Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 212 Are there any more experts?

Uchiha Fugaku also planned to show his Mangekyo Sharingan in this war with Iwagakure, giving Iwagakure a little shock to the Uchiha. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

Anyway, he has now exposed his Mangekyō Sharingan at the family meeting and spread it to the outside world, so there is no need to hide it anymore.

"Really, Ming Jing, in addition to the Fugaku clan leader, you have to have one more competitor."

Namikaze Minato held one hand flat, stretched out his fist, and said to the mirror.

Ming Jing made the same move and bumped fists with Minato Namikaze.

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Kato Dan returned to his position at the top and watched this scene with a smile.

"Well, now that Ming Jing and Fugaku-kun have arrived with a large number of elites, our strength has made a qualitative leap compared to before, and the previous battle plan can also be overturned."

Kato Dan waved one hand and used his telekinesis to take off the huge map hanging on the wall behind him, and laid it flat on the square table in the center of the command center. Then he waved his hand again and used his telekinesis combined with illusion to raise a map above the map. A physical sandbox map similar to holographic projection.

"If Ming Jing and Fugaku don't come, according to our previous plan, Tsunade, I, and Minato will lead a large force here to drag down the main force of Iwagakure led by the Third Tsuchikage, and then send multiple small forces to detour from the side and break in. Go to the rear of Iwagakure's front, blow up the Kannabi Bridge, and block Iwagakure's most important logistics channel, thereby forcing Iwagakure to retreat."

Following Kato Dan's words, countless villains appeared on the holographic map to deduce the battlefield situation as Kato Dan described.

Teacher Duan actually developed such a skill?

Kato Dan's hand really surprised Ming Jing.

Kato Dan's voice continued.


As Kato's voice changed, the picture displayed on the map suddenly changed back to what it was before.

"Now we can make changes to the original plan."

At this moment, the heads of four characters appeared on the map.

"The third Tsuchikage Onoki, the fourth-tailed Jinchuriki Lao Murasaki, the fifth-tailed Jinchuriki Han, and the third-generation Tsuchikage's son Huangtu. These four are the four most important core combat forces in the Iwagakure army, especially the two tailed beasts. Chuuriki are extremely destructive in battle. Even if someone can hold them back, the tailed beast jade will still have a great impact on the battlefield. "

"So according to my idea, the jinchūriki of the two tailed beasts will be dealt with by the owners of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Mingjing and Fugaku-kun, who have the power to restrain the tailed beasts."

Having said this, Kato Dan turned his attention to Ming Jing and Fugaku, asking for their opinions.

"I have no objection. It's just a tailed beast. I've defeated more than one."

Of course, Der Spiegel has no opinion.

He was not afraid even of the strongest third-generation Tsuchikage among Iwagakure, let alone any other tailed beast except the Kyuubi.

"If possible, I hope I can deal with the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki."

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly stood up and spoke to Kato Dan sincerely.

"In the previous war, due to my mistakes, many elite ninjas of Uchiha were killed in the hands of the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki. This time, I hope that I can personally make up for the mistakes I made before."

"In that case, once the Five-Tails is dispatched, I will leave it to you, Fugaku-kun, to deal with it."

Kato Dan nodded slightly to Uchiha Fugaku, and then continued:

"Tsunade and I will be the ones to resist the remaining two senior officials of Iwagakure Village. As for Minato..."

Kato Dan turned his head and looked at Namikaze Minato.

"Since Kumogakure has sent troops to attack Iwagakure in another direction, Iwagakure Village has to transfer part of its troops to other battlefields to resist Kumogakure, but now Mingjing and Fugaku have come here with a large number of elites. Between increases and decreases, Iwagakure no longer has any strength advantage."

"So the frontal army will be led by you and Dai Minato, and will penetrate Iwagakure's front line. The target of our attack is..."

Everyone followed Kato Dan's gaze, and where his gaze was pointing was clearly——————

Kannabi Bridge!

Matt Day did not attend the high-level meeting.

It's not that he was ostracized, but... he really wasn't interested.

After being taken to the Yunyin front by Ming Jing once, he had never participated in such a meeting again.

He can understand it, and he is a serious ninja school graduate, although his grades may be a bit poor.

