Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 247: Madara's Trouble in Konoha (Part 2)

Chapter 248 Madara causing trouble in Konoha (Part 2)

"Mikoto! Take the children and leave first! I'll stop the enemy!"

Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyo Sharingan shed tears of blood, stood in the Susanoo, and shouted to Mikoto and Itachi behind him.

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"Fugaku, be careful!"

Uchiha Mikoto, who had just recovered from the genjutsu, knew that in a fight of this level, they would only be a burden, so she hugged the infant Sasuke with one hand and Uchiha Itachi with the other, and ran away quickly.

One blue and one red, two huge Susanoos started fighting, reducing the originally magnificent clan leader's mansion to rubble.

Uchiha Fugaku was under great pressure.

It's not because the enemy wields Susanoo with unexpected power, but because he has already used his pupil technique to glimpse a corner of the future.

He alone would never be this guy's opponent!

"Haiyi! Call for support! The enemy is more difficult than you imagine!"

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but open his mouth and said.

At the base of the intelligence analysis team, Yamanaka Haiichi, who was guarded by Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Tingza, Inuzuka Inu and Aburame Nami, quickly sent the information to the Hokage Building and also to Kushina's production base.

"The village was attacked by enemies! The attackers... were able to activate Susanoo!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly stood up from the eaves and looked in the direction of Konoha.

From his position, he could barely see the tall figures of the two Susanoo giants.

"Everyone must not act rashly and continue to protect the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina! There are three generations and four generations in the village, as well as senior Tofeng and senior Orochimaru. Senior Jiraiya also returned to the village last night. Will they be there? What goes wrong, but if we are transferred away from the mountain and let the enemy attack Kushina, causing the Nine-Tails to riot, I am afraid the village will suffer greater losses!"

Ming Jing held Namikaze Minato's shoulders and gave instructions to all the Konoha ninjas around him.

With a lineup composed of these high-level combat forces within Konoha, there really is nothing to be afraid of.

On the contrary, the enemy took advantage of the opportunity of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki to take action, clearly targeting the Nine-Tails!



"All members of the police department, immediately escort the villagers to a safe location! All members of the police department, immediately escort the villagers to a safe location!"

Uchiha Mikoto kept shouting as she ran away with her two children.

When Uchiha Yashiro saw the two huge Susanoos fighting, he immediately gave the order.

"You are very good, Uchiha Fugaku."

Uchiha Madara stood in the center of the half-skeleton Susana, looking at Uchiha Fugaku in front of him and said.

Uchiha Fugaku did not reply, but silently activated the second stage of Susanoo, and at the same time continued to output pupil power, covering its surface with thick Karastengu armor.

The third stage Susanoo!

But even so, Fugaku still didn't feel much sense of security.

Because his eye skills told him that the masked man in front of him also possessed more terrifying power.

Seeing that Uchiha Fugaku didn't reply, Uchiha Madara felt a little bored. After snorting, he clapped his hands on the ground.

"Wooden Release: Wooden Man's Technique!"

A wooden figure that was far larger than Uchiha Fugaku's third-stage Susana rose up. However, this wooden figure was slightly different from the wooden figure in Senju Hashirama. There were hundreds of extended palms behind it. Looks like a low-end version of True Thousand Hands.

(A little larger than this would be enough)

Uchiha Madara's movements did not stop.

The sky-blue Susanoo dissipated and gradually clung to the wooden figure, putting a layer of armor on its appearance.

"So...Uchiha Fugaku, how would you deal with this situation?"

Uchiha Madara chuckled lightly, and activated the Earthly Resentment Yu Secret Technique. Black lines spread out from behind, connecting the wooden man, causing the five small one-punched faces on top of the wooden man's head to open their mouths, brewing five attributes. Chakra.

With the support of Earth Resentment Yu, the power of this combined ninjutsu is absolutely astonishing.

"Five Escapes: The Technique of Large Continuous Bullets!"

Flames accompanied by strong winds, thunder and lightning mixed with mudslides poured towards Susanoo in Uchiha Fugaku.

"Five Escapes: The Technique of Large Continuous Bullets!"

Another almost identical ninjutsu appeared, neutralizing Madara's attack.

