Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 151: Confrontation with Chiyo

"Slug Sage, everything that needs to be said is already on this piece of paper. I need you to write down the information written here as soon as possible and pass it back to Teacher Tsunade!"

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"Ah? Did you actually meet Chiyo from the Sand Village? I understand, Master Mingjing!"

The slug quickly scanned the contents on the note, wrote them down roughly, and quickly summoned himself back to the Wet Bone Forest, and then used the reverse summoning technique to bring the information to Tsunade. {What? You don't know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without errors|Google it quickly}

"Now, we retreat!"

Mingjing stood up, cut the throats of two Sand Village ninjas with a knife, and quickly evacuated with Hyuga Hizashi and others.

Almost at the same time, Mingjing and others had just left, and Chiyo arrived at the base with a group of puppeteers from the Sand Village.

"Am I really a little late?"

Chiyo looked at the beheaded bodies on the ground with a gloomy face.

When she saw the Sand Village senior ninja whose limbs were cut off and whose body was sealed, she was furious.

She came as soon as she received the information sent back by the reverse summoning beast, but she didn't expect that the enemy had broken through in such a short time and killed all the garrison personnel.

This shows that the enemy must be an extremely elite force!

Chiyo touched the body of the Sand Village senior ninja.

"The blood is still very fresh, and the temperature of the body is close to that of a normal person. It means that the enemy must have just left not long ago and must not have had time to cover up their whereabouts. Everyone, follow me!"

Chiyo gave an order and set off non-stop on the spot.



"Elder Chiyo, I have sensed the location of the Konoha ninja, not far ahead!"

A Sand Village ninja shouted.

"Bullshit, you don't need to remind me, I've already seen them!"

At the end of Chiyo's vision, Ming Jing and his group can be clearly seen.

"Damn it, if this continues, we may be caught up by them soon. Someone must stay behind to cover the others so that they can continue to escape and support the arrival of Tsunade-sama and others!"

Hinata Hiashi opened his Byakugan and used his Byakugan vision to clearly see the situation behind him.

"Let me do it! With my strength, I should be able to stop Chiyo, or at least get out of here unscathed."

To be honest, Ming Jing felt that if he used the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, his current lineup would be fully capable of competing with the opponent.

But even without the power of the Mangekyō, Ming Jing was confident that he could get out of Chiyo's hands unscathed.

Kagami Instant Body, as long as he was not attacked, might be one of the most powerful ninjutsu besides Flying Thunder God to save his life.

"What a joke! Ming Jing, Hizashi, you are all young people, the future of the village, how can I..."

"Okay, I say you two stop arguing! There is a patrol team of Sunagakure ahead, we are surrounded! Now we have to fight even if we don't want to!"

Hinata Hizashi cursed.

To be honest, Hinata Hizashi really felt unlucky. First, he met Chiyo, a top master in the ninja world, and then he met the training team of Sunagakure while escaping. The degree of unlucky is hard to describe.

"Then I will stop Chiyo, you..."

Before Ise Shinae finished speaking, Ming Jing had already turned around and drew his sword, and rushed towards Chiyo.

"Huh, Uchiha? Sure enough, you are arrogant. Since you want to die, I will definitely let you do it!"

Seeing Ming Jing rushing towards her, Chiyo couldn't help laughing, took out two scrolls from behind, held one end and threw them forward, and the two scrolls were immediately extended several meters away.

"White Secret Technique·The Ten Kinmatsu!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Several streams of white smoke emerged in succession, and ten humanoid puppets dressed in white appeared, quickly confronting Ming Jing.

These are the ten super-powerful puppets made by Monzaemon, the founder of the puppeteer of Sand Village. If someone can manipulate these puppets at the same time and exert the full power of the Ten Kinmatsu, their strength will undoubtedly reach the level of Kage.

However, in the entire Sand Village, there is only Chiyo who can perfectly control ten puppets with ten fingers.

"Uchiha Style·Mirror Instant Body!"

In an instant, Ming Jing's figure also transformed into a dozen, waving weapons and fighting with Chiyo. From the scene, it can be seen that he did not lose the upper hand.

