Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 226: Eye Power Recovery Potion

"Then let me wish you a happy wedding in advance, Minato and Kushina."

Namikaze Minato scratched his head, feeling unusually shy.

"Ahaha, speaking of which, Ming Jing, you are already this age, why haven't you started looking for a partner yet?"

Kushina is very relaxed.

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"Are you too high-minded to look down on other girls? How about I introduce you to you? There are many sisters of the right age in the sealing class who admire you very much!"

"Ahaha, this... let's talk about it another day, let's talk another day."

Ming Jing made the same head-scratching action as Minato Namikaze did before, making a joke and trying to fool him.

In order to prevent them from bringing up the topic again, Der Spiegel decided to change the topic.

"By the way, Minato, Kushina, the seven ninja swords in Kirigakure Village, and the Ri Kohaku seal on Dodai's corpse, how are you doing with them?"

After getting back to business, Namikaze Minato and Kushina's expressions immediately became serious.

"Let me tell you first."

Namikaze Minato said.

"The seal of the seven ninja swords coming to the door is indeed interesting, but Kushina and I did not break it because we have a better solution."

As Minato Namikaze spoke, he formed a seal to summon a scroll toad, took out the scroll and summoned seven ninja swords sealed with cloth.

"After Kushina and I analyzed these seals, we started to modify the seals of the Ninja Swordsmen, leaving a back-up in them. Although Kirigakure Village can channel these seven Ninja Swords back, but if in the future If Kirigakure wants to use these seven ninja swords to fight us again, we can still use this backhand to channel the ninja swords over. Unless there is a sealing master of Kushina's level on the opposite side, it will be impossible to repair it. This loophole."

Ming Jing frowned slightly.

"Looking at what you mean, does the Third Generation want to return these seven ninja swords?"

Minato Namikaze nodded silently and looked out the window at Nohara Rin who was placing the button on the snowman's eyes.

"Elder Yan is still negotiating with Kirigakure Village, which has a very firm attitude towards the Three-Tails and the Ninja Sword. But now that the Three-Tails is in Lin's body, it is impossible for the Third Generation to hand over Lin."

That’s hard to say!

Ming Jing complained in his heart, but had a look of approval on his face.

In the original time and space, when Konoha was relatively weak, the third generation of the old monkey had really done this kind of thing, sacrificing his companions in the village in exchange for peace.

But it is unlikely in this time and space.

In terms of high-level combat power, Konoha is now at its strongest period since the death of the first Hokage, and there is no need to compromise with Kirigakure.

Furthermore, it is impossible for the young sects of Konoha such as the Sannin, Kato Dan, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Mingjing to agree to this condition.

Returning seven ninja swords is probably the limit.

"It's okay. If Kirigakure wants to be so messy again, I'll call Orochimaru-senpai and we can go to Kirigakure Village to do what we did in Kumogakure Village before."

Ming Jing waved his hand indifferently and said.

"If that happens, Ming Jing, you must never forget to call me."

Namikaze Minato also started joking.

"It's my turn next."

After Kushina spoke, she also spread out a scroll.

"As for the Li Amber seal on Tutai's body, I have almost reverse-engineered it, but the reason why I haven't done it until now is because the seal has been mixed with Tutai's body. To a certain extent, , somewhat similar to our jinchūriki."

On the scroll, what is depicted is a complete human body of an adult male, with seals engraved on it.

"The entire seal extends from the surface of Tudai's skin to his internal organs. This is equivalent to him using his own body as a container, sealing the Six Paths Ninja Tool like sealing the tailed beast. If he wants to take out the Ninja Tool, he must open it. Seal, if you want to open the seal, you must destroy his body."

"But if the entire body is mobilized, the Li Amber Seal has a very strong integrity and is extremely changeable. If one part of it changes, it will also lead to further changes in the seal itself. In this way, even if I can Its cracking will also take a lot of time, so it is necessary to have an expert with a high understanding of the human body and sealing skills to help plan and shorten this process. "

In Konoha, there are actually three people who can meet the conditions mentioned by Kushina.