Needless to say, in Konoha Village, the only person who has achieved this level of attainment in the Five Release Ninjutsu is Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Mudun and Susanoo... Fugaku, who is the enemy?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was holding the Vajra Ruyi Stick and looking at the enemy solemnly.

"I don't know, the third generation, but he is very familiar with various ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan. At this point, even Ming Jing and I are probably not as good as him!"

Uchiha Fugaku said, covering his bleeding eyes.

At the same time, Konoha's senior combat forces such as Kato Dan, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Akimichi Tofeng and others have also arrived.

"Super Meat Tank!"

Akimichi turned into a ball with thorns all over his body and hit the wooden man. However, the wooden man stretched out part of his arm and flew it away, destroying a house.

Kato Dan quickly used his telekinesis to control part of the Bokuto's arm. Jiraiya and Orochimaru also teamed up to use a combination of ninjutsu to stop part of the Bokuto's arm.

"This guy... is simply ridiculously strong!"

Akimichi Tifeng shrank his body, rubbed his body, then took out a golden potion from his ninja tool bag and poured it into his mouth. He used the butterfly transformation technique to make his body as huge as a mountain again, and his back appeared from behind. Butterfly wings made of light blue chakra.

With something like the golden potion, the cost of Akidao Fengfeng using the butterfly transformation technique would be greatly reduced.


Akimichi Tofeng's huge body crashed towards the Bokuto, resisted the Bokuto, and tried to knock him down with a sumo wrestling move, but was hit by the Bokuto's fist and failed.

Not only that, Orochimaru and Jiraiya's channeled Banshe and Bunta were also injured by Bokuto's fist and channeled back.

"Senior Fengfeng, I'm here to help!"

Perhaps inspired by the majestic wooden figure, Uchiha Fugaku jumped onto Akimichi Torifu's shoulders, turned his Susanoo into armor, and covered Akimichi Torifu's body.




The two behemoths began to collide with each other, and the sound was shocking.

Kato Dan, who used telekinesis, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, who enlarged the Vajra Wishful Rod, were able to block Bokuto.

Coupled with the powerful output of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, Uchiha Madara gradually fell into a disadvantage.

"You're pretty good at it, but how do you deal with this?"

Uchiha Madara clapped his hands together, then spread them forward.

"Wood Release·Flower Tree Realm Descends!"

One after another, extremely thick trees spread from the wooden man's feet, forming a huge forest. Countless trees attacked everyone, and many of them entangled Akidao Feng's body.

"Be careful! The flowers in this forest contain pollen with hypnotic power!"

Sandai shouted and immediately held his breath.

As the old Hokage of Konoha and someone who experienced the Warring States Period when he was young, the Third Hokage still knows a lot of information about Mu Dun.

"It's not just that, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Uchiha Madara made another Yin Seal with his hands.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Extinguishing Arrows!"

The sea of ​​​​fire began to spread in the woods.

"Snake's Breath·One Shape·Snake Crooked Slash!"

Orochimaru held the Kusanagi sword and used the snake's breath to chop down large trees around him.

"Wind Escape·The typhoon has passed!"

The third generation used wind escape to blow away all the pollen around him.

It's just that Madara's fire escape burned even more intensely.

"Earth Release: Earth Release City Cutting!"

Jiraiya formed a seal with his hands and slapped them on the ground.

The ground quickly cracked, releasing streams of underground water.

"Old man, Orochimaru!"

Jiraiya shouted.

Orochimaru and the Third Hokage, who understood what Jiraiya meant, quickly formed water escapes.

Wood Release has the characteristic of absorbing chakra, but if you use entities that already exist in nature to perform ninjutsu, it will not be absorbed.

"Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!"

"Water Escape·Water Blade Slash!"

A water gun accompanied by a slender water blade quickly cut off a large area of ​​surrounding trees.

Uchiha Madara's face sank slightly.

Because of the ninjutsu of Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen, he thought of someone he hated.

After fighting so far, even Uchiha Madara feels tired at this moment.

Susaki's surface became even more pitted, and nearly half of his arms were broken off.

Facing the siege of six shadow-level experts, if it was Madara at his peak, then Madara would most likely win in the end, but now he can only exert 40% of the strength he had at his peak, so he can only resist until now. .

However, until now in the battle, Madara has delayed long enough.

