Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 224 Orochimaru: Is this Brother Fu? The Root?

Chapter 224 Orochimaru: Is this Brother Fu? Roots? Sorry, not familiar!

"Lin's body...is sealed with a monster like that?! Will that have any impact on Lin!"

Uchiha Obito exclaimed anxiously.

"Whether it has any impact is up to you."

Ming Jing opened his Mangekyō Sharingan and said to Uchiha Obito.


Uchiha Obito pointed at himself.

"Yes, you, and your eyes."

Listening to Ming Jing's words, Uchiha Obito couldn't help but open the three magatama's Sharingan, and then slowly turned the magatama. The three magatama finally turned into three sickles.

"Minzumon-sensei's fiancée is also a jinchuriki, the most powerful of the nine-tailed beasts, and the one sealed into Rin's body is the three-tails."

"Back then, the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara, the ancestor of our Uchiha clan, pacified the troubled times and created the Warring States Period. Later, Uchiha Madara left the village for some reasons, and controlled the Nine-Tails to return a few years later, and he and the First Hokage were at the end of the world. A great battle ensued in the valley.”

"At that time, that place was not called the Valley of the End. It was because the battle between two mythical warriors changed the terrain and bombed the place into a valley, hence the name."

"In that battle, Uchiha Madara was defeated. The first Hokage felt the power of the tailed beasts, so he captured the remaining tailed beasts and distributed them to the major ninja villages."

"And the Kyuubi was sealed into his body by Uzumaki Mito, the wife of the First Hokage, using a powerful sealing technique."

"Therefore, the only three methods that people know to restrain tailed beasts are the sealing technique, the wood escape of the first Hokage, and our Uchiha's Sharingan. To be precise, it is the Mangekyo-level Sharingan. Possessing the power to suppress tailed beasts."

Uchiha Obito closed one eye, put his hand on the door and touched it.

"The Mangekyo Sharingan? Is it what the clansmen said, the Sharingan on top of the three Magatama Sharingan that you and Patriarch Fugaku opened, Mr. Mingjing? Now I have also opened the Mangekyo Sharingan. The information inside tells Me, my pupil technique is a space-time ninjutsu called Kamui.”


Ming Jing nodded slightly.

Even though Uchiha Madara's design deviates slightly from the original time and space, it is still very similar on the whole. Under such circumstances, Uchiha Obito still awakens to the divine space that wants to escape the real world.

"From this time on, you must learn from me as soon as possible how to use the Mangekyo Sharingan to suppress the rampage of the tailed beast's chakra, so as to prevent Nohara Rin's body and mind from being too affected by the tailed beast."

"I will, Teacher Mingjing!"

As soon as he heard that it was related to Nohara Rin, Uchiha Obito's tone became decisive.

"In addition, there is one thing that would have been more appropriate for Kushina, who is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, to tell you, but I will simply tell you now."

Uchiha Obito pricked up his ears.

Because Nohara Rin became the jinchūriki of the Three-Tails, Uchiha Obito attached great importance to this information.

"After becoming a jinchuriki, the jinchuriki itself will form a symbiotic relationship with the tailed beasts, and they will influence each other. For the tailed beasts who have experienced countless years, the influence that jinchuriki brings to him is minimal. "

"But for the Jinchuuriki itself, the violent chakra of the tailed beast is likely to affect the spirit and heart of the jinchuriki itself, and if it is assimilated by the tailed beast, it means that the tailed beast may run rampant in your body at any time. "

"Therefore, wanting to limit this, Uzumaki Mito-sama, the first Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, came up with a solution."

"What can we do?" Uchiha Obito asked anxiously.

"Use extremely strong emotions that are so strong that they cannot be erased by time or anything else as an anchor to stabilize your true heart."

"Strong emotions?" Uchiha Obito didn't know why. His IQ was not very high to begin with. Even though he had grown through a series of things, he was still not a smart person.

"Love and hate are the easiest emotions to bear in mind. They are much stronger and easier than cultivating daily hobbies."

