Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 15 Traditional Art of Grabbing the Bell (Part 1)

"Mirror, Nami, 獠. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ search π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘š read β–²"

At the training ground on the 14th, a blue-haired handsome man leaning against a big tree waved to Ming Jing and others who were fully armed.

This person is Kato Dan.

Ming Jing brought a wakizashi today, which he bought with the one hundred thousand taels that Fugaku had funded a few days ago.

One is that the price of the wakizashi is cheaper than the regular tachi, and the other is that the blade of the tachi is too long and is not suitable for the current Ming Jing's body shape.

After several days of practice and Uchiha Yu's guidance, he has now barely mastered the first part of the Uchiha-style swordsmanship book.

According to Uchiha Yu, the entire first chapter of Uchiha-ryu Kenjutsu is laying the foundation for the next chapter.

And if you can use Uchiha-style swordsmanship to the extreme, it will be enough to become the top powerhouse in the ninja world. However, rather than polishing swordsmanship, most Uchiha will be more inclined to improve their Sharingan as a way to enhance their combat power. main method.

"Teacher Kato! What are the requirements for the actual combat exercise? Tetsumaru and I are ready!"

Inuzuka looked like he couldn't wait to show off his skills, and the iron balls under his feet also screamed and ran among the crowd as if they were having fun.

"The task of today's actual combat exercise is this."

Kato Dan stretched out his hand and shook the two bells in his hand at his three subordinates.

It was indeed a grab for the bell!

Ming Jing secretly thought that this was indeed the case.

This can be regarded as an old tradition in Konoha. It was first invented by the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen to emphasize the need for unity and cooperation. Later it was passed on to Minato by Jiraiya, who passed it on to Kakashi, and finally Kaka. It was passed on to Naruto and others, and more concepts were derived.

Because grabbing the bell can indeed play a role in measuring the various abilities and attitudes of these newly graduated genin, it has already spread among the instructing jonin.

It is estimated that at the same time, Jouta and the others were also following the leading jounin to grab the bell.

"The goal of the exercise is to get these two bells from my hand. Only those who get them are qualified."

A bright smile appeared on Kato Dan's face again, but it looked like a bit of a bad smile no matter how you looked at it.

"Meaning, only two of us can qualify."

Aburame Nami pushed up her sunglasses and said.

Kato Suan smiled and nodded.

"Nami is right, so now, you can start. Nami also has excellent sneak attack skills, but it won't be of much use against Jonin."

As Kato Dan spoke, he suddenly turned around and avoided the sneak attack from a palm composed of black insects behind him.

"Yoshi, have you started? Tiewan, let's..."

"Zhao, wait a minute."

Ming Jing reached out and pressed the shoulders of Inuzuka and Nami, signaling them not to be impulsive yet.

"Teacher Kato is a Jonin. With our strength, if we don't adopt appropriate tactics and attack hard from the front, we will definitely not be able to achieve results. Before that, we should try to reduce redundant temptations as much as possible to avoid exposing our own intelligence. "

Inuzuka Ruo scratched his head and felt that what Ming Jing said seemed to make some sense.

"Oh? You really don't decide to test it out. In this case, although I don't know your information, you don't know mine either. What's more, the examiner of your previous graduation examination was me. Do you think that I Do you really not know your information? "

Kato Dan looked at Ming Jing and others with a teasing smile on his face.

He wanted to know how Ming Jing and the others would react at the next moment.


Ming Jing looked at Kato Suan's blue eyes and said:

"An elder in the clan taught me some experience. Testing is itself a part of tactics, and knowing that the enemy knows part of your information is also an important piece of information."

When Uchiha Yu was bragging about his achievements when he was young, he mentioned some experiences in this area to him. Although it was slightly different from what Ming Jing said, the actual content was the same, so Ming Jing was not talking nonsense. .

"Well, it seems that you have a great elder, Ming Jing, but how long will it take for you to discuss tactics? Forget it, I'll give you an hour, I'll go and take a rest and then come back."

After saying that, Kato Dan put his hands behind his head and walked away slowly.

Ming Jing immediately understood that this was Kato Dan deliberately finding an excuse to leave, giving himself and others sufficient time to prepare tactics.

Afterwards, Ming Jing took Inuzuka and Aburame Nami to a remote corner to discuss.

"Let's share the information we've collected first."

Aburame Nami, who had always been a man of few words, was actually the first to speak up.

Inuzuka, who was rubbing Tetsumaru's head, was stunned for a moment.

He didn't even think about gathering intelligence or anything.

"Sensei Dan's reputation in the village is actually very great. According to my father, he is one of the few Jonin in the village who is only inferior to the White Fang of Konoha. He has completed 22 S-level missions, 103 A-level missions, and B-level missions. There are 211 missions. There is no need to talk about C-level and D-level. In short, just from the mission resume, it can be seen that Mr. Dan is indeed the best ninja in the village. It is difficult to get the bell from him. It’s much more difficult for ordinary jounin.”

Aburame Nami spoke in one breath, as if she wanted to make up for what she had not said before, and she also seemed to want to say what she needed to say in one breath, so that she would not need to speak anymore.

"The information I collected is similar to Nami's, but it is said that Teacher Dan is very good at some forbidden techniques, but I think he should not use them on us. At least Teacher Dan conducted such an assessment on us, which means that he will definitely give us a chance to pass."

"Next, everyone should first tell us about the abilities they have mastered to formulate a suitable set of tactics."

Mingjing glanced at Nami Aburame and Ryo Inuzuka and said.

Of course, he knew that the purpose of snatching bells, an old tradition of Konoha, was to test the importance of teamwork.

And now that Hatake Sakumo has not been in trouble, this test has not yet derived the meaning of the importance of companions.

Knowing what Kato Dan wants to do, as long as his teammates don't mess around, Mingjing still has considerable confidence that he can lead the team through this small assessment.

However, judging from the current situation, his two teammates are not problem teenagers. Nami Aburame is a man of few words, and although Ryo Inuzuka is also a carefree and extroverted person, he has a good family background and has obviously received a good education, so he is not as noisy as Naruto.

If his team is really like Team 7 or Minato's team in the future, with too many people with overly prominent personalities, it would be very troublesome to get them to work together. If the characters are brilliant and it is a war time, their ability to survive on the battlefield would be questionable.

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