"Each clone can quickly switch between the real and virtual? Is it the special clone that Uchiha Mirror used back then?"

Chiyo was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the young Uchiha in front of her actually learned the unique skills of the opponent she had fought against back then.

It seems that it will take a little more effort to take down this Uchiha.

But it's just a little more effort.

As Chiyo thought about this, she moved her fingers slightly and activated the mechanism on the puppet.

"Puppet Technique: Blade Manipulation!"

Countless kunai shurikens shot out from the puppet, covering Mingjing.

Chiyo couldn't tell Mingjing's true body, so she just used this kind of large-scale moves to attack all of them.

In Mingjing's Sharingan, it can be clearly seen that the edges of these kunai shurikens are slightly green, which is obviously poisoned.

Behind these ninja tools, there are chakra lines that are invisible to the naked eye.

"Showing off your ninja tools in front of Uchiha?"

Mingjing curled his lips in disdain.

Didn't the old woman Chiyo underestimate him a little?

He reached into the ninja tool bag with his left hand and took out a seal scroll with the secret characteristics of the Uzumaki clan that Kushina and Minato had given him before. Mingjing also summoned a large number of steel wire shuriken from it as a return gift to Chiyo.

This seal scroll was made by a master of seal techniques like Kushina. Not only is it much smaller than other seal scrolls, it can be easily put into the ninja tool bag, and its capacity for holding items is also larger than other conventional seal scrolls.

"Uchiha Style·Shuriken!"

The shuriken flew out in all directions. With the extremely abnormal insight and dynamic vision of the Sharingan and the high-level shuriken skills of Mingjing, most of the attacks of the Chiyo puppet were knocked back, and the remaining ones could not pose an effective threat.

The first round of the two sides' confrontation has ended.

Next, it is a fight between real swords and guns.


An ugly bald puppet fell from the sky, and his fists slammed heavily on the ground, blasting a big pit.

Mingjing, who dodged the attack, was about to counterattack, but he keenly noticed that there was a puppet attacking behind him. He decisively turned around and knocked it away with a knife, and quickly switched the position of the main body.

"Sun Breathing·Pick-up Type·Brilliant Enlightenment!"

The sun-like flame spiral wrapped around the blade, and Mingjing slashed the sky tail feather in his hand from top to bottom, and fought with a female puppet holding two swords in front of him.

The powerful force caused the puppet to be directly blown away by a knife.

But the next moment, two more puppets came one after another, trying to entangle Ming Jing.

Jing's instant body was activated, leaving a clone that would collapse if touched. Ming Jing switched positions again and continued to kill Chiyo.

As we all know, the weakness of the puppeteer lies in the body.

Chiyo's own physical skills are not weak, but she will definitely not be able to beat Ming Jing or people with strong melee ability like Bai Ya and Tsunade.

However, since she knows her own weaknesses, a strong man like Chiyo who has been famous in the ninja world for a long time must have a way to solve her own weaknesses, at least, to avoid weaknesses as much as possible in battle.

Chiyo has two ways to deal with it. One is to arrange a puppet with the strongest defense ability around her to protect herself, and the other is to increase her speed.

Chiyo's speed can actually be ranked very high among the strong men Ming Jing has encountered so far.

Compared with the BUG-level speed ninjas like Minato Namikaze, Chiyo is not much worse than Hanzo and Hiruzen Sarutobi.

When fighting Scorpion in the future, Chiyo can still burst out with a speed that surprised Sakura. At this time, she is still at the end of her prime age like Hiruzen Sarutobi, and her speed is only faster than the future.


A wisp of sparks floated at the corners of Mingjing's mouth, and the surface of the sky tail feather in his hand also ignited an extremely vigorous flame, gradually forming a flame dragon head.

Mingjing turned sideways, raised the knife, and pressed his feet against the ground, ready to exert force.

"Sun Breathing·Eleventh Type Halo Dragon·Head Dance!"

In an instant, a dazzling red light like the sun flashed, and Mingjing's figure shuttled quickly across the battlefield like a swimming dragon.

