Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 252 Scientist Caesar

Chapter 253 Scientist Caesar

However, this amount of money is actually not enough to cover a fraction of the bounty for Ming Jing’s true identity.

When Ming Jing first traveled to the world of pirates, he killed the Celestial Dragons and escaped from the hands of the admiral, which made his other identity have a bounty of up to 1.8 billion.

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Of course, because Ming Jing had no foundation in the pirate world before that, and quickly put on the vest of "Ji Kuni Enichi", a swordsman from the country of Wano, the world government could not find any information at all, and even The reward was a painting drawn by an artist rather than a photo, and the name was also a general title like "Red-Eyed God Killer".




Dazzling rays of lightning struck down from mid-air and landed on Ming Jing.

Ming Jing carries a weight as heavy as a hill on his back, which is isolated by insulating materials, and he exercises his physical body by walking on moon steps in mid-air.

As the Thunder Chakra mode operates, fine arcs of electricity are constantly traveling around the body, strengthening the body.

"This guy Eniro is becoming more and more persistent."

Sabo, who had just finished his training, slumped down on the recliner, casually took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his face - Enel's lightning was too dazzling.

"The degree of development of his fruit ability is already very high. Now that he has supplemented the basics and learned the armed domineering power, his strength has indeed become more and more terrifying."

As Kuina spoke, she stood on the deck and kept waving the flower island, practicing her sword skills.

Her and Sabo's strength has also improved rapidly. If they are released, there may not be many existences in the first half of the Grand Line that can pose a threat to them.

"Well, okay, is it in Tuslan Town? I understand. We should have a record pointer for this place."

Kella stood in the secret room of the captain's cabin, talking on the phone with Dorag.

People from the Revolutionary Army have found out what happened in Punk Hassad and found traces of Caesar Courant.

When Ming Jing's training was over and Enel was once again as tired as a dog and slumped beside the railing of the deck, Kerra quickly found Ming Jing and reported the matter.

Punk Hassad, because of illegal operations by Caesar, a scientist in the World Government's Science Department, caused a super explosion there.

Caesar was quickly arrested, but he escaped from the prison ship with the ability of the natural gas fruit, and a bounty of 300 million beli was placed on his head.

Peach rabbit's departure is related to this.

And now, news came from Dolag that people from the Revolutionary Army had seen Caesar in the town of Torrance in the New World.

As an excellent biologist, Caesar undoubtedly meets the requirements of Der Spiegel.

It's just that the name Torrance Town seems to have been heard somewhere.

"Ah, Torrance Town, I do know some news."

Robin closed the newspaper and dragged his chin.

"That place is also called Sleeping Ancient Town. It is said that a long time ago, a great pirate hid his treasure in that place, so many people later went to Torrance Town to search, but found nothing. Gradually, the people there also Gradually it left and therefore fell into disuse, and there are even legends of it being haunted.

It was not until a few years ago that the town developed again at the call of a girl. "

After being nudged by Robin, Ming Jing immediately remembered the information about this place.

Isn't this the place where Red Earl Redfield obtained the vampire fruit?

"Saab, you go ask for more information about Torrance Town. Kuina, raise the sail, Kella, turn the helm, let's go to Torrance Town."

Ming Jing gave the order.

Even if Caesar can't be found, it would be good to find the Vampire Fruit, an animal-type fruit of the phantom species.

It's just that Ming Jing has some doubts about whether he should become a devil fruit user.

No ninja would want to have an extra weakness in his body.

But this does not prevent him from getting this rare phantom beast fruit. If one day he really needs to improve his strength, there is no harm in swallowing this fruit.

The ship rowed across the sea and headed into the distance quickly.

Town of Torrance.

The owner of the hotel, Yadoya, just wanted to get the man in front of him with long black hair and a feminine and evil appearance out of Torrance as soon as possible.

This guy here will only attract the attention of the big guys on the sea!

Fortunately, with her help, Caesar quickly prepared the fresh water and food needed for the voyage, and got on the boat to prepare for the trip.

However, as a scientist, Caesar's ships are obviously different.

"Very good, it's worth it that I stayed in this little shabby place for so long, and finally let me build the ultimate invincible Caesar No. 1 engine that can escape smoothly!"

Caesar raised his hands, turned it into gas, and poured out countless gases into a device in front of him.

This thing is actually equivalent to an internal combustion engine, which can ignite its gas and convert it into power, greatly speeding up the ship's sailing speed.

