Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 182 Mighty Dai (4K)

Four days later.

With Bailey's pockets replenished, Ming Jing boarded the navy branch's patrol warship, bid farewell to Yukimura who was standing on the bow waving, and set foot on the land of Shuangyue Village.

"Moses, Moses, how can I get to Yishin Dojo?"

At the entrance of the village, Ming Jing stopped a green-haired kid with a dog's tail grass in his mouth and asked him.

Judging from the other party's appearance, he should be an apprentice of Isshin Dojo.

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"Isshin Dojo? I'm familiar with it, but judging from your appearance, you should be a swordsman, right? In this case, fight with me and I'll take you there!"

The green-haired boy spat out the dog's tail grass in his mouth, looked at Ming Jing, and said after taking a look at the tail feathers of the sky and Zukiri on Ming Jing's waist.


"Don't underestimate me! I was able to defeat adults in the dojo when I was nine years old!"

The green-haired man said, waving his fist.

"Okay then, you draw the sword first."

Ming Jing said helplessly.

However, a second later, the green-haired boy who had just taken action was kicked to the ground by Ming Jing.

Unwilling to admit defeat, Zoro climbed up from the ground again.

Then he lay down faster than before.

After repeating it several times, Ming Jing felt a little helpless at the stubbornness of this kid.

"Look at this, how about you take me to Isshin Dojo first, and we can continue after that?"

The green-haired boy tilted his head and thought for a moment, then finally nodded in agreement.

"No regrets!"

Half an hour later.

"I said kid...are you sure you are leading the right way..."

Why does Ming Jing feel that if he continues walking, he will reach the next village on the other side of the mountain?

"This...should be right, that's where we should go next!"

"That was the direction of the port when I disembarked..."

Several black lines were drawn on Ming Jing's forehead.

Although his tone was still so confident before, he turned out to be a road idiot...

He probably already guessed who the green-haired boy was.

If there are only two signs of Frost Moon Village and Green Hair, it may not be possible to make a conclusion, but coupled with the attributes of Road Chi, I guess there will be nothing wrong.

The future second-in-command of the Straw Hat Pirates, Roronoa Zoro.

Ming Jing had no choice but to take Sauron back the way he came, and find someone to inquire again.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Enichi, but my student Zoro really has no idea about directions. It's not intentional."

In the Isshin Dojo, Koushiro Shigetsuki offered tea to Ming Jing sitting opposite the tatami with an apologetic look on his face.

This is a middle-aged man with a peaceful face, with a long ponytail, and a pair of squinting eyes hidden under a pair of round glasses.

"It doesn't matter. This child's qualifications are very good. He has a deep obsession with swordsmanship in his heart. He will definitely be a powerful swordsman in the future."

Ming Jing took the tea and said politely to Koushiro Shigetsuki.

Shigetsuki Koushiro couldn't help but look at the mirror.

Ming Jing was also looking at Shigetsuki Koushiro.

He could feel that the man in front of him, who didn't look strong, didn't have any murderous intent. He looked extremely peaceful, but he had a very pure sword intent.

"Are the guests from Wano Country? When my father Kozaburo was still alive, he often talked about the various scenery in his hometown. I wonder if Mr. Yuichi knows the current situation of Wano Country."

Ming Jing couldn't help but feel startled, and then quickly returned to his natural state.

I almost forgot that Kozaburo Shigetsuki was a swordsmith from Wano Country.

Fortunately, Shigetsuki Koushiro was born after Kozaburo stayed in East China Sea and married a woman here. Although he may know some things about Wano Country, he has never been to Wano Country himself.

Coincidentally, so does Der Spiegel.

"Wano Country...it's okay not to talk about the current situation."

Ming Jing shook his head vaguely.

"Mr. Yuanyi, please inform me so that when I pay homage to my father, I can inform him of the current situation in my hometown."

Koushiro made a dosha seat in front of the mirror very sincerely and respectfully.

Now it's impossible for Mingjing to say something true.

"Okay, but I think those things might not be appropriate to tell your father."

Ming Jing sighed slightly.

"After Kozuki Sukiyaki, the one who took over as the general of Wano was Kuotan Orochi of the Kuotan family."

