Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 218: Seven Ninja Swordsmen

Ming Jing only stayed with Shisui for three or four hours before leaving.

As an important combat force on Konoha's side, he still has a lot to do.

Kirigakure Village.

Water Shadow Building.

"Mizukage-sama, now Uchiha Mingjing, Namikaze Minato, and Uchiha Fugaku have also arrived on the battlefield, plus the original Jiraiya and Orochimaru, forgive me for being blunt, even with you and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Mizukage-sama With so many people out there, I'm afraid it will be difficult to gain the same advantage as before. The old man suggested that it's time to give up when the time comes. With Sarutobi Hiruzen's character, he would rather give up some benefits in order to end the war."


A bald old man with a long beard sat opposite the fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura, stroking his long beard and said.

He is the elder Yuanshi of Kirigakure Village. He has assisted Mizukage in handling government affairs since the time of the first Mizukage Byakuren. He has extremely high prestige in Kirigakure Village and holds almost as much authority as Mizukage.

Of course, because this old man knows how to behave and can help successive Mizukages handle trivial government affairs in an orderly manner, no Mizukage has thought about getting rid of him until now.

"I know, but this is a battle to establish my authority since I took office. If I don't achieve enough results and get enough benefits for the village, I'm afraid the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost and the others will not be convinced."

Goju Yagura sat in Mizukage's seat and said to the Genshi.

"Then Mizukage-sama is planning to..."

"I plan to personally take action and entangle the two fastest ninjas, Minato Namikaze and Akei Uchiha, with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and then use the army to attract the attention of other strong men in Konoha. At the same time, I will send out an elite team. Seal the Three-Tails into the container, and when the container returns to Konoha, the Three-Tails can cause a big stir, cause heavy losses to Konoha, and boost the reputation of our Kirigakure Village."

What Goju Yagura said was logical and reasonable. After listening to it, Master Yuan felt that it was feasible, so he stopped asking and just went about assigning work and preparing other matters.

Due to the policy of Kirigakure Village, most of the people in this village are lunatics who can only kill people, and there are almost no talents who can deal with internal affairs. This makes Master Yuan now almost eighty years old, and he still has to deal with a large number of people every day. government affairs.

Seeing Yuanshi leaving, Gouju Yagura turned his head to the other side of his body.

"Go ahead and ask the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Ghost Lantern Man Yue to come and gather at my place. I have an important task to give them."


A figure of a Kirigakure ANBU emerged from the dark corner, lowered his head and responded.



"Kirigakure actually dispersed their large forces now. They probably knew that a direct confrontation could not withstand our high-level combat power, so they chose to divide them into parts and delay time. If I guessed correctly, they should be preparing on the sea now. We have built many large ships and are preparing to transport the resources plundered during this period back to the mainland of the Water Country."

After receiving the change in Kirigakure's movements, Orochimaru made an immediate judgment, scanning the crowd with his narrow eyes.

Logically speaking, the person who calls the shots here should be Jiraiya who was the first to take command of the Kirigakure front. However, this person is not very interested in these things. In addition, since he was a child, he has been very convinced of Orochimaru, a smart companion, so he just thinks about it. He left everything to Orochimaru.

The information of Ming Jing, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku was not as deep as Orochimaru's, and they had no idea of ​​fighting for power.

"So my idea is that I will lead a large force in front to launch a frontal attack and contain most of Kirigakure's main forces. Fugaku will lead the remaining personnel to sit in the camp and cooperate with me to compress Kirigakure's front space and force them to fight.

At the same time, when we have attracted most of Kirigakure's attention, Jiraiya, you, along with some elites and a large number of seal scrolls, will go around from the side and try to snatch back the resources taken away by Kirigakure. If you can't , destroyed on the spot! "

"Don't worry, just leave it to me, Orochimaru."

Jiraiya said, patting his chest.

Orochimaru turned his attention to Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Mirror.

"Minato-kun, Mingjing-kun, you are both the top speed ninjas in the ninja world and the most mobile. I need you two to serve as the main backup force on the two main fronts in order to defeat the Fourth Mizukage or Ninja. When the Seven Dao people appeared, they intercepted them as soon as possible."

