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"Something big is going to happen in the family today. {What? You don't know yet|Read COM, read the chapter without mistakes|Hurry up and google it}"

Ming Jing replied to Namikaze Minato.

"Eh? How come I don't know about this big deal?"

Uchiha Obito scratched his head.

"Because you can't participate in the clan meeting yet."

Der Spiegel briefly explained.

Tonight is the moment when he officially takes the center stage in the Uchiha clan.

Konoha Village, Uchiha clan land, Nanga Shrine.

Because every January 9th is the birthday of God Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, the regular clan meeting of the Uchiha clan will be arranged on the 9th of every month at Nanga Shrine.

A well-known Uchiha wearing a clan emblem stepped into the secret room where the clan meeting was held.

The clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, straightened his chest and sat in front of the Uchiha stone tablet that had been passed down for thousands of years, waiting for everyone to arrive.

But today, the most eye-catching thing at the clan meeting was the person in the middle of the first row. Setsuna Uchiha, the original clan elder, was replaced by a young man with a handsome face wearing a haori.

Instant mirror!

Many tribesmen looked at Ming Jing with a bit of fiery eyes.

That is the reverence for Ming Jing's powerful strength and the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan.

Time gradually passed until Uchiha Setsuna arrived.

Seeing that the middle seat in the first row was occupied, a complicated expression flashed across Uchiha Setsuna's face.

He was dissatisfied with Uchiha Fugaku, the clan leader.

Because compared to famous strong men such as Uchiha Tajima and Uchiha Madara who once opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, Fugaku was far inferior in terms of strength and courage.

As for Uchiha Mirror, Uchiha Setsuna's feelings were even more complicated.

On the one hand, Uchiha Mirror has indeed made great achievements on the battlefield, becoming the representative of the Uchiha clan to the outside world in this era, revitalizing the reputation of Uchiha, and awakening the Kaleidoscope, which is of great significance to Uchiha. Sharingan.

Uchiha Setsuna is quite recognized in these aspects.

But on the other hand, as a veteran Uchiha of the old Zheng Huangqi, he is very uncomfortable with the Senju series, and he is also quite dissatisfied with the Hokage series that evolved from the Senju series.

But unfortunately, Ming Jing is a disciple of Tsunade and the disciple of the Third Hokage...

This made Uchiha Setsuna think of the Uchiha Mirror back then.

Setsuna Uchiha sat obediently on the right side of Ming Jing, acknowledging that Ming Jing's status in the family was now higher than his.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Yu, who was sitting on the left side of Ming Jing, gently stroked his beard, nodded, and secretly exchanged glances with Ming Jing beside him and Uchiha Fugaku on the stage.

Now that everyone is in place, it's time to start acting!

"Ahem, Chief Fugaku, everyone has arrived and the clan meeting can begin."

Uchiha Yu coughed and said to Uchiha Fugaku.


Uchiha Fugaku nodded, looked at the crowd below, and asked:

"Everyone, does anyone have anything important to report regarding this clan meeting?"

Uchiha Mingjing and Uchiha Yu were still sitting in their positions, looking at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses.

In order to avoid suspicion, some things are not convenient for them to talk about themselves.

But fortunately, although Uchiha Yu has retired, he still has considerable influence and connections within the family.

"Chief Fugaku, I, Uchiha Taki, recommend Uchiha Mirror to be the elder of the family! Uchiha Mirror defeated the Kazekage in the war, severely injured Chiyo, and killed the tailed beast. He was called the instant mirror and revitalized Uchiha. With his prestige and the opening of the supreme Sharingan Mangekyō, he is fully qualified to hold any position in the family!”

An Uchiha jounin sitting at the end of the first row stood up, and after finishing speaking, he glanced in the direction of the middle of the first row.

"I agree!"

"Yes, I agree too!"

"Master Ming Jing, I support you too!"

Many of the tribesmen below waved their arms to support Ming Jing.

"I have no objection, but every power within the family is now vacant. If Ming Jing becomes an elder, what powers should be given to him?"

Uchiha Fugaku had a serious face, observing the expressions of everyone below.

Uchiha looked at Uchiha Fugaku for a moment, then stared at the mirror carefully for a few seconds, and then raised his hand.

"I do have a suggestion."

Uchiha Setsuna said calmly.

"I don't know what elder Setsuna has to say. Could it be that he plans to hand over his power to a more suitable person so that he can retire and enjoy his old age?"

There was something hidden behind Uchiha Fugaku's words, and he looked at Uchiha Setsuna with the same cold expression.

It had been several years since he had been at odds with Setsuna Uchiha. He had even been at odds with Setsuna Uchiha decades ago after his father came to power.

"Although I am happy to do this, I still feel that my old bones can use my remaining energy for the family, and compared to this approach, I have a better suggestion."

"Say it."

"That is to let Uchiha Mingjing serve as the head of the police department, and you, Fugaku clan leader, will still serve as the clan leader. After all, in terms of strength and external prestige, Mingjing is the best one in the family!"

Uchiha Setsuna made a shocking statement.

All the clan members were shocked by Uchiha Setsuna's words.

Mingjing secretly glanced at Uchiha Yu, and the meaning in his eyes was "Did you arrange it?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head speechlessly.

It is true that he has certain connections and influence in the family, but he can't do this!

What's more, if he really did this, he would undoubtedly tear his face with Fugaku.

I'm afraid that Uchiha Setsuna's idea is to let Mingjing and Fugaku tear each other apart so that he can benefit from it.

Otherwise, if Mingjing and Fugaku really want to join forces, the first thing to be solved is probably Uchiha Setsuna, the first unstable factor in the clan.

Of course, with Uchiha Setsuna making such a fuss, the effect of this performance might be better than they expected.

"The strongest one in the family? Elder Setsuna, are you sure..."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Setsuna with a sneer on his face, then he closed his eyes and opened them again, revealing his Mangekyō Sharingan!

The clan members below were speechless.

How did Uchiha Fugaku open his Mangekyō Sharingan?

"Pa, pa, pa, pa..."

A series of applause broke the silence in the secret room, and everyone looked up.

The one who applauded was the other protagonist of this incident, Uchiha Mingjing, who had not spoken before.

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