Koushiro couldn't help but be stunned by his movements.

"Where is Kozuki Oden? More than ten years ago, he was also a famous pirate among the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates. Shouldn't he inherit the position of General of Wano?"

"But the problem is that Kozuki Oden is a fool with a brain problem. He ran around naked on the street for several years, finally pulled himself together and fought against Kaido's snake. In the end, he was fooled by the snake into a frying pan, and was finally killed by Kaido. die."

Koushiro was silent.

"What about...the Shuangyue family?"

"The Suzuki Daimyo Shigetsu Ushimaru was imprisoned by Kaido and then challenged Kaido, and eventually died. The White Dance Daimyo Shigetsu Ieyasu also became anonymous after that and disappeared."

To be honest, Ming Jing has always felt that some people in the pirate world have brain problems.

Especially Kozuki Oden.

If it were someone with a normal IQ, he wouldn't end up like this.

No matter what happened, he still had Whitebeard to turn to for help.

It can be said that the fate of the Kozuki family was brought about by Kozuki Oden himself, and it also implicated a large number of people.

"Did so many things happen? Then where is the famous sword Qiushui handed down from the Shuangyue family?"

"When Moonlight Moria's pirates fought against the Beasts pirates, the famous sword Shusui was stolen along with the bones of Shigetsuki Ryoma."

Ming Jing poured cold water on Koushiro again.


Shigetsuki Koushiro sighed helplessly and looked out the window at Zoro who was challenging Kuina in the yard.

"Zoro is actually Shigetsu Ushimaru's nephew. His grandmother Shigetsuki Osamu is Shigetsu Ushimaru's sister. She left Wano Country at sea with my father Kozaburo more than 40 years ago."

Ming Jing followed Shigetsuki Koushiro's gaze.

At this time, Zoro was once again knocked out of his sword by Kuina.

"Thank you Mr. Yuanyi for bringing me the news about my hometown. I am very grateful. It happens that dinner in the dojo is also ready now. If there is anything wrong with Mr. Yuanyi, you may wish to chat with me at the banquet. It’s a good idea for me to show my kindness as a landlord.”


Ming Jing nodded slightly to Shigetsuki Koushiro.

That night, the two talked happily.

Shigetsuki Koushiro gave Ming Jing a big surprise.

The master of the dojo didn't actually take many shots in the East China Sea, and he didn't have much experience fighting against strong men. At most, he usually beat pirates that harassed the village. Although his strength was pretty good, he didn't have much experience fighting against the powerful ones in the East China Sea. There is actually a big gap between the top players.

But the most outstanding thing about this guy is not his strength, but his understanding of the sword.

This is a figure somewhat similar to Wang Yuyan, who has reached an extremely high level in theoretical knowledge.

Unlike Wang Yuyan, Ming Jing believed that if Koushiro also ventured overseas, his strength would grow to an incredible level, and he would become a top powerhouse in a few years.

However, the most valuable knowledge that Ming Jing gained from Shigetsuki Koushiro was not swordsmanship.

But domineering.

"Haki, I don't have a deep grasp of Haki."

As Koushiro said this, he stretched out a finger that turned black and shiny, and carved the word "heart" on the table.

"Haki, in addition to the overlord color that may be awakened by those with the qualifications of a king, the main ones are the sight color haki and the armed color haki. According to what my father said, in the country of Wano, this technique is also called the flowing sakura. "

"The so-called domineering force actually originates from the power of belief in people's hearts, which is guided out through various methods. For example, seeing and hearing color can be understood under the crisis of life and death. Arming color requires a strong body as a medium and support."

"So the battle between the strong men on the sea is not only based on physical or fruit abilities, but also on the collision of their respective beliefs. Without strong enough beliefs, it is impossible to conquer the sea."

Koushiro explained to Ming Jing very patiently.

"This is somewhat similar to the swordsman's iron-cutting realm. It is an extension of one's own inner beliefs and affects reality to strengthen oneself."

Ming Jing felt that he had vaguely grasped the clue.

"Mr. Yuanyi's understanding is indeed extraordinary. In fact, Zantetsu itself can be regarded as the prototype of the swordsman's armed haki. When the body is not strong enough to successfully guide it out, and due to the swordsman's will, It's sharper and more determined than others, it's just part of the effect it shows before awakening the Armament Haki."