But when asked to suggest something, he would always give the same answer.

"Master Ming Jing is right!"

"I agree with Master Mingjing's decision!"

For him, instead of spending time in such meetings, it would be better to do thousands of push-ups to show off the sweat of youth, and then let the Mirror tell you the results.

For the latter, Matt Day has a high level of trust.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Matt Dai is a direct descendant of Uchiha Mingjing - his son is a disciple of Uchiha Mingjing, and he was discovered by Uchiha Mingjing. What else can he be if he is not a hardcore person?

Perhaps, this is what Matt Dai did intentionally so that his son could get a better future with Mingjing.

"Yoshi! Lord Minato, we meet again! We will be on the battlefield later, please take care of me!"

When they were at the training ground before, Namikaze Minato had already gotten to know this taijutsu macho through the mirror.

"Senior Dai, long time no see!"

A warm smile appeared on Namikaze Minato's face, and he knelt down to shake hands with Matt Dai - because Matt Dai was currently in a handstand on one hand.

Even a second before the war broke out, he, Matt Dai, was maintaining his condition through training!

"Dai, it's time to prepare for action!"

Ming Jing walked next to Matt Dai and said to him.

Behind them are a series of Konoha's elite ninjas such as Inuzuka Rui and Aburame Nami.

Compared to the previous time in Kumogakure Village, there were more elite jounin such as Aburame Shiguro, Inuzuka Paladin, and Hinata Hizashi.

According to the pre-war plan, the first shot will be fired by the elite troops led by Matt Dai. They will serve as arrows and lead the large forces of Konoha behind to attack Iwagakure's line.

"Don't worry, leave it to me! Master Ming Jing!"

Matt Dai did a deft backflip and stood upright.

"In the eight-door Dunjia Formation, open the first door, open it!"

"Second door, open!"

"The third door to life, open!"

"Sixth Scenery Gate, open!"

"The Seventh Shocking Door, open!"

Surging chakra bloomed from Matt Dai's body along with blue steam.

"Everyone, we're on board!"

Matedai ​​howled and rushed towards the Yanyin position ahead.

All the troops on Konoha's side came out. With such a movement, it was impossible for Kumogakure to miss it. They had set up their formations early and prepared to confront Konoha.

"Konoha took the initiative to launch a strong attack on us. It must have transferred the remaining troops to fight us after ending the war with Kumogakure. I just don't know which one of Uchiha Mingjing and Orochimaru came here. Still they all came.”

Ohnoki stood in the Iwagakure formation, his short body suspended in mid-air, looking into the distance.

If it was Orochimaru, Ohnoki knew that this guy was difficult to deal with, but he wouldn't be too afraid.

But Uchiha Mirror...

"Dad, Mangekyō Sharingan...is it really that scary?"

Huang Tu couldn't help but feel confused when he saw Onoki's expression.

Now he is young and energetic, but he is not the rock-like and reliable uncle he was twenty years later.

"If Madara Uchiha hadn't been born in the same era as the first Hokage, he would have been able to dominate the ninja world by himself. As for Uchiha Mingjing, although I haven't fought against him, I can tell from the fact that he can compete with him on his own. Judging from the Raikage boy and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, their strength may be even higher than mine, not to mention there are other strong men in Konoha."

Looking at the silly son beside him, Onoki couldn't help but sigh.

Apart from his big nose and being good at earth escape, this son has nothing like him, especially his height.

Although Huang Tu's strength has barely reached the threshold of the shadow level with his earth escape, but he cannot learn the art of light and heavy rocks, nor can he inherit his own dust escape bloodstains. This is probably the upper limit of his life.

If you want to become the shadow of a village with this kind of strength, you are still half way behind it. Compared with Konoha's Uchiha Mingjing and Namikaze Minato and other outstanding figures of the same age, it is not even a little bit behind.


A dull sound came from under the mask of the steam ninja Han on the side.

As a five-tailed jinchūriki, he is 2.28 meters tall, a little taller than the 2.17-meter yellow earth next to him, and is full of intimidation.

Everyone looked up and saw a green ninja with blue steam all over his body, leading most of Konoha to charge towards the Iwagakure position.

