Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 222 Assassination

There was a heartbreaking sound of metal cutting. โ–ฒ๐บ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘”๐‘™๐‘’ Search for ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘šReadโ–ฒ

The beheading sword rubbed against the broad knife in the blunt knife, making a tooth-aching sound.


Uchiha Mingjing looks not as tall as Loquat Juzo, but his power is far greater than it.

The beheading broadsword had been cut to one-third of its length by the sharp blade of the broadsword.

"It seems that you are going to die."

Ming Jing showed a devilish smile, picked up the hammer with his left hand, and hit the back of the broad knife hard.

The beheading sword was cut into two pieces on the spot.

Loquat Juzo's death was extremely miserable.

His head was cut and decapitated with a blunt knife, and the lower half of his body was cut into two parts by the broken part of the decapitation knife.

"The next one is the last one."

Ming Jing picked up the half-cut beheading sword connected to the handle, handed the explosive sword and blunt sword to Inuzuka Paladin for care, and then looked into the distance.

"The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost seems to have escaped Hai Yi's range of perception, but Clan Leader Zhiwei and Brother Zhihei and I have exchanged parasitic bugs. Ming Jing, sit on it and it will take you to find them."

Aburame Nami channeled a huge insect and said to the mirror.

This is a giant flying insect that has the ability to fly, is extremely fast, and can carry one or two people. It is difficult to cultivate and is very valuable.

There are only a few in the entire Aburame clan. In addition, during battle, ordinary parasitic insects also have the ability to fly and fight against the air. Therefore, the ninjas of the Aburame clan rarely use this kind of insect against the enemy.

I have to say that this insect flies quite fast.

Although it was nothing compared to Ming Jing's own movement speed, after Ming Jing sat on it, it didn't take long to see Xiguashan Pufferfish and others below.

Because the large swarm of bugs released by Aburame Shihei and Aburame Shiwei were so dark that it was difficult not to see them.

"Okay, I'm going down, you can go back."

Ming Jing patted the big bug on the head, and then jumped down in mid-air.

insect:? ? ?


Like a meteor falling to the ground.

As the earth trembled and the mountains shook, smoke and dust dispersed.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Ming Jing knelt on his left knee, leaned forward slightly, and kneeled in a standard superhero style with his right hand forward.

"Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, what did I say before? Fish may have the ability to break free from fishing nets, but in the face of higher-level predators, they will only end up as food. Now the seven people with Ninja Swordsmen can only All thatโ€™s left is this pufferfish thatโ€™s as fat as a watermelon.โ€

Ming Jing patted the dust on his body and said in a casual tone to the fat man in front of him who was 2.5 meters tall.

"Uchiha Mirror!"

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost said in horror.

He was very strong, and with the cooperation of Samehada, he was able to barely hold on even though he suffered some injuries under the siege of three powerful elite jounin.

Of course, part of the reason for this is that he was desperately trying to escape and exploded with 120% of his normal strength. Moreover, Uchiha Yashiro, Aburame Shiguro and Aburame Shiwei knew that Ming Jing would come, but they were just worried about it. His entanglement and restriction had nothing to do with him fighting to the death.

But this undoubtedly shows how powerful he is.

However, his opponent is Uchiha Mirror.

A man who gave him a greater sense of threat than the Fourth Mizukage.

Seeing the arrival of Ming Jing, the three Uchiha Yashiro dispersed in a tacit understanding, leaving their opponents to Ming Jing while preventing the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost from escaping.

With their strength, they are capable of killing the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost together, but they will inevitably suffer serious injuries if they counterattack.

And the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost also decided to use his final trump card.

The cloth strips on the same's flesh were torn, revealing its spine-covered blade, which was integrated into the body of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost along his arm.

In the end, the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost also had needle pricks, and its already fat body further expanded, revealing some of the characteristics of the pufferfish.

"Water Release: Big Explosive Water Wave!"

The overwhelming, ocean-like flood spewed out from the mouth of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost and poured in all directions.

"Fire EscapeยทThe Great Fire Extinguishes!"

However, Ming Jing's fire escape skills are also impressive, and with his huge amount of chakra, he can perform fire escape on a scale not inferior to that of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon's fire escape with the cooperation of Samekin.