"When you hate a little bit, people will change. Then your Lin may not be the Lin you are familiar with Obito, so only love is the most suitable, just like the former Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Mito Your love for the first Hokage, and the current Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina, also use your love for Namikaze Minato as an anchor."

"As for the anchor point of the three-tailed jinchurikin Nohara Rin."

Ming Jing glanced meaningfully at Obito Uchiha, who was blushing and holding his hands cautiously.

Uchiha Obito is Nohara Rin's anchor, but isn't the latter the anchor of Uchiha Obito?

After the war is over, he will remind Tsunade to arrange for such an outstanding medical ninja to work in the medical department.

"Okay, let's talk about other things later."

Ming Jing turned around and looked at the camp gate.

It's become quite lively there now.

Because Orochimaru and Jiraiya had already severely damaged Kirigakure's army and returned victorious.

Coupled with the seriously injured Fourth Mizukage and the seven ninja swordsmen who were wiped out, Kirigakure Village now has no power to fight anymore.

Now, it's time to enjoy the victory.

Because this also represents the Third Ninja War, which basically comes to an end here.

This protracted war finally ended. Some people were buried in foreign lands, while others returned to Konoha with victory and glory.

One week later.

The negotiations between Konoha and Iwagakure have long ended, and the negotiations with Kirigakure have been left to the leaders of both parties, Mito Kadoen and Elder Genshi.

The fourth Mizukage was seriously injured by Namikaze Minato and hid in the Mizukage building in despair. It is said that his personality became more and more irritable and unpredictable.

Konoha Village.

In order to welcome the heroes of Konoha who had returned victoriously, Hiruzen Sarutobi first held a very grand celebration banquet, and the next day, he led everyone to personally preside over the funeral in front of the commemorative monument.

After the funeral.

Orochimaru couldn't wait to pull Ming Jing away.

"As expected of the Uchiha clan with rich heritage, every instrument here is worth the reward of an S-class mission."

Orochimaru was almost dazzled by the underground laboratory of the police department.

The reward for an S-class mission is more than one million taels, but this order of magnitude is completely insufficient in the face of the research conducted by Orochimaru.

In the past, Orochimaru had been a model worker in Konoha for a long time for his own research, completing high-level tasks to save money for research.

Up to now, Orochimaru has carried out nearly 500 A-level missions and completed more than 100 S-level missions.

This situation did not improve until he was arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen as the second-in-command of the Roots, and he formed an alliance with Danzo and received a large amount of financial support from the Roots.

but now……

Roots, huh.

Orochimaru expressed his unfamiliarity.

"These things are all prepared based on the list you made, Orochimaru-senpai. However, due to the inconvenience of circulation during the previous ninja war, we have not collected some of the instruments. However, now that the war is over, the Uchiha clan's ability is enough to Got it together within three months.”

Orochimaru's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He just wrote that list with the attitude of trying to write as many as he could. He never thought that the Uchiha clan could really collect them all.

Orochimaru could not be more satisfied if he could collect half of it.

"The reason why it still takes three months is mainly because some things cannot be bought at all and need to be customized. The family is already using connections in other countries, which may shorten the time."


"Of course, there will be equipment and other experimental funds, but the reason is still the same as before. Because of the Ninja World War, the economy of the Ninja World has generally been on a downward trend in recent years, and the Uchiha clan's industry has also been declining. It was greatly affected, and the first phase of experimental funding was only about 60 million taels.”

Orochimaru was silent.

Is this Brother Fu?

But don’t be too short, Orochimaru-senpai. Sixty million taels is a little less, but it can still be used for a while. By the second half of next year, the second phase of experimental funds will be at least 100 million taels. If you can come up with it, As a result, I believe that Chief Fugaku will further invest in the laboratory. "

"Mr. Mingjing, I am very satisfied with the conditions here. If there is any flaw, it may be the lack of one or two assistants with sufficient level."

Orochimaru licked his lips and looked at the mirror with excited eyes.

"It depends on how high a level you mean by Orochimaru-senpai."

Ming Jing clapped his hands, and five young Uchiha boys and girls suddenly walked in outside the door, saluting Ming Jing and Orochimaru in unison.