At that time, he can successfully escape from the navy's search and come back to conduct his own experiments after the storm has passed.

Just when Caesar had just boarded the ship and started sailing, a medium-sized ship was breaking through the wind and waves and moving towards the town of Torrance.

"Eh? What is that? What a fast ship!"

Sabo stood on the observation deck, looking at the ship sailing in the distance with billowing smoke.

"That guy... should be Caesar."

Mingjing held up a telescope and confirmed the identity of the man.

He had never seen Caesar, but Caesar's appearance was too distinctive, and gas smoke kept coming out of his hands. Who else could it be but Caesar?

Mingjing immediately swung a flying slash, splitting the sea surface and forcing Caesar to stop.

Facing this terrifying slash that almost knocked him over, Caesar was so scared that his eyes were about to fall out, and he hurriedly turned the rudder.

"Damn it! They dared to attack Caesar, the great scientist who has the ability to destroy the world!"

Caesar was furious and decisively chose to admit his defeat.

He still had a trick.

He reached out and pressed a button, and the sail on the ship suddenly began to deform, turning into a huge hot air balloon, and Caesar was below, using the heat from the equipment to ignite the gas to turn the ship into an airship and fly into the sky.

Two rows of pipes extended from the tail of the airship, spewing flames and pushing the airship far away.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that my ship could fly!"

Caesar danced with joy and made faces at the bottom.


A bolt of lightning descended from the sky and shot down the airship.

Caesar was frightened and quickly transformed his lower body into gas, floating away from the airship and running away.

Flying slashes and lightning, even if he didn't know Ming Jing, Caesar knew that this group of people were not easy to mess with.

"Is this guy also a natural system like me? Leave it to me!"

After obtaining Ming Jing's consent, Enel turned into a bolt of lightning and drilled into the sky.

The battle between the two was without any suspense.

Although Caesar was also a natural system fruit user, his basic qualities and the development of fruit abilities were not as good as Enel who had been trained by Ming Jing for a period of time. He was caught by Enel in just a moment.

Caesar was thrown onto the deck with a groan, and his little broken boat was tied to the back with a rope.

"Caesar Kulang?"

Mingjing sat on the chair, crossed his legs and called out Caesar's name.

"Ji, Jiguo Yuichi? I haven't offended you, why are you arresting me!"

Caesar didn't have the handcuffs on his body, and he could use the power of the gas fruit to escape at any time, but he didn't dare.

Because Jiguo Yuichi was holding a sword in his hand.

Caesar had a hunch that if he dared to act rashly, he would be wiped out in the next second.

"That's not necessarily true."

Robin came over with a newspaper and showed the headline in front of Caesar.

"It should be reasonable for the Seven Warlords of the Sea to help the World Government capture wanted criminals, right?"

Caesar's face changed.

He was busy running away these two days, so how could he pay attention to the news newspapers?

"You came to arrest me, aren't you going to the World Government to claim the reward? I can provide you with more things! Artificial devil fruits, and other powerful weapons, I can research them for you!"

"Ah, of course I know these things, otherwise you wouldn't have the chance to talk nonsense with me here."

Mingjing patted Caesar's face with the sword and said.

"What do you want?"

Caesar changed his expression to a dog-licking expression.

"Gene modification, right?"

"Gene? You mean the bloodline factor? Bloodline factor modification is actually the stuff of Vinsmoke Judge, which is a piece of cake! Just give me a factory, and I can breed thousands of genetically modified people for you!"

"What I want is not as simple as genetically modified people, I need you to reverse transcribe part of several genes into the main gene."

Mingjing took back the Heaven's Tail Feather in his hand, and then stared at Caesar with a pair of eyes.

With a transparent world, he can clearly see Caesar's heartbeat and judge whether he is lying.

"Of course! This is actually the method of Vinsmoke Judge. When his wife was pregnant, that guy modified the embryo's bloodline factors, which allowed the offspring to have the best genes and become perfect modified people!"

"Can only embryos be genetically modified?"

Mingjing was a little disappointed.

Caesar's heart skipped a beat.

"How is it possible? Judge also modified his body, but if you want to perform perfect genetic modification on adults, you need to continue research, which requires a lot of money..."

Caesar said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"It seems you can't do it."

Mingjing shook his head in disappointment.

Caesar was lying.

The invisible pupil power penetrated through the beautiful pupils and reflected in Caesar's eyes.

Under the effect of the illusion, Caesar would not be able to lie next.

"I ask again, can you perform genetic editing on an adult?"

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