One after another, sharp thorns shot out from the surface of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, which was difficult to detect in the thick fog created by the intersection of water and fire.

However, this is not a problem for Ming Jing, who has the Haki of Seeing Colors + Mangekyou Sharingan.

His body flashed quickly, dodging these needles and charging forward. At the same time, the half-decapitating sword in his hand was swung tightly to deflect all these needles.

But the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost didn't panic.

On the contrary, at this moment, his strength will be greatly improved in this state, but his mind is still very clear.

Fusion with Samehada to become a fishman requires a large amount of chakra - including the watermelon mountain puffer ghost's own chakra, as well as the chakra he had previously stored in Samehada.

In other words, his state does not last long, so he must escape as soon as possible before the fish-man state ends.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost puffed up his cheeks and sucked in air crazily, as if he wanted to devour everything around him. His fat body continued to expand rapidly.

"Hmm? This move... seems a bit like Danzo's summoned beast, the Dream Tapir, which can devour everything in front of it, including the air?"

Ming Jing inserted the half-cut beheading sword into the ground to fix his body, and used his other extra hand to make a seal.

"Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Technique!"

Four fire dragons spewed out of Ming Jing's mouth, and under the influence of the airflow, they quickly grew larger and flew towards the mouth of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

However, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was not panicked when he saw this scene.

Because he didn't even think about using this move to kill the enemy.

"Ninjutsu: Air Puffer!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost suddenly stopped inhaling, and instead exhaled all the air he had inhaled before, blowing the fire dragon in the opposite direction.

While the whole fat body was shrinking rapidly, it also rushed into the sky like a balloon.

This is his escape plan!

"Can you still escape like this?"

Ming Jing dodged the fire dragon that was blown back by the airflow in an instant, put one hand on his eyes, and looked at the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost who was getting farther and farther away in the sky with amazement.

If it were any other Kage-level strongman in the ninja world, this move of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost would have a great chance of escaping successfully in such a wide terrain.

Unfortunately, the one standing here today is Uchiha Ming Jing.

"Heavenly Hand Power!"

Ming Jing's figure disappeared instantly and was teleported to the end of the previous vision.

After leaving the fishman form, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, who became a little thinner, thought that he had finally escaped with his life. When he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was shocked again.

Uchiha Ming Jing's figure suddenly flashed in front of him again without knowing when!

The armed color domineering wrapped around the upper half of the beheading sword, Ming Jing stepped on the air with the moon step under his feet, and his body rushed forward quickly in mid-air.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost had no choice but to inject the few chakras in his body into the Samehada in his hand, hardening it from the previous soft form due to excessive consumption.


A flash of knife light!

The head with long orange hair of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was picked up by Ming Jing, and the tall body fell weakly in the air in an unknown direction by inertia, and was finally smashed into a meat pie.

"Awesome, I didn't expect the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost to have such a skill. If he had used it before, I'm afraid our bugs would have found it difficult to keep up with him under the fierce airflow."

Aburame Zhiwei and others rushed to the place where the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost landed, looking at the big knife Samehada that fell on its headless body and said.

"Big knife Samehada?"

Ming Jing stepped on the moon step and landed next to it. Samehada couldn't wait to twist his body and crawled to Ming Jing's side like a puppy.

Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, and Samehada thought that Mingjing's chakra was of high quality and delicious, so he wanted to change his adoptive father.

Samehada's big sword is indeed the best ninja sword in the ninja world, and there is no other.

However, Mingjing has the Heaven's Tail Feather that is more suitable for him, and the latter can evolve into a spiritual weapon when Mingjing uses Susanoo, turning into a ten-fisted sword with super sealing ability.

Samehada is good, but not his cup of tea.

However, he took the initiative to send it to the door, so Mingjing adopted a strategy of not refusing, not accepting, and not taking the initiative.

Everyone took the seven packed ninja swords and gave them to Mingjing to seal with a scroll.

There is a scroll that can summon seven ninja swords in Kirigakure, which can summon the ownerless ninja swords back. After knowing that the seven ninja swordsmen were wiped out, they will definitely try to summon them.