"Steam Beast Matt Dai...According to the intelligence, he is a direct descendant of Uchiha Mingjing discovered by Uchiha Mingjing. It seems that Uchiha Mingjing should have also arrived on the battlefield."

Onoki floated, a trace of worry flashing in his eyes.

"I heard that Matt Dai is called the Steam Beast because steam comes out of his body when he fights. But I don't know how it compares to a steam ninja like me. Third generation, let me stop this guy."

After getting the consent of the Third Tsuchikage, Han led this group of elite Iwagakure ninjas to block Matdai's forward momentum.

Waves of steam emerged from the special red armor on Han's body, pushing his huge body to rush towards Matt Dai quickly.

"Boiling Escape·Unparalleled Strange Power!"


After Metadai and Han exchanged blows, they continued to rush forward.

He remembered what Ming Jing said to him: when encountering a powerful enemy, don't get too entangled with them, because there will be other masters from Konoha's side to help Matt Dai block Iwagakure's masters. He only needs to lead the army forward. Just charge.

Sure enough, just when Han was still trying to pester Matt Dai, intending to stop him, a middle-aged man with half-length hair, wearing a Konoha Jounin vest and clothes with the Uchiha clan emblem, stood in the way. In front of Han.

A bone hand spread out from the Susanoo in the initial stage, and blocked Han's steam power with one punch.

"Your opponent is me!"

Uchiha Fugaku stared at Han, and the huge skeleton Susan gradually covered his body.

"Evil-eyed Uchiha Fugaku, you, the defeated general, have also activated the same Sharingan as Uchiha Mingjing..."

Han's eyes became a little serious at this moment.

In the past, he had a hard time dealing with Uchiha Fugaku who had not activated the Mangekyō Sharingan. However, the current Uchiha Fugaku was obviously not at the same level as before.

"There is also a master! Uchiha Fugaku, he is indeed the owner of the Uchiha clan's second pair of Mangekyō Sharingan just as the spy ninja we sent to Konoha said!"

Ohnoki couldn't sit still anymore and ordered the entire army to attack. At the same time, he floated into the air, holding his hands in vain, and a transparent cube emitting white light condensed between his palms.

"Chen Escape·The Original Realm Peeling Technique!"

The white transparent barrier turned into a beam of light and shot out towards the Konoha army below, but was blocked by a blue telekinesis.

Dust Release can decompose everything into an atomic state, but Kato Dan's telekinesis is condensed from extremely powerful mental power. It is between reality and reality. The things that Dust Release can decompose are real things. Take this equally strange thing. The ninjutsu was powerless, and it could only evolve into a chakra competition between the two sides.

"The Third Tsuchikage, we meet again."

Kato Dan's whole body was shining with light blue light, he also suspended himself in mid-air, and said to Onoki with a smile.


Onoki snorted lightly, did not answer, and continued fighting with Kato Dan.

The two sides have fought many times on the Iwagakure battlefield, and they can be called old rivals. Against Kato Dan's telekinesis, Ohnoki obviously has no good solution. Instead of using dust escape, which consumes a lot of chakra, It's better to just use other regular ninjutsu.

Just when Onoki was entangled by Kato Dan, Huangtu also brought Iwagakure's explosive escape troops to find Tsunade.

In terms of hard power, Loess is obviously not Tsunade's opponent, but fortunately he has practiced Earth Release to an extremely high level, and his ninjutsu has super strong defensive capabilities.

In other words, he may not be able to defeat very strong enemies, but when he is beaten, his ability to resist is very strong.

With the help of the explosive escape team, even if he can't defeat Tsunade, he can barely deal with it.

As for Uchiha Mirror...

"Are you the Four-Tails Jinchuuriki, Lao Zi?"

Ming Jing crossed his arms and looked down at Lao Zi with a stern look.

The reason for looking down is because Lao Zi is actually a short man with a height of only 1.49 meters.

The people in Iwagakure Village are very distinctive in terms of height. There are short guys like Ohnoki and Lao Zi who are over 1.3 and 1.4 meters tall, and there are giant men like Huang Tu and Han who are over 2 meters tall.


This was Lao Zi's first reaction when he saw Uchiha Mingjing, so that the moment he saw Mingjing, he subconsciously entered a fighting state.

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