Ming Jing and Namikaze Minato immediately nodded in agreement.

I have to admit that Orochimaru's battle formation command level is indeed very high. He uses the right combination to win by surprise, and his style is flexible and changeable.

Coupled with achievements in ninjutsu, scientific research and other aspects, this person is truly a top all-rounder with no blind spots.

"Senior Orochimaru, since Kirigakure chose to take the initiative to start the war, he probably wants to take the initiative in his own hands."

Before Orochimaru set off, Ming Jing suddenly stopped Orochimaru again.

"Mr. Mingjing's words make sense. Do you have any ideas?"

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue, licked his lips, and asked the mirror.

He still attaches great importance to many suggestions from his partner Uchiha Mirror.

"If I'm not wrong, Kirigakure should want to attack the place where we must send out experts to maintain, and attract our high-level combat power in order to implement their true purpose."

"This is actually the reason why I use You and Minato-kun as a backup force, because if anything happens, you can arrive at the first time with your speed, which can be used as double insurance."

Orochimaru said.

"But Minato and I's information is well known to everyone. Although it is difficult for ninjas like us to be restrained, if they are held back by something, they can still do it. Since Kirigakure knows the high-level combat power here, If the situation arises, targeted arrangements will definitely be made to impose restrictions.”

"So Mr. Mingjing's idea is..."

Ming Jing attached his mouth to Orochimaru's ear.

"Since Mr. Mingjing has this idea, I will leave it to Mr. Mingjing to take charge of this matter. If you can really set up a trap, you can achieve great results."

Orochimaru nodded and called for the army to move out.

Jiraiya had already set off with a group of Konoha ninjas and began to circle behind enemy lines, while Namikaze Minato followed Orochimaru.

The only ones calling the shots in the camp were Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Fugaku. If there was an emergency, Uchiha Mingjing would be dispatched, and Uchiha Fugaku would be in charge of the camp.

"Ding Jing, what you just said to Senior Orochimaru is..."

"Nothing, Chief Fugaku, I just made a suggestion. Since Kirigakure Village can select seven jounin to form the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the seven people will join forces on the battlefield to have a deterrent effect that is no less than that of top masters like you and me. , then we can also select some elite jounin to compete with them. After all, it would be too shameful if only seven people with ninja swords were used to compete with us. "

Ming Jing crossed his arms and said casually.

"is this necessary?"

Uchiha Fugaku felt that this seemed a bit unnecessary.

"Yes, Chief Fugaku, don't forget that there is still a force in the ninja world that is targeting the young Uchiha. If they still want to attack Obito or others, then the best way to do it is during a war. The timing, when the Third Ninja War is over, and the five major Ninja Villages have to restore the vitality lost in the two Ninja World Wars, the Ninja World will definitely usher in a period of relative peace that lasts for more than ten years. They want to cause trouble again. , not that easy.

So if they take action, then our war with Kirigakure will be their last golden period.

Uchiha Fugaku touched his chin and nodded silently.

"Then if we want to form a combination with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, who would you like to choose, Ming Jing-kun?" Uchiha Fugaku asked again.

"Clan Chief Fugaku has any ideas?" Ming Jing looked at Uchiha Fugaku.


Uchiha Fugaku nodded again.

"If the newly formed combination defeats the famous Seven Ninja Swordsmen, it will definitely gain a lot of prestige. If there are one or two clan members among them, it can also better boost the popularity of our Uchiha clan. Prestige.”

Ming Jing suddenly understood.

Revitalizing the family and increasing the family's prestige is indeed in line with Uchiha Fugaku's ideas.

"I understand. Chief Fugaku recommends someone. Someone who is too weak is not suitable."

"How about Yashiro? Excluding you and me, there aren't many people in the clan who are stronger than him."

Yashiro Uchiha, who is in his thirties, is at his peak as a ninja, and can still maintain his peak for more than ten or twenty years. He is also a rare Uchiha in the Uchiha clan with three Magatama Sharingan eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku recommended him because Uchiha Yashiro had been his playmate since he was a child, and they had a deep relationship. After Uchiha Fugaku became the clan leader, Uchiha Yashiro became his staunch confidant and held an important position in the police department.


