Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 17 The First Mission

"Today's young people are really amazing. โ—†๐†๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฅ๐žSearch๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐œ๐จ๐ฆReadโ—†"

The smile on Kato Dan's face became even wider.

Up to now, Ming Jing has demonstrated multiple C-level fire escape ninjutsu, is proficient in shuriken, and has good combat qualities. These alone are no worse than many chunin.

According to Kato Dan's point of view, Mingjing lacks enough actual combat experience and other systematic combat capabilities to become a true chuunin. As long as he spends a few months to make up for these, he can be regarded as an excellent one. Chuunin fighting strength.

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To be able to learn so many fire ninjutsu at this age, I can only say that my disciple is worthy of being an Uchiha who has opened the Sharingan. No wonder he is considered to be the most outstanding genius of Uchiha in recent years.

Those super-standard geniuses are basically successfully promoted to chuunin within one year of graduation, because their own comprehensive quality is not far from chunin, and they only need to make up for a small amount of lack of practical experience and situation judgment ability. , simple command operations and the ability to guide the team to cooperate in operations are enough.

Moreover, after becoming chuunin, their strength will grow rapidly in the next few years, and they can become jounin when they are about thirteen or fourteen years old. If they can continue to maintain this speed of progress, they will be able to become a ninja. Reach the film level before reaching the peak period.

While Kato Dan was filled with admiration in his heart, he also did not forget to deal with the huge fireball in front of him. He first kicked the Inuzuka Katsura away with one kick, then quickly formed a few seals and released a wind escape... A big breakthrough comes to block the front.

The flames and the strong wind collided with each other, rolling out scorching waves of air around them, making it impossible for Nami's insects to get close.


Here, Ming Jing is in a stalemate with Kato Suan using ninjutsu, while on the other side, Inuzuka Ryu falls down and gnaws in the mud.

"Woof woof!"

Tetsumaru ran over happily wagging his tail, and even stuck out his tongue to lick the Inuzuka Tatsumi's face.

After touching Tetsumaru's head, Inuzuka looked at Ming Jing, who was gradually losing ground in the ninjutsu duel, and suddenly turned his head towards Tetsumaru beside him.

"Kato-sensei, you are not the only one who knows this ninjutsu."

With his Sharingan open, Ming Jing could naturally see that he was at an absolute disadvantage in the ninjutsu clash with Kato Dan. Fortunately, during the graduation exam a few days ago, he had already used the Wind Escape of Moonlight Tornado. The breakthrough was copied.

Fortunately, when he was tested with chakra test strips afterwards, Ming Jing also confirmed that his chakra attributes were wind, thunder, and fire, and he happened to be able to use this wind escape.

"Wind EscapeยทBig Breakthrough!"

The strong wind surged up, pushing the fire ball forward again.

The wind helped the fire, and the momentum suddenly became much louder.

Kato Dan nodded secretly with satisfaction.

The performance of this class of students is very good. Needless to say, the performance of the other two genin is also top-notch among the newly graduated genin. Judging from the previous battles, the three of them also consciously cooperated as a team, but they only have a tacit understanding. Still slightly lacking.

Just when Kato Dan felt that the assessment was almost over here and it was time to add more water so that they could grab the bell, Inuzuka Ryu suddenly rushed over and quickly spun around while running, turning into a tornado. Attacking Kato Dan.


"Are you planning to attack me while I'm in a stalemate with Ming Jing's ninjutsu?"

Kato smiled and shook his head, then formed another seal in his hand.

"Earth EscapeยทEarth Flow Wall!"

The strong wind carried the fireball and hit the thick and solid earth wall heavily, shaking off a lot of debris, but the main body of the earth wall was basically intact.

After blocking Ming Jing's ninjutsu, Kato Dan quickly formed a seal with his left hand, spreading a mass of rocks on his right hand to cover his palm, and then clenched his fist into a fist, trying to block Inuzuka Kiba and knock it away at the same time.

As a Jonin, he usually masters at least two changes in the nature of chakra attributes, and the same is true for Kato Dan.

His chakra attributes are wind, fire, and earth, and he has considerable attainments in these three series of ninjutsu.

However, what was unexpected was that the moment before Inuzuka Kiba was knocked away, he violently threw a white-haired dumpling in his arms forward.

Tetsumaru's small body twisted lightly in mid-air, stretched out his mouth, and immediately snatched the bell hanging from Kato's broken waist in his mouth.

"Okay! Victory!"

The Inuzuka tiger excitedly jumped up from the ground and raised the iron pill high that came to claim credit with a bell in its mouth.

"I knew that the super tooth-clearing technique I invented, the endless cycle of tooth-clearing, would definitely have miraculous effects, hahahaha!!"

Inuzuka laughed excitedly and took the bell handed over by Tetsumaru.

"They are quite capable, my lovely subordinates."

Kato Dan crossed his arms and said with a smile.

Being able to master the art of spiritual transformation, his mental ability is extremely powerful, so he also has good perception ability, otherwise he would not lead such a team that is good at reconnaissance.

The family ninjutsu of Inuzuka and Aburame Nami all have strong reconnaissance capabilities. Ming Jing's Sharingan is quite inferior in this aspect. However, when arranging classes, Ming Jing's positioning is to supplement this. The main combatant of the team.

"But there are only two bells, and there are only three of you. How should we divide them?"

Kato Dan's face showed an expression of watching a play.

"Ryo, give me a bell."

Mingjing looked at Inuzuka Ryo and suddenly said loudly.

Aburame Nami lowered her head silently when she heard this.

Inuzuka Ryo looked at Mingjing, then at Aburame Nami, at a loss.

According to the performance, he and Tiemaru finally took the bell from Kato Dan, and Mingjing was the one who took the most pressure in the whole battle. Logically, he should have been given one, but...

"Touch the shrinking one."

Mingjing shook his head, snatched a bell from Inuzuka Ryo's hand, pulled out the wakizashi, and cut it in two with a knife.

"This is yours."

Mingjing stuffed half of the bell into Aburame Nami's hand, and turned to look at Kato Dan.

"Teacher Kato, now the three of us have the bells that we snatched from you, so we should be considered to have passed. After all, half a bell is still a bell."

Hearing this, Aburame Nami silently clenched the bell in her hand and raised her head.

"Ah, of course!"

The smile on Kato Dan's face became even stronger.

Third-generation master, it seems that even without me, this child has already comprehended part of the will of fire passed down by the first generation master!

"Congratulations on passing my test, then I will announce something next."

Kato Dan clapped his hands and emphasized the students' attention.

"Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, gather at the square in front of the Hokage Building and be ready to accept your first mission as a ninja!"

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