Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 163 Kato Dan's Crisis


"A tail was actually blocked by Kato Dan... and the golden flash Minato Namikaze blocked Chiyo. Do you know we are going to use the tailed beast?"

Luo Sha looked at Ming Jing who was fighting with him suspiciously.

He was wondering if there was another spy from Konoha inside Sunagakure.

After all, the roots have been very active in the ninja world in the past two years.

"Does this still require spies? I said Luo Sha, are you too underestimated us? Can't you guess this with just a quick guess?"

Ming Jing waved out streaks of flaming sword energy, scattered Luo Sha's placer gold spears, and said to Luo Sha with a look of disdain.

Luo Sha had a cold face and did not believe the enemy's words.

He has already planned to go back and further intensify the purge, no matter whether he wins or loses this battle, which will also make it easier for him to control the power of the village.

"Magnetic Escape·Alluvial Gold Realm Method!"

Countless bamboo shoot-like sharp gold thorns spread out from Luo Sha's side, stabbing at all the clones of Ming Jing around him from all directions.

The three magatama in Uchiha Mingjing's eyes rotated rapidly, and his body shape flashed and changed rapidly to avoid these gold placer spikes. If he couldn't avoid them, he simply used fire escape to melt them.

The battle between the two has been at a stalemate for a long time.

With countless placer gold to protect himself, Ming Jing could not rush into Luo Sha's side. Luo Sha was also helpless against Ming Jing's powerful melee ability and super-fast teleportation technique, and even had to use all his energy to protect himself and prevent being caught. Ming Jing rushed to his side.

He is a classic ninjutsu type ninja, not very strong in physical skills.

In other words, there are no ninjas with strong physical abilities in Sunagakure, and they lack enough attention to this aspect.

"Being able to fight Rasa like this with the Three Magatama Sharingan. If you use the Mangekoscope, whether you use Susanoo to protect yourself, or use the power of Tenshou to teleport, you can quickly rush to Rasa. Surround yourself with sand and resolve the battle quickly."

During the battle with Luo Sha, Ming Jing still had room for analysis, and even used the transparent world to observe the situation on the battlefield.

In the past two years, although his strength has not made a qualitative leap, it has been steadily increasing.

However, it is better not to expose the Mangekyo Sharingan. With this card hidden, there is no telling when the enemy can be tricked into making a comeback. The most important thing is actually to worry about the attitude of the third generation.

Now on the surface, it seems that the third generation looks very seriously at himself and Namikaze Minato, his two disciples, and thinks that they are the future of the village, but in fact, that's all it seems.

If you really want an analogy, you can compare it to how the second generation saw Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

Senju Tobirama probably had long ago chosen Hiruzen Sarutobi as his successor as the Third Hokage, while Danzo Shimura had essentially no role at all.

In the minds of the third generation, he is more optimistic about Namikaze Minato, and at most, after he grows old, he will train Ming Jing into the next Shimura Danzo to assist the fourth generation in his heart.

But this is actually just a tendency in Sandai's mind.

Although Namikaze Minato is very strong now, before developing the Rasengan to raise the upper limit of his second-person ability, his strength has not actually reached the peak of the Kage level. It is still difficult to stand out.

Today's most popular candidates for the Fourth Hokage are actually Kato Dan and Orochimaru.

Closer to home, if Ming Jing reveals his Mangekyō Sharingan now, the Third Generation still doesn’t know how he will react.

The war continues.


A deafening sound sounded on the battlefield.

"Tailed beast jade...it's really terrifying power."

Kato Dan's figure was a little embarrassed, and his handsome face became a little pale.

In order to protect himself from the explosion of the Tailed Beast Jade, he immediately distanced himself and spent a lot of mental energy to protect himself.

At this moment, when Kato Dan was cheering up and getting back into the fight with Ichibi, a slender female ninja with a bun on her hair suddenly appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

"Is that Kato Dan of Konoha Village?"

Ye Cang looked at the backs of Kato Dan and Ichibi fighting in the distance, and the words that the Fourth Kazekage Rasa and the elder Chiyo told him before the war flashed in his mind.

She was originally a well-known expert among Sunagakure's Jonin. Recently, she has successfully combined Fire Release and Wind Release, and developed her own blood-stained boundary, Burning Release, which greatly enhanced her attack power and greatly improved her strength. .

With all her strength, even Luo Sha's Magnetic Escape Sand Gold can hardly resist her Scorching Escape Fireball.

Therefore, before this war, she was regarded by Luo Sha and Chiyo as the second card in this war. She should be taken at the critical moment, and it would be best to use a sneak attack to take down one of Konoha's top combat powers.

Uchiha Mingjing and Namikaze Minato are too fast and it is difficult for them to succeed in a sneak attack. The best targets are Kato Dan and Tsunade.

At this moment, Ye Cang believed that the time to take action had come.

"As expected of a tailed beast, even if I have used all my mental power, I can only barely suppress it. Now, I can start trying to seal the one tail!"

There was a bit of excitement on Kato Suan's pale face.

If you can seal the tailed beast and capture one alive, it will definitely be a great achievement!

This will be very helpful for Kato to continue to increase his reputation and compete with the Fourth Hokage.

We can even use this as a condition to force the Sand Village to negotiate and withdraw troops, and end this war directly!

That would be even more amazing!


Yakura raised his hands high, and condensed a huge fireball like a small sun in the air.

"That is..."

Kato Dan sensed this scene at the first time, and hurriedly withdrew his telekinesis, gave up suppressing the one-tailed Shukaku, fled with all his strength and added telekinesis shields around him.

But the one-tailed Shukaku also opened his big mouth at this time, constantly gathering chakra, and condensed a purple-black sphere that continued to collide.

"Damn it, it's going to happen!"

Kato Dan's face changed suddenly.

Yakura's Scorch Release was not easy to take at first glance, and with a Tailed Beast Ball, how could he block it!

"You must dodge it, you will definitely die if you force it!"

Kato Dan made a judgment instantly.

But even if his speed was not slow under the blessing of telekinesis, both the Tailed Beast Ball and Yekura's Scorch Release were large-scale attacks, and he might not be able to escape!

"Scorch Release: Scorch Flame Oversteam Kill!"

The huge fireball and the Tailed Beast Ball bombarded Kato Dan at the same time.

How could such a huge movement not attract the attention of others?


Tsunade shouted anxiously, decisively unlocked the Yin Seal, and was about to get rid of Karura to rescue Kato Dan.

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