Seeing that Uchiha Mingjing agreed to arrange for Uchiha Yashiro, his confidant, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but feel a little happy, and then went to look for Uchiha Yashiro.

Watching Uchiha Fugaku's retreating figure, Ming Jing couldn't help but open his eyes and sense the movements of his three students.

They were now fully armed, organizing their ninja tools, and were ready to fight at any time.

In the original time and space, the three-person team of Metkai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu met the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and were finally kicked into the Lucky Three Treasures by Matt Dai, who had opened the Eight Gates of Dungeon.

And now, the world of Naruto has also ushered in a lot of changes because of Mingjing.

Because Metkai, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu have received better ninjutsu inheritance, becoming Ming Jing's students can be regarded as joining the Hokage lineage. Konoha also has certain resources for them, although their respective talents He is twelve or thirteen years old, but his average strength can be considered as reaching the threshold of jounin.

Although this strength cannot compete with the combination of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, it is already quite difficult.

As for Matt Dai, he was regarded as an important combat force, and Kato Sue asked Ming Jing to stay at the Iwagakure battlefield to helpβ€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

Although Konoha and Iwagakure are fighting and talking, they are still fighting. They must ensure that Konoha's high-level combat power left there can gain an advantage over Iwagakure.

"My three students, and my younger brother Shisui, if you want to hold me back on the Kirigakure battlefield, making a fuss about them is the best choice. And with Kirigakure's combat power, if you want to hold me back, just make a fuss about them." Only the Fourth Mizukage and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen can barely do it. Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu, what will you do?"

Looking at the sunset slowly setting in the distance, the corner of Uchiha Mingjing's mouth curled up.



Uchiha Mingjing never liked being passive.

It's like now that Uchiha Madara is in the dark and Uchiha's mirror is in the light. The latter can only passively wait for Uchiha Madara to make a move, and naturally appears passive.

Fortunately, he had the experience of commanding large armies in combat with Orochimaru and Kato Dan, and Ming Jing also learned some skills on how to turn passive into active.

The best way to use it is naturally to use your own weaknesses, or the weaknesses that the enemy thinks, to lay traps.

When Orochimaru is commanding battles, he especially likes to use this trick to achieve maximum results at the minimum cost.

"Promotion mission? Doesn't that mean that after completing this mission, I will be a jounin like Kakashi?"

Matt Dai put his head on Ebisu's shoulder and looked at the mission scroll that Ming Jing had just issued.

"Not a jounin, just a special jounin. After completing the mission, I will recommend Gai to be the special jounin for the development of taijutsu, and Genma and Ebisu to be the special jounin for the intelligence analysis. I want to become Kaka. For a Jonin like Nishi, Genma and Ebisu are still a little behind in terms of strength. As for Kai... his strength is enough, but it won't work if he doesn't meet the passing standard in command theory."

Uchiha Mingjing said with his arms crossed.

"I understand, Teacher Mingjing! I will work hard!" Metkai still looked like his whole body was on fire.

"Go to the jungle on the west side of the battlefield to search for information related to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen... Teacher Mingjing, is it really okay to arrange a mission of this level for us?"

Shiranui Genma looked at the mission content and couldn't help but complain.

If they really encounter the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the three of them, except for Metkai who may have a chance to escape when the Eight-door Dungeon is activated, the remaining two are probably just enough to suffocate the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Teeth gap.

"Well... I have assigned other tasks to the other elite Jonin in the camp. Now that we are short of manpower, the three of you can barely use them together. After all the calculations, you are the most suitable. Don't worry, wait. After you come back, I will report this mission to Hokage as S-level in the battle report."

Ming Jing spread his hands and said to his three students.

The three of Metkay believed that Uchiha Mingjing, as a teacher, would not push his students to a dead end.

Even if it was true, as Konoha ninjas, they could only execute orders.

"Now, it's your turn to set off. Don't worry too much about the safety of my three students. Even if you encounter the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, their strength should not hold you back."

After Metkai and others left, Ming Jing turned around and gave orders to several Konoha ninjas hiding in the shadows behind them.

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