Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 249: Uncle Snake who came up with the concept of cultivating immortals

Chapter 250: The Snake Uncle who came up with the concept of cultivating immortals

"After the experiment on the ten heavy punishment prisoners I asked the police department for, only two survived."

Orochimaru said as he took Mingjing deeper into the root.

There, two fat men who looked very young but very strong were feasting on the food on the table.

"They are the brothers Fengshen and Leishen, who graduated from the Ninja School two years ago. They are very strong, but their brains are not very good. In the first mission after graduation, they killed their companions because they failed to provide food in time, and were thrown into the heavy punishment room."

"Of the ten strong prisoners, only the two of them could barely withstand the curse and survive."

Mingjing looked at the two brothers, who were big and strong, and laughed foolishly while eating. He immediately knew that the two of them could graduate because they were strong. Even if their brains were not good, as long as they could arrange someone to command them, they could become a fighting force on the battlefield.

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"Let's ask them to show us."

Ming Jing looked at the foolish brothers and said.

"They are usually not very obedient, but if you want them to do something, it's very simple. Just take away their food."

Orochimaru smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Ming Jing took off his haori, clenched his fists and walked forward.

He remembered that in the original time and space, these two guys could even defeat Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai during the Chunin Exam by brute force.

Of course, it was really outrageous that these two jonins could also overturn them. To deal with such people, it is estimated that Yuhi Kurenai could solve it with a genjutsu. If they had to rely on brute force, the three groups of Pig, Deer and Butterfly could restrict these two guys with their own abilities, and finally Tsunade, who was driven over, had her two heads smashed.

Of course, although the abilities are limited, it is enough to show the strength of these two brothers.

A blue stream of light flashed, and the food on the table of the God of Wind and the God of Thunder disappeared instantly.

"Hey... Hey? Where's my rice ball? Brother, have you seen it?"

"Thor, mine is gone too!"

The Wind God looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"I hid your food. If you want it, fight me."

Ming Jing threw a rice ball in his hand, and finally threw it back without any hesitation, throwing it into Orochimaru's hand.

The Wind God and the Thunder God hurried forward, wanting to take it back, but were blocked by Ming Jing again.

Instantly, the two fools' eyes turned red, and black curse marks crawled all over their bodies. One had a tail growing behind his buttocks, and the other had a horn growing on his head, howling and rushing towards Ming Jing.

Ming Jing did not open his Sharingan, nor did he draw his sword, but just used the strange power of his Armament Haki to fight him.

After Enelu was captured and became a tool in Ming Jing's own pirate group, Ming Jing's physical fitness growth rate was further improved.

Excluding Kaguya Otsutsuki and Hagoromo Otsutsuki, who are not sure about their background, Ming Jing is definitely the strongest person in the world of Naruto.

Every punch and kick carries great power.

Orochimaru was amazed when he saw it from below, and he wanted to dissect Ming Jing's body for research.

Of course, he was just thinking about it.

The battle did not last long.

After obtaining the curse seal, the wind god and the thunder god were indeed very powerful, but they were not as strong as Ming Jing. In terms of physical skills, they only knew some relatively simple punches and kicks.

When dealing with other ninjas, they can defeat ten with one force, but facing Ming Jing, who has experienced hundreds of battles and has honed his fighting skills to a very sophisticated level, they can only be beaten.

This is like Hulk fighting Thanos.

When the battle was over, the base of the root was completely scrapped.

After being strengthened by the curse seal, the destructive power of the wind god and the thunder god has reached the level of the shadow.

Of course, this is only the destructive power. Their other comprehensive qualities are far inferior to those of the real Kage-level strongmen. In a one-on-one battle with those Kage-level strongmen, the one who loses in the end is probably the Wind God or the Thunder God. By analogy, they can be regarded as a weakened version of the tailed beast.

It’s just that the IQ of these two brothers combined may be about the same as that of a normal person, and the scope of use is relatively limited, but it can still be used as a new good card for Konoha.

"Not bad, but I think, with your ability, Senior Orochimaru, you should be able to create more than just the curse seal."

Mingjing, who had beaten up the Wind God and Thunder God and stretched his muscles, sat opposite Orochimaru with a relaxed look and asked.

Not far behind them, the Wind God and Thunder God brothers were sitting at the table and eating.

Mingjing spent some money and customized a luxurious meal as a reward for the two brothers to practice with him.