Uchiha Mirror, Tsunade, Orochimaru.

"Sister Tsunade seems to be very busy these days, and Senior Orochimaru is nowhere to be seen all day long, so I still have to leave this matter to you, Ming Jing."

"Easy to say."

Ming Jing nodded in agreement.

While they were talking, a few more people came outside the mansion.

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto each held one of Uchiha Itachi's hands and came to the door. Beside them were Uchiha Tatsu and Uchiha Shisui who were supporting Uchiha Yu.

"Lord Mirror!"

Uchiha Itachi bowed to the mirror very respectfully.

"Ming Jing, are you satisfied with this house?"

With the arrival of the New Year, Uchiha Fugaku's always serious face also had a bit of a smile.

"I like it very much, Chief Fugaku."

Ming Jing said with the same smile.

"Yes, this house is suitable for the status of the number one Uchiha master. It can also be used as a wedding room in the future."

Uchiha Yu interrupted abruptly.


"Ahem, by the way, Sister Mikoto, have you brought everything?"

Ming Jing coughed and changed the subject.

"They're all here!"

Uchiha Mikoto answered for Fugaku and waved a large bundle of sealing scrolls in her hand.

What is sealed here is not a ninja tool or something, but a large amount of fresh ingredients.

"Mikoto, you're here just in time. The medical department will be off duty in a while, and Sister Tsunade and Dan-senpai are also coming. There will probably be many people at night. I just need a helper when I start cooking."

Kushina angrily took Uchiha Mikoto to the kitchen to work.

Nohara Rinya and Uchiha Obito finished building the snowman and went in to start the fight.

Not long after, Kato Dan and Tsunade came across the road with Aburame Nami and Inuzuka Rui.

By the time the commonly used New Year foods such as soba noodles, puffer fish hot pot and Tosu wine are served on the table, the sky has darkened and colorful fireworks exploded in mid-air, lighting up the night sky.

Under nightfall, young men and women held a song party to celebrate the New Year.

The new year represents a new atmosphere. When Konoha Village survived many years of war and achieved victory, men, women, old and young, all had new expectations for a peaceful life in the future.

When the last red and white fish plate was delivered to the table, Jiraiya's cynical voice came from outside the door again.

"Well, Orochimaru, it's Chinese New Year, so don't stay in your laboratory studying ninjutsu anymore."

"So you asked me to come out because today is the Chinese New Year?"

"Hey! Don't be so exaggerated, okay? It's not like you can't hear the sound of the concert outside."

Kato Dan and Tsunade looked at each other and took the initiative to open the door.

"Well, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time. Come in quickly. Today's miscellaneous dishes happen to be your favorite fish plates and chicken skewers."

Kato Dan took the initiative to hold Orochimaru's shoulders and walked into the house.

There are many types of zizhu, the most well-known of which is zizhu in the Kanto region, which is the familiar oden.

The zucchini in the world of Naruto will also be different in various countries due to their respective geographical factors. The country of fire is rich in products and has various kinds of zizhu.

"Speaking of which, we Konoha Sannin haven't gotten together like this in several years, so it's time to celebrate."

Jiraiya calmly sat down next to Namikaze Minato, and he picked up the Tusu wine and poured himself a glass.

"Jiraiya, the young people should drink Tusu wine first, and finally it is the turn of Yu-senpai, the oldest one. The implication is that the old people can be rejuvenated."

Orochimaru sat next to Kato Dan, holding a bunch of fish slabs, and gave Jiraiya an annoyed look.

"Even the Sage of Six Paths can't do things like rejuvenation, so I don't really care. But speaking of the youngest, Itachi is not old enough to drink yet, and Shisui and Obito, so are you."

Uchihaha stroked his short white beard and spoke as an elder.

"Why bother with so many things? I suggest that for the first glass of wine, let's all drink together!"

Ming Jing raised his wine glass high and stopped in the middle of the table.


One hand held the wine glass and clinked it in the center. Under the soft light, crystal water splashed.



After celebrating the new year and celebrating the new year, the banquet will also come to an end.