"So that's what it is..."

Ming Jing nodded slightly, understanding.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to nag you Koushiro for a while."

Ming Jing planned to stay in Shuangyue Village for a while and ask Koushiro for advice.

"It's okay. Instead, I would like to thank Mr. Enichi for bringing me the news about Wano. Besides, the conversation with Mr. Enichi was also very enlightening for me."

Koushiro raised his glasses and said with a smile.

Naruto world.

Uchiha clan land.

"This...Mingjing-sama, are you sure you want to hire a genin from me to help you develop new ninjutsu?"

In front of the door of Ming Jing's house, Matt Dai said to Uchiha Ming Jing with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, but to be precise, it is to develop new physical skills. And I said Mr. Dai, can you talk to me normally... I just said that Kai likes to do everything upside down recently, even eating and washing. You have to stand on your head..."

Ming Jing covered his forehead and looked at Matt Dai, who was standing upside down with one hand at the door of his house.

A middle-aged man wearing green leather tights stood upside down in front of his home in a strange posture. It was really embarrassing...

The old lady Uchiha Hisamai who was doing business across the street was already looking over with surprised eyes.

The favorite thing of this old lady, besides dancing in the square, is gossiping among the neighbors. Mingjing doesn't want her reputation as a mirror to be smeared.

"Ah, Master Ming Jing, this is my latest physical training method. No matter what you do, you can maintain an inverted posture even when eating and washing your hair, so that you can exercise your body at all times!"

Matt Dai returned to his normal appearance, showed his big white teeth of the same style as Met Kai, and said with a thumbs up.

"Is that so? Then Mr. Dai, do you maintain this position when you pee in the toilet?"

"Eh? Not really, but I'm working on filling this gap recently, researching a training method that can also exercise muscles while going to the toilet..."

Ming Jing was a little speechless, and could only hope that he had not found the wrong person.

After copying the three moves of the Navy Six Styles that Yukimura knew, Ming Jing tried to reproduce them.

But the problem also appeared at this time.

That is, the human body in the Pirate World is actually different from that in the Naruto World.

Before Ming Jing traveled through time, a normal human body was composed of 40-60 trillion cells, while in the Naruto World it became 130 trillion.

As for the Pirate World, it is also different from the humans in these two worlds.

At least, there are no normal people who can grow to three meters in these two worlds, nor are there humans who are 6.66 meters tall like Whitebeard, or 8.8 meters tall like Charlotte Linlin.

If you want to reproduce the Navy Six Styles on yourself, you need to localize it and improve it into a version suitable for humans in the Naruto World.

There is no doubt that the most talented person in the entire Konoha in terms of physical skills is undoubtedly Might Dai in front of him, even though he is just an all-purpose Genin.

Therefore, Ming Jing specially issued a task at the Hokage Building, specifying that a Genin who is good at physical skills and experienced should cooperate with him to develop new physical skills.

Thanks to the reputation of the instant body Ming Jing, there were really many Genin who wanted to try their luck at the beginning.

The skills developed by such a powerful ninja are not simple. If you can master the powerful new skills developed by the instant body Ming Jing in this process, wouldn’t it be a great profit?

However, after several eliminations, Ming Jing finally waited for Might Dai.

When he saw Might Dai for the first time, Ming Jing knew why such a master of physical skills would only be a Genin.

In the vision of the transparent world, Might Dai had countless hidden injuries caused by training all over his body.

"Mr. Dai, did you feel pain in your left shoulder when you were doing a handstand just now?"

"Well, that's right, but if you can't overcome a little pain, what kind of man are you? Master Mingjing, just rest assured to tell me the task!"

Might Dai bent his arms, showing his biceps, and made a few bodybuilding moves to show that he is in good shape now.

He really didn't want to be thrown into this lucrative task.

As a Genin, he is not strong without opening the Eight Gates, and can only do some C-level and D-level tasks that don't make much money.

But in order to support the training of himself and his son, a lot of resources need to be consumed.

"Not only the shoulder, but also your left knee, the second joint of the right toe and many other places have hidden injuries."

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