Orochimaru gracefully peeled an egg and swallowed it, then said:

"Of course it's not just that, but so far, I have only researched some theoretical things, and I need more people like the Wind God and Thunder God to become my experimental samples to provide more accurate data."

"Theoretical things?"

"Based on my research on the physical data of the Wind God and Thunder God, as well as Jūgo's body, I found that natural energy is the most stable and gentle place below the human abdomen, about three inches below the navel."

"The location of the Dantian?"

Mingjing raised his eyebrows.

Did Orochimaru come up with a theory of cultivating immortals?

Snake Uncle is worthy of being Snake Uncle!

"Dantian? Isn't this the location of the human intestine? What is Dantian?"

"It's a concept of human acupuncture points. Guanyuan point, Shenjue point, and Qihai point are within three inches below the lower abdomen. It is a general term centered on these acupuncture points."

Mingjing casually used a concept that people in the ninja world could understand to describe Dantian.

"The concept of acupuncture points in Hyuga's soft fist... I see."

Orochimaru silently remembered this concept in his mind, and planned to see if these acupuncture points could help him study the Sage Mode later.

"Based on this, I made a hypothesis. Through breathing, the air full of natural energy is transported to the intestines of the human digestive system through the meridians. The digestive and absorption ability of the intestines is used to absorb the natural energy in the air into the body and store it. The remaining part is then discharged through the digestive system or the human meridians. In this way, the purest natural energy can be stored in the body, just like the immortals in the three holy places, using natural energy to prolong their lives!

As for the storage method, it is to use the curse seal! Maybe it is to store natural energy directly with the curse seal, or it may be to store natural energy in the form of immortal chakra, and then use the seal like Tsunade to preserve this chakra, and even use the curse seal to make your body alienated, alienating another organ for storing natural energy. These methods are theoretically feasible!"

Orochimaru's tone was excited and he couldn't help himself.

Mingjing touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

What Orochimaru said seemed to be quite consistent with the concepts related to cultivation in his previous life.

Of course, there are many differences. For example, those who practice immortality absorb spiritual energy and circulate it in their bodies for a week, while Orochimaru simply intends to excrete the rest directly from the human excretory system after absorbing it.

But the problem is that Mingjing himself has never seen what real immortality is like, and real scientific research requires continuous trial and error to get the truth through practice.

What if Orochimaru's method is right in the ninja world?

Mingjing doesn't know.

He can only tell Orochimaru the information he knows as his personal conjecture, so that Orochimaru can have another research direction.

"By the way, how is your research on the genes of the Mangekyō Sharingan going?"

After talking about the curse seal and the sage mode, Mingjing took the initiative to bring up the next topic.

Uchiha Madara reappeared in the ninja world and demonstrated extremely powerful strength.

No one knows when Madara will recover his full strength.

If you want to deal with Uchiha Madara, you naturally need to improve your strength. If you can upgrade your Mangekyō Sharingan to the Eternal Mangekyō, and your pupil power will undergo a qualitative change, then you will have the strength to fight.

But unfortunately, Orochimaru's answer is no.

"Mingjing, come and see."

Orochimaru turned on the computer, pointed to the four rotating double-stranded DNA models on it, and then called them up and enlarged them separately.

"This shows the gene sequence map of you, Fugaku, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Kagami, the four owners of the Mangekyō Sharingan."

Uchiha Kagami's gene sample was obtained from the blind Mangekyō Sharingan obtained from Danzo.

"These are the gene sequence pictures of Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Shinjo, Uchiha Yashiro and other Uchiha with three magatama Sharingan. This one is from Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui and other people who have a certain blood relationship with you, the owners of the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"The rest are from other Uchiha clan members."

"After I compared your gene sequences, I found that the Uchiha clan and normal humans are about 0.0037 different. This is an average. In fact, there are also some differences in the gene sequences within your Uchiha clan. Mingjing, you have the highest gene difference. I suspect that this is because part of your blood has returned to your ancestors. This can also explain why your strength is so much stronger than Fugaku."

Orochimaru retrieved the files one by one and displayed them in front of Mingjing.

Mingjing knew that the so-called blood return was probably caused by the gift of Tsugikoku Yoriichi in the Demon Slayer World, which completed part of his blood.

"According to your idea, Mingjing, if the genes of the Uchiha clan are integrated, the eyes of your ancestor Indra can be restored, and he will have the same power as Uchiha Madara, so I have further compared your genes."

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