Their ninja talents in Sharingan, fighting, etc. are not very high. They are still just genin when they are fifteen or sixteen years old, and the upper limit of their future development is not very high.

So a few years ago, he changed his track and entered the medical department as an intern. Under the training of Mingjing, he had some attainments in medical ninjutsu and scientific research capabilities.

"They have all studied medical ninjutsu with me for more than two years, and they also have certain scientific literacy. There is no problem in using them to help Orochimaru-senpai."

A trace of pity flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, and then he nodded in agreement with a smile on his face.

The assistant he wanted was someone with advanced medical ninjutsu who could help him complete many difficult operations.

However, within Konoha, apart from Tsunade and Uchiha Mingjing, only a few elite medical ninjas such as Aburame Nami and Medicine Master Noonou can do this.

With such a medical level, he is enough to become a high-level member of the medical department. If he wants such a talent to be his deputy, it is unlikely unless he has the support of someone as powerful as the Hokage.

However, there were five people who could help out, and they could barely help Orochimaru support the laboratory.

The war is over, and everyone is immersed in joy, waiting for the arrival of the New Year along with the winter snow.

"Huh? Me? Blind date?"

Uchiha Mingjing pointed at himself dumbfounded, looked at Uchiha Yu and said in shock.

"But I'm obviously just a 21-year-old young ninja now? I'm going to get married now?"

"if not?"

Uchiha Yu leaned on crutches and knocked on the floor hard.

"You are twenty-two years old, are you still young? Look at Mikoto, he is only a few years older than you. Itachi has already gone to the battlefield and will go to ninja school next year!"

"As the owner of the Mangekyou Sharingan, the blood of your ancestors must be extremely pure. If you can give birth to offspring, the chances of the offspring opening their eyes will also be greatly increased!"

"Among Uchiha Tajima's sons, the surviving ones, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna, both opened the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Now that Itachi has opened his Sharingan at the age of five, and has the potential to become an extraordinary ninja, his future achievements will definitely be great! The family has already decided to urge them to have a second child!"

"Now, it's your turn!"

Uchiha Mingjing's eyes suddenly turned into mosquito-repellent eyes, and he was confused by Uchiha Yu's call.

"This...Grandpa Yu, the problem is...I really have no idea of ​​finding a woman now! I can already live a very happy life by myself. The future of the family should be left to Fugaku's two children. Among the new generation There are also talented people like Obito and Shisui. It’s not too much if they have more than me, and not too much if they have less than me!”

Ming Jing begged bitterly.

"How dare you say such bastard things!"

Uchiha Haha blew his beard and stared, so angry that he opened the Sharingan of the three magatama.

"Well...Grandpa Yu, you see, with such an excellent bloodline in me, I must have a very excellent female as a mother, so that I can breed better offspring, right?"

Ming Jing was in a hurry and planned to use the drag trick.

"You don't have to worry about this. You can choose all the unmarried women of the right age in the family! They will all be happy! If one of them doesn't work, then restore the system of the Warring States Period. You can have three wives and four concubines like Uchiha Tajima. The greater the number of offspring, the more outstanding individuals will be produced.”

Uchihaha tapped the cane and pulled it away.

Ming Jing tugged at the corner of his mouth speechlessly, then crossed his shoulders with his arms, straightened his chest, held his head high, and put on the arrogant look that often appeared on the faces of the Uchiha clan.

"Huh, just those women? They are not qualified to be my Uchiha Mirror's spouse."

Uchiha Yu touched his long beard and nodded involuntarily.

This rhetoric is similar to Uchiha Madara back then!

In Uchiha Madara's eyes, apart from his younger brother Uchiha Izuna, he thought that Senju Hashirama was the only one qualified to be his opponent. He paid attention to him and treated women without pretense.

He felt that no woman was qualified to be his spouse.

Even when Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito got married, Uchiha Madara was still very lonely and said that Hashirama had fallen and was actually like those ordinary people in the world.

Although subsequent history was positive, Uzumaki Mito was indeed the only woman in history at that time who was worthy of Senju Hashirama.

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