Raising the knife and slashing diagonally, the bald puppet was immediately cut in half. Then he bent down and turned around to avoid the kunai flying from a distance. The tail feather in his hand swung a perfect circle below, and then slashed a three-eyed puppet from bottom to top. Finally, he turned around again, leaned forward, and cut a long-haired puppet in front of him in half.

Chiyo was shocked and quickly used the chakra line to retract the two puppets, and launched defenses from three directions with the puppet beside him.

"Puppet Technique·Mechanical Light Shield Seal!"

The dark blue chakra light condensed from the puppet, protecting Chiyo in all directions.

"Sun Breathing·Twelve Form·Flame Dance!"

The last two slashes of Mingjing were steadily received by Chiyo who was well prepared. Chiyo even controlled the puppet to open the mechanism on the arm and shot countless flying needles at Mingjing.

Seeing that this assault failed, Mingjing had to use the mirror instant body to reverse the spirit and leave.

Anyway, this charge severely damaged Chiyo's three Kinmatsu Ten, which was quite fruitful. These puppets were lifeless. Even if Mingjing cut them into two pieces with a knife, Chiyo could still control them with chakra lines and start fighting with the mechanisms above. However, her fighting ability would definitely be greatly reduced compared to before.

"This kid... is a ninja of the same type as White Fang, with superb swordsmanship and super fast movement speed. Even with the Sharingan that can detect the puppeteer's chakra lines, his ability to restrain the puppeteer is stronger than White Fang!"

Chiyo looked at the battle in the field and frowned slightly.

The fighting power that Mingjing showed at present really exceeded her expectations.

Although it has not reached the level of Kage, its own fighting method has a strong restraining effect on the puppeteer and can still pose a threat to Chiyo.

Just like Sasuke who has not yet opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, he can still defeat Deidara by relying on restraint.

Ming Jing obviously noticed this.

Even if he did not use the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, if the battle continued like this, he would not be able to defeat Chiyo, but he would definitely be able to entangle her.

Before that, he had already notified Tsunade with the summoning beast slug, and he would probably be able to hold on until the arrival of support soon.

However, although Chiyo did not know that Ming Jing had sent a message, she also knew that she had to get rid of the opponent as soon as possible to avoid other accidents in the middle.

She decided to use her full strength to defeat this Uchiha brat.

"Uchiha brat, I admit that I underestimated you just now, but this time, I have to be serious!"

While controlling the puppet to continue to entangle Ming Jing, Chiyo let the three puppets around him form a triangle posture like a stack of Arhats.

The three puppets opened the mechanisms on their bodies one by one, revealing the three big characters "Buddha", "Dharma" and "Monk" written on them.

"Puppetry Technique: Three Treasures Absorption!"

The wind howled, and a fierce tornado was released from the middle of the three puppets, stirring and absorbing all the surrounding matter.




Ming Jing quickly switched himself to the position farthest from the center of the Three Treasures Absorption through the mirror instant body, and quickly withdrew, and the clones in the range of the Three Treasures Absorption were also broken one after another.

But the remaining puppets were still pestering Ming Jing relentlessly. They only needed to entangle Ming Jing, so that the Three Treasures Absorption could be turned around and aimed at Ming Jing's body.

"This is really troublesome!"

Ming Jing frowned slightly.

The Three Treasures Absorption in front of him was extremely powerful. Once hit by this tornado, he would be sucked into the center of the tornado and finally sealed by Qian Dai.

For now, the only way is to use a destructive attack with super strong attack power to break the mechanism that releases the seal in the direction of the Three Treasures Absorption.

It is better to use long-range attacks for this attack, and you cannot let your main body get close, otherwise the danger will increase exponentially.

This is probably also a design that Chiyo intended.

If the enemy is a ninja with super strong attack and close combat ability like Mingjing or Hatake Sakumo, I am afraid they will not dare to take risks when facing this move.

And if the enemy is good at long-range combat, it will be difficult to get close to Chiyo and have a chance to threaten her, and it will probably be difficult to force Chiyo to use the three treasures to absorb the collapse.

Unless the opponent is a ninja like Sarutobi Hiruzen who has reached a very high level of close combat and long-range ninjutsu ability, he can steadily suppress Chiyo.

But how many ninjas in the ninja world are at the level of Sarutobi Hiruzen?

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