Above Bokuto's head, at an angle that Kato Dan and others couldn't see, two White Zetsu faces quietly appeared.

Seeing this, Uchiha Madara knew that the plan had been successfully implemented, and once again used a tree landing to block the vision of others, and then asked one of the White Zetsus to disguise himself and put on a mask, and his true body was in another White Zetsu. Under the package of Jue, he used the art of mayfly to pass through the wooden man, sneaked underneath and escaped.

Without the control of Madara himself, Bokuto's combat effectiveness dropped significantly, Susanoo also disappeared, and he was knocked down by Kato Dan and others within a few moments.

The third generation wielded the enlarged King Kong Ruyi Stick and smashed the wooden man's head with one stick. Then he jumped over as quickly as an ape and caught Bai Zetsu who had turned into Madara.

"Tell me who you really are and why you have the Wood Release and Sharingan!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen ripped off the mask on Bai Zetsu's face, and his expression turned extremely ugly.

Because Bai Zetsu’s face looked like Danzo Shimura’s!

This is the last move left by Uchiha Madara, so he creates a suspicious formation.

Since he has shown the abilities of Wood Release and Susanoo, Danzo is the best candidate to take the blame. Who told him to be so deeply involved with these things?

And if someone does something bad, even if they push Danzo on the head, no one will question whether it is true or false.

Anyway, Danzo has been dead for so long, and there is no way he can lift the coffin board and climb out to prove his innocence.

"He is not Danzo-sama, but the feeling about him is very familiar to me."

Orochimaru walked to the side of the third generation, cut off "Danzo"'s arm with a sword, and after a while of tinkering, it turned back to the original pale color of Bai Zetsu.

"Is it really Bai Jue..."

"We suspected that this thing was created by Danzo before, but now it seems that it is really involved with Danzo."

Uchiha Fugaku also came over and said in a deep voice.

"No, this is definitely not Danzo's handiwork!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said decisively and looked at everyone.

"Everyone, it's not that I still want to protect Danzo at this time, but with Danzo's character, if he had mastered such a powerful power, he would never let it go. If he had really mastered such a powerful power, he would have already I’m going to stop being assassinated.”

"This is indeed something Danzo's magical brain circuit can do."

Orochimaru nodded in agreement.

Danzo is indeed such a person, and he likes to keep things unclear. In the original time and space, he even sent Yamato and Kakashi in their youth to assassinate the third generation. If Danzo is to master such a powerful force, it is estimated that these people here will Here, anyone who competes for the position of Hokage will be assassinated.

"If it's not Danzo, then who else could it be? The Wood Release, and the Mangekyo Sharingan that can cast Susanoo. Who else could be involved with these things besides Danzo?"

Jiraiya scratched his head, feeling like his brain was going to explode.

"Not the Mangekyo Sharingan!"

Uchiha Fugaku said suddenly.

"The enemy only used the three Magatama Sharingan to perform Susanoo!"

"Fugaku, could you be wrong? Without the Mangekyo Sharingan, how can it be possible to use Susanoo!"

Qiudao Qifeng shook his head and said.

"No, my MangekyĹŤ Sharingan will never be wrong! Before the golden potion came out, in order to save the power of the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, Mingjing once proposed an idea to me:

The Mangekyo Sharingan may be just a key to unlock the Susanoo. Every time we use it, we must use this key to unlock it, and then use our own power to push the door open and display a more powerful Susanoo. .

However, this requires the caster to have a very high mastery of the Sharingan and possess superb Yin escape attainments. The Yin escape chakra used can replace the pupil power of the Mangekyo Sharingan to a certain extent. "

After listening, Orochimaru nodded silently.

"Theoretically it is indeed possible, but those who can do this must be members of the Uchiha clan. Only a powerful Uchiha can master the Sharingan to this extent."

"Orochimaru, you also said that this is just a theory. Even Uchiha Mirror, who is stronger than us, can only deduce this possibility, but cannot achieve this step."

Jiraiya spoke after hearing this.

"No, in the past hundred years, there is indeed an Uchiha who is stronger than Ming Jing. If it is that one, then this exaggerated strength makes sense. I just don't know how he has survived to this day and still has the wood. "Escape."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said solemnly.

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