If no one is watching at all times, and the ninja swords are brought with them to disrupt the summoning technique with chakra, then there is a possibility of being summoned back at any time.

During the Fourth Ninja World War in the original time and space, Mangetsu Kizuki, who was resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation, used a scroll to summon the long sword, the explosive sword, the blunt sword, and the thunder sword among the seven ninja swords on the spot.

The remaining three ninja swords, the broken sword and the beheading sword, were already present, the big sword and the same sword were still in the hands of Kisame, and the double swords and the flatfish were also in the hands of Chojuro, so they could not be summoned.

If Konoha wanted to use these seven ninja swords for itself, it would probably take someone like Minato Namikaze who was proficient in both sealing techniques and space-time ninjutsu to break the summoning seal.

After returning to the camp.

Mingjing immediately felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

At this time, Orochimaru had not returned yet. After Jiraiya led the troops to destroy the large ships used to transport supplies in the Hidden Mist Village, he also took the remaining men to help Orochimaru chase the enemy on the front battlefield and deal with the backhand.

Minato Namikaze also took the three injured disciples to the medical class for treatment.

Therefore, the person who made the decision was still Uchiha Fugaku.

"Inahori, what happened?"

Mingjing called a young Uchiha about 17 or 18 years old to ask.

"Mingjing, not long after you set out, the son of the Fugaku clan leader was assassinated by the Kirigakure assassination team."

Uchiha Inahori said concisely.

He was an Uchiha who opened the three-magatama Sharingan in this war and had a certain status, so if something happened, he should know some details.

"Itachi was assassinated? Is he okay?"

Uchiha Yashiro, who was carrying a scroll, took a step forward and asked Uchiha Inahori.

He has a special relationship with the Fugaku family, and he also treats Uchiha Itachi as his own son or nephew.

"It's okay. The young clan leader was training with the team of Master Mingjing's younger brother Shisui at the time. The enemy was discovered and stopped by Shisui, and was delayed until the Fugaku clan leader and the red jonin arrived."

Mingjing knew that this was probably the method used by Madara and Black Zetsu to restrict Uchiha Fugaku.

As long as Uchiha Itachi was assassinated, regardless of whether the assassination was successful or not, the vigilant Uchiha Fugaku would not easily leave Uchiha Itachi's side.

Unfortunately, even if they tried their best, they could not succeed in the end.

Uchiha Obito has opened the Mangekyล Sharingan. Although it is not known whether his pupil technique is still the same as in the original time and space, at least after a period of growth and stability, he can firmly become a strong man in the upper layer of the ninja pyramid, and it is difficult to set a trap against him.

"Okay, let's go, Yashiro, Shinjo, and Yosuke, come with me to see Itachi and Shisui."

Ming Jing waved his hand to dismiss everyone, and led several Uchiha in the field to the big tent.

As expected, the three members of the Shinku class, as well as Fugaku and his son, were all here.

"Ming Jing."

"Ming Jing-sama!"


Seeing Ming Jing coming, Uchiha Fugaku, Yuhi Shinku, and Uchiha Shisui all stood up to greet him.

After Ming Jing greeted them one by one, he cast his eyes on Uchiha Shisui who was standing with Uchiha Itachi.

"You two tell me about the details of what happened."

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other, and in the end, the former spoke first.

"It's like this, Senior Mingjing, after you answered my questions, I wanted to find Shisui to ask you about your things, so as to better interpret those answers."


Uchiha Fugaku suddenly coughed. His son did not ask about his father's deeds, but went to ask Uchiha Mingjing.

"Itachi, if you have any doubts, you can actually ask me to answer them."

"But father, those questions were only given reasonable answers to me by Senior Mingjing from beginning to end. Perhaps in addition to Senior Mingjing, only Lord Orochimaru, who is considered a wise man, can answer some of them."

"What questions?"

Uchiha Fugaku said with a gloomy face.

"The root cause of the outbreak of war among humans, the meaning of life, the significance of the establishment of the system by the first generation of Hokage, and..."

"Okay, you should get back to the topic."

Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand speechlessly.

Are these questions a ninja should think about?

"Okay, father."

Uchiha Itachi continued.

"At that time, after consulting with Shisui, I trained swordsmanship with Hayate-senpai and Yugao-senpai..."

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