Tsunade, who was extremely drunk, was carried back by Kato.

Jiraiya, who was also drinking slurred speech, was helped away by Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

Uchiha Ha was too old and could not survive for long, so he and Uchiha Tatsu left with Shisui and other younger generations.

Except Uchiha Obito.

He was dragged by Ming Jing, and went to the underground laboratory of the police department with Uchiha Fugaku and Orochimaru.

"Chief Fugaku, Lord Mingjing! And Lord Obito."

The five young Uchiha who were placed in the laboratory all saluted to Ming Jing and his group.

Hearing that he was also called "sir", Uchiha Obito had a silly smile on his face.

"Obito, don't be distracted."

Ming Jing warned, dismissed several assistants, took Obito, and followed Orochimaru deeper into the laboratory.

The underground base is divided into two floors. The first floor looks like a normal laboratory for the development of ninjutsu, ninja tools, and some conventional items.

This is for cover.

The second level is ten meters deep below the first level. The entrance is covered by illusions, and it is also sealed with the iron armor seal that Orochimaru obtained from Kumogakure Village.

"These are...the monsters that were captured by Teacher Ming Jing before!"

Uchiha Obito exclaimed.

I saw several Bai Zetsu bodies placed in glass cylindrical containers filled with unknown green transparent liquid, with tubes connected behind them.

There were also some strange things placed in some containers that Obito couldn't understand, such as a strange big meat ball.

"Haha, Mingjing-kun, I think with the abilities of you and Tsunade, it shouldn't be difficult to discover the special characteristics of the White Zetsu cells. To a certain extent, this is almost a weakened version of that thing, more controllable."

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked his mouth and said.

Since Uchiha Obito was present, he did not mention Hashirama cells.

Although he has opened the MangekyĹŤ Sharingan, Uchiha Obito's current ninja level is not qualified to access Hashirama's cells, which is information that ordinary jonin don't know.

"In other words, the Yang-style potion you mentioned is cultivated using the cells of White Zetsu?"

Mingjing followed Orochimaru's footsteps and walked to a table.

On the table were a row of light golden test tubes emitting faint chakra light.

"Yes, this is the eye power recovery potion made from the Yang-style substance I extracted from White Zetsu's body. It seems to have a general effect, because transplanting a part of White Zetsu's cells into your body can also bring a certain effect of restoring eye power, but..."

Speaking of the subtle point, Orochimaru couldn't help but lick his lips again.

"But this is a byproduct of transplanting that thing into the body of the White Zetsu. Because the DNA between the two is essentially the same, there will be no rejection reaction. Instead, the White Zetsu cells can repair the damaged body after receiving a large amount of homogeneous vitality. I injected a large amount of nutrients into it to speed up the proliferation rate, so that it can continuously produce new White Zetsu cells."

"And I found that the characteristics of these new White Zetsu cells can be adjusted according to the nutrients I injected into them. So now the Yang Release Chakra contained in these new White Zetsu cells, although not as good as that thing itself, is stronger than the original White Zetsu cells. The enhanced serum extracted from it has all kinds of incredible effects!"

While Orochimaru said this, he directly picked up a test tube and drank the golden liquid in it.

As if he had eaten some kind of tonic, Orochimaru's pale face suddenly became ruddy.

In Mingjing's perception, there was a slight increase in the amount of chakra in Orochimaru's body————

For a Kage-level warrior who has reached middle age, it is almost unbelievable that the amount of chakra can increase further at this age.

"This potion can almost repair all injuries, including those hidden injuries in the body that cannot be noticed. At the same time, it has the function of restoring chakra, increasing the upper limit of chakra, and strengthening energy. Even special chakra such as pupil power has a restorative effect. At the same time, it can also subtly strengthen physical fitness. With training, it can better speed up the strengthening speed, and after each use, the speed of chakra recovery can also be improved."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru pointed to himself.

"In order to test the effect of this potion, I used two potions on a big snake in the Ryuchi Cave and cultivated it into another big snake with strength not inferior to the Ten Thousand Snakes. I also took it twice myself, and then I summarized the effect of the potion."

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