
"Is this guy... actually afraid of being like this? However, this is also good news."

The corners of Ming Jing's mouth curved.

It's best to be scared out of your wits, which means your spirit is beginning to break down.

An idea suddenly flashed in Ming Jing's mind.

"Magic NarakujΕ« no Jutsu!"

Looking at Yuichi Tobita who was already controlled by the illusion in front of him, a proud smile flashed across Ming Jing's face.

"Then tell me where you hid your money."

A few minutes later.

Lord's Mansion.

All those samurai had been eradicated. As for the others, Inuzuka and Aburame Nami didn't pursue them much.

In recent years, the servants of the Lord's Mansion have used Yuichi Tobita's influence to oppress the townspeople of Tieshi Town. Even if these people escape, if they are really evil-doing, the angry townspeople will be able to kill them without Mingjing and others taking action. They shred.

They don't have Guizhou protection like Tobita Yuichi now.

When Inuzuka and Aburame Nami finished cleaning up, Ming Jing also came back holding Tobita Yuichi's head in one hand and a seal scroll in the other.

The requirement in the mission states that it is best to capture Tobita Yuichi alive so that he can interrogate him for information about the ninja subordinates of the enemy country who cooperated with him.

However, Ming Jing was worried that the village would find out that he had taken away a large amount of Tobita Yuichi's property and be recovered by the village, so he simply picked off his head with a knife.

For the information that the village wants, let the members of the Yamazaka clan in the intelligence department be responsible. The information obtained in this way may be more accurate than that obtained through torture.

In the world of ninjas, the dead can also "speak" and cannot lie.

As for Ming Jing himself, when he finally interrogated the location of the treasure, he only made Tobita Yuichi fall into an illusion.

Moreover, Tobita Yuichi himself did not realize this until his death, so the village would naturally not know what he had done.

"Remember to divide this scroll when you go back. It will still be the same as last time."

A thick smile appeared on Ming Jing's face.

Just from this trip, I was able to earn a profit that was almost equivalent to an A-level mission, but I only performed a simple C-level mission.

I have to say that my luck is really good. If I were to use other normal escort caravans to wipe out those poor bandits, I would not be able to make so much extra money.

"It has to be you, Ming Jing!"

Inuzuka couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the mirror and admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, if it's almost the same, it's time to go find Mr. Kato and return to the village to deliver the mission."

Ming Jing waved his hand, threw the things to Inuzuka, yawned and went back to rest.

I was a little late studying the newly learned illusion technique last night, and I am not very energetic right now.



Time always flows quietly from the fingertips inadvertently, and in the blink of an eye, it is another three months.

The scorching sun has passed and winter has arrived.

Fire Country, somewhere in the wilderness in the north.




Three shurikens flew quickly through the air in a square shape, heading towards a black-clothed Lang-nin.

As a ninja who lives in the Land of Fire, the other party can naturally recognize the Uchiha clan emblem on Ming Jing's clothes, so he also naturally knows the shuriken of the Uchiha clan that is the best in the ninja world. Skill.

Being well prepared, he narrowly avoided Ming Jing's shuriken attack.

However, the next moment, a short sword with blazing flames on its surface was slashed down very quickly. The black-clothed Lang-nin could only dodge in a hurry, but unexpectedly, Ming Jing's Sharingan caught the flaw and kicked him in the chest. Kick it away.

"not good!"

Seeing that Ming Jing used this time to form a seal, he wanted to use ninjutsu, but he was in mid-air and couldn't dodge. The wave ninja was so anxious that he had no choice but to throw the ninja sword in his hand towards Ming Jing, trying to interrupt him. .

"Genjutsu Shiranui!"

The next moment, the wave ninja felt as if his limbs were being burned by fire. Under the pain, he subconsciously let go of the ninja sword in his hand.

Relying on the Sharingan, Mingjing can perform some simple illusions through his eyes without forming seals when he is prepared.

This level of illusion will naturally have little effect against stronger ninjas, but in a battle of this level, it can quickly help you open up the situation and force the enemy to reveal their flaws.

And once a flaw is revealed, there will only be one result.

"Bye now."

Ming Jing looked at the Lang Nin before him, formed a half Yin Seal with his right hand, and then...

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The huge fireball flew through the air and hit him in the eyes of Lang Nin's despair.

The blazing flames immediately burned the Lang Nin's body to charcoal.

If it were before, he would definitely feel it was a waste.

Because if you just burn the enemy's corpse like this, you will undoubtedly lose a lot of loot. It is impossible to say that the Lang nin in front of you has a lot of silver.

But in a mission a month ago, after killing a Lang Ninja, when Inuzuka tried to collect the loot on the corpse, he triggered a trap on the enemy's corpse, and the scene was almost exploded by the detonating talisman. die.

If it hadn't been for Kato Dan's timely rescue, Inuzuka Inuzuka, a genius genin with a bright future and a high probability of becoming a jounin in the future, would have died young and died.

After that, several members of Kato's squad completely stopped searching for enemy corpses on the battlefield unless absolute safety could be ensured.

No matter how much money there is, you have to live to spend it, not to mention they are not short of money now.

The silver they had saved from performing two missions in Tieshi Town, plus the income from long-term C-level missions in the past three months, was enough for them to use for a long time.

"Ding Jing, how's it going?"

The figures of Inuzuka and Nami Aburame were slowly walking in the distance.

They were hunting down the companions of the Lang Ninja.

Judging from the expression on Inuzuka's face now, you can tell that they have successfully completed their mission.

"Here, there."

Ming Jing pointed to a ball of coke on the ground.

"Well, after this mission, we have completed twenty C-level missions. I don't know when we will be able to carry out higher-level missions."

The Inuzuka murmured as he looked at the sky in the distance with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

"Our current strength should still be a bit lacking, but sooner or later we will have a chance."

Ming Jing replied while picking up the shuriken thrown in the previous battle.

During this period, they have performed a total of twenty C-level tasks. During the intervals, they will also do some D-level tasks when there are no suitable tasks to take on. The current number of D-level tasks completed has also reached One hundred and thirteen.

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