and even Metal Knight sent two robots to fly over to assist in the battle.

According to the arrangement of the association, two robots from the Metal Knight and a remote-controlled toy reconnaissance car manufactured by Tongdi will secretly sneak into the underground reconnaissance in the no-man's land of Z City tonight, and based on the past left on the violent and capricious Fu Hua, they Button locator finds their location.

There are signal shielding devices there, so you can't locate the position of the locator outside. You can only use the devices on these devices to try at close range to see if you can gain anything.

Therefore, a group of S-class heroes planned to stay at the association branch in City Z, rest for a night, recharge their batteries, and set off tomorrow.

At this time, Saitama quietly came out of the association branch and found a restaurant.

"Huh...those people actually wanted to hold another tactical meeting. They talked a lot and made me hungry."

Saitama looked at the menu in front of him, estimated his savings, and ordered several dishes in one go.

Without a formal job before, Saitama was so poor that he had to rely on supermarket sales to survive. Sometimes there was really nothing to eat. Even those cabbage monsters, kelp monsters, and crab monsters, which looked edible, Saitama could eat. Go to mouth.

However, after becoming a professional hero of the Hero Association, Saitama's situation has been greatly improved.

Although C-level heroes have a weekly mission indicator, their salary is above average among the working class, and they are well treated in all aspects. The higher the ranking, the higher the subsidies. If you reach B-level, it is considered adequate in the eyes of ordinary people. It’s a high-paying profession, and Level A is comparable to the middle and senior management of some large companies.

Even for extremely popular A-class products like S-class or Sweetheart Mask, various popular peripherals are enough for them to make a lot of money.

Even the sexy prisoner has a lot of money brought to the prison in order to give him a warm nest with the cute boys in his eyes, so that more cute boys can fall into his arms...

Now, after the events of the last martial arts competition, Saitama has been promoted to the 29th A-level candidate, and is listed as an S-level candidate. He enjoys additional subsidies and can be said to be many times richer than before. , when you come to this kind of restaurant, you can already order as much as you want.

"I can afford it now anyway!"

Saitama looked at the cleared desktop, patted his stomach with satisfaction, and then took out his wallet...


"Huh? Where's my wallet?"

Saitama felt something was wrong, so he touched his butt pocket, then removed his belt and touched a position deeper than the butt pocket.

"Damn it, it seems like I really didn't bring it."

At this moment, Saitama saw a line of notices posted on the wall.

[Due to the recent chaos in public security, there have been many bad cases of overlord meals. Now our store has cooperated with the professional heroes of the Hero Association, B-level 77th three-section stick Lily, C-level 1st undocumented knight, C-level 19th If you cooperate with a famous drunkard and pervert, you will be severely punished if you engage in bad behavior such as dominating the meal! 】

Saitama's expression couldn't help but change.

Although these are only B-level and C-level heroes, if the news of eating the King's meal spreads, his reputation as the bald caped man will be lost!

"No! Someone is eating the King's meal, chase him quickly!"

Saitama was so frightened that he stood up from his seat, only to find that no one cared about him.

At the same time, the wolf held half of the unfinished steak in his mouth, nimbly jumped to the window and jumped down.

He just rested his stomach at the Weird Association, and the first thing he did when he came out was naturally to find something to eat.

Saitama was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat on his back, and then he realized that the person they said was not the one who caught the Overlord's Meal.

But this time, the surrounding diners all ran away when they saw the Overlord Diner, and turned their attention to Saitama who had just accidentally stood up and overturned the chair behind him.

A few drops of cold sweat remained on Saitama's forehead again, and then he suddenly became wise and shouted:

"Get out of the way! I'm also an A-level professional hero, let me catch you!"

The next second, Saitama's figure immediately jumped down the window where the evil wolf escaped before, and disappeared.

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