Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 22 A Strange Copycat

Inuzuka looked at Uchiha Mirror and asked:

"But now, in order to complete the mission, we have to kill these poor people with our own hands, and finally send those things back to the Lord's Mansion, so that they can continue to oppress and exploit the residents of Iron Stone Town day after day, year after year. , and after that, it is foreseeable that he will continue to capture a group of small town residents, force them to become miners, and be endlessly exploited in the dark mines. "

"Tell me, is this right?"

Aburame Nami said nothing and stood still, looking at the mirror with curious eyes.

She also wanted to know what kind of answer Uchiha Mingjing would give when faced with this situation.

"We are ninjas."

Ming Jing silently moved his gaze to the mountain village in front.

"Ninjas are never good people. If you want to be a good person, it means that you have not adapted to your identity as a ninja. In the world of ninjas, there is no right or wrong. In other words, the right and wrong of ninjas are different from the mainstream values. "

"Why do ninjas have to be different from others! We are all human beings! Living people with feelings!"

Inuzuka couldn't help but retorted.

What no one noticed was that, floating by the woods not far away, a spirit body that could not be detected by conventional means was carefully watching and listening to the conversation.

Kato Dan knew that although his disciples were excellent and had successfully become genin, they still had to take the final step to become a true ninja.

Although he didn't agree that such a thing was right in his heart, as a jounin of Konoha, he knew exactly what to do as a qualified ninja.

Because he also came through this way back then.

Suddenly, Kato Dan was curious about the true inner thoughts of his most valued disciple on this issue.

"Real opinion?"

Inuzuka Yu and Kato Dan had the same idea and asked the mirror.

"Do you still remember what Article 23 of the Ninja Handbook is?"

Ming Jing asked rhetorically.

"No matter what emergencies arise, ninjas must complete their mission as a rule."

Inuzuka Ryu answered quite quickly.

Because this is a required course in ninja school.

"What about Article 25?" Ming Jing asked again.

"As a ninja, you cannot show your emotions under any circumstances. Everything is focused on the mission. Ninja, you don't believe in tears."

"Are these two answers your answer?"

"No, what I want to tell you is that these two principles in the ninja manual are wrong."

Having said this, Ming Jing silently pulled out his wakizashi.

The snow-white blade exuded a little chill under the moonlight.

"Perhaps ninjas are originally deformed products. The first Hokage may have realized this, so he changed the ninja system of the Warring States Period and established Konoha. But unfortunately, although the first generation did many things that ordinary ninjas could not do, But this is the only thing that even the God of Ninja cannot change."

"But whether you want to just go down this path or find a way to change things, at least you have to get strong enough power, or according to your idea, if you want to do this, you have to be at least a Hokage. "

"But don't you think that these are still too far away from you? Even becoming a Jonin is quite far away from us now. At least for now, what you should do is to bury all the unnecessary thoughts in your heart, and then do everything Everyone thinks it’s the right thing to do. Keep doing it. Either you have the ability to change it, or you end up dying in a certain mission like other ninjas. It’s up to you.”

"At least, you learn to control your psychology, ninja. The most important thing is one word, tolerance."

He talked a lot, maybe he was trying to persuade Inuzuka, or maybe Mingjing was trying to convince himself better.

After saying this, Ming Jing no longer paid attention to whether Inuzuka was still sentimental. He opened his Sharingan, held the wakizashi in his hand, and strode towards the village.

Aburame Nami silently glanced at the Inuzuka and walked forward together. At the same time, she released a large number of bugs lurking around the cottage to prevent anyone from escaping.

Inuzukaru sighed and looked at the white-haired dog next to him.

"Tiewan, let's follow too!"

Perhaps this is how a ninja's life should be, but Inuzuka Hao never agrees.

Maybe, I am a little too naive.

As Uchiha Mingjing said, if you want to change all this, you must at least become Hokage first before you are qualified to complete the great deeds that even the first generation could not complete.

Although he is very confident in his own talent, and like many of his peers in Konoha, he has made becoming Hokage his ambition, but there are also many people in the village who are as talented as him, or even more talented than him.

Such as Uchiha Mirror.

Can you... really do it yourself?

After entering the cottage, Ming Jing looked quite surprised.

Because this place is actually an empty mountain stronghold, and those who stand on guard towers and the like are actually scarecrows wearing shabby linen clothes.

However, it is not that there are no living people here.

Relying on Aburame Nami's insect search, they successfully found the only living person here.

In the hall of the mountain stronghold, a tall, thin, dark-faced man was dozing off in the main seat in the center.

Ming Jing silently took out a photo from his ninja bag.

This guy was the target of his mission this time, the leader of the bandits, the leader of the miners in the past, Ichiro Okamoto.

"You are finally here."

As if hearing footsteps, Ichiro Okamoto opened his eyes and looked at Ming Jing and the other two standing in the center of the hall.

"Did you know we were coming?"

Ming Jing stopped the two companions beside him and asked Ichiro Okamoto in front of him.

Ichiro Okamoto did not answer.

And Ming Jing had already guessed.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be your people in the lord's mansion, otherwise you wouldn't have sent all the bandits away in advance, but I don't know why you are still here."

Ichiro Okamoto's body suddenly stiffened, and then he said:

"It's not that there are my people in the lord's mansion, but even among the people in the lord's mansion, there are also people who are dissatisfied with Yuichi Tobita and even hate him."

"I understand."

Mingjing nodded.

It seems that Yuichi Tobita is indeed not a good guy.

"Then what about my second question? You knew we were coming, why did you follow us? Or why didn't you try to resist?"

Ichiro Okamoto lowered his eyes and said:

"If I tell you, can you agree to one of my requests?"

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