Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 29 Escort Mission

Anyone who has been to the Country of Rain will say that it is a country of weeping.

Ming Jing deeply agrees with this. Even though he is not yet within the Kingdom of Rain, but is staying at the border between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Rain, it still rains continuously for days and the air is humid.

Especially now that it is still the twelfth lunar month of winter, the weather is even more humid and cold.

Just like Kato Dan said, the village did not directly arrange for them to go to the battlefield, but to be in a second-line position.

This place was originally an important stronghold of Konoha's border defense in peacetime. It stocked a certain amount of military supplies. Once the war started, it could effectively support the front line and serve as a logistics center and reserve troop base.

Kato Dan has already led a group of elites to the front line to take orders from Mito Kadoen, the commander-in-chief of the battlefield here.

As for the current camp, it happens that an uncle of the Inuzuka clan, a jounin named Inuzuka Palato, is in charge of the highest command.

Thanks to this relationship, the tasks assigned to Ming Jing and others were pretty good, relatively safe, and easy.

For example, right now, they are on duty, responsible for guarding an area southwest of the camp.

"Nami, what's going on?"

Ming Jing turned his head and looked at Aburame Nami, who had just picked up a group of bugs. The hot breath he exhaled as he spoke created a stream of white mist in front of his mouth.

The one who answered Ming Jing was Aburame Nami who shook her head silently.

"Is that so? In a few minutes, when the tiger comes back, it will be almost time to change the shift. I hope the next mission can be passed so safely."

Ming Jing sighed leisurely.

Regardless of the fact that he is almost unparalleled among the genin of the same period, according to Kato Dan, his current strength is already better than that of many chuunin, and he is probably only short of enough military exploits to become a true chuunin. Or it was just a chuunin exam.

The strength of Inuzuka Yu and Aburame Nami is also better than that of most genin, and it is not necessarily impossible to pass some chunin exams.

However, with this little strength in such a large-scale war, it would not make any waves at all, and it was just better than the cannon fodder of those genin.

To put it nicely, the chunin is the village's important backbone fighting force in the war. To put it lightly, they are just high-level cannon fodder that can be used as consumables.

Only when you reach the Jonin level, or at least a special Jonin level of strength, can you be qualified to get rid of the fate of being cannon fodder in this war, and have enough self-protection capabilities - provided that you do not encounter the Five Shadows, Hanzo or Tailed Beasts This level of combat power.

"Dingjing! I'm coming!"

Not far away, the loud voice of Inuzuka was heard, and behind him was the iron ball that had grown a lot in the past six months.

Dogs are generally considered adults after one year old, but these ninja dogs of the Inuzuka family are obviously not included in this category.

Basically, the ability to have children is not reached until the age of three - that is, adulthood in the biological sense.

However, this does not mean that before the age of three, these ninja dogs have little fighting ability. For example, the current Tetsumaru, although he has just passed two years old, has begun to approach the shape of a young dog, and can cooperate with the Inuzuka to perform quite a few of the Inuzuka clan. Ninjutsu.

Therefore, Inuzuka's strength has actually increased greatly in the past six months.

"Ding Jing, Nami, according to what Uncle Pala said, we have to participate in the next material escort mission after this mission, because if we have been performing these easy tasks, there will definitely be people gossiping and causing some people to of dissatisfaction.”

Inuzukaru touched Tetsumaru's head and said to the mirror.

"Is that so? I can understand Senior Paladin's thoughts. After all, the people who can stay here are basically either young ninjas with potential who are valued by the village, or they have certain backgrounds behind them. If Senior Paladin does something It’s too obvious. Those in the front are fine, but those in the back are hard to deal with.”

Mirror is quite open to this.

Because they have all these two characteristics.

The three of them are almost the most outstanding among this generation of genin, and they all have the support of their respective ninja clans. Although Aburame and Inuzuka are not top-notch clans, they are not the ordinary little ninja clan who can compete with them. , is considered to be above average among the ninja clan in Konoha, not to mention that the Uchiha behind the mirror is still the most powerful ninja clan in the world.

"The truth is this. However, the risk of escorting supplies is indeed much higher. At least when performing the task, we must be well prepared and careful enough. I don't want to see the difference between us. Who is missing?"

Inuzuka Yu forced a smile and said.

The task of escorting supplies is usually carried out in batches from the rear strongholds, and various supplies are escorted to the front line from time to time. This is definitely a place where the enemy is focusing their attention. Once suspicious information is obtained, elite troops will be dispatched. If you come to intercept the road, even if there is none, from time to time, small groups of enemy troops will sneak into the rear and try to attack and destroy it.

Although the level of danger is not as high as the frontline battlefield, it cannot be underestimated.

Every month, one or two incidents of attacks on logistics escort troops occur.

When Ming Jing and others first arrived at this camp, they happened to see a group of logistics escort teams that were attacked by the elite troops of Yugakure. It was said that several of them died, and some of the remaining ones were missing arms and legs. I probably won't be able to be a ninja in the rest of my life.

"It's okay. On average, we only encounter attacks every five times we go out on such missions. The last attack was just last week. We shouldn't be so unlucky. Even if we do encounter one, there's nothing we can do about it. I believe that our team is strong enough to survive this level of danger.”

Ming Jing patted Inuzuka's shoulder and comforted him.

Cars rattled and horses rustled.

Ming Jing, carrying his wakashi on his back, observed the surroundings and walked in the middle of the team.

Beside him, there were many equally cautious ninjas.

The dozen or so carriages in the middle carried a small amount of seal scrolls and a large amount of other supplies.

The seal scroll is actually not small in size. It is as thick as an adult's waist and about one meter in length.

Although it can seal materials, the actual storage capacity is not ridiculously large. Unlike in Xianxia novels, a storage bag can hold several cubic meters.

In the original work, both Senju Hashirama and Tenten used this thing to seal a lot of shurikens and other ninja tools, and the same was true behind the mirror.

And this thing is equally difficult to make. Not only are the materials precious, but they must also be made by ninjas who master both the art of channeling and the art of sealing. The principle is somewhat similar to that of the Flying Thunder God, which can channel ninja tools and other items when the scroll is opened. come out.

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