Kato Dan served as the commander of the Western Front for a period of time at the end of the Second Ninja War, and he had a good understanding of the nearby mountains and rivers, geography, customs, and resource distribution.

This is the knowledge you must master to become a good military commander.

"But in this case, our strength will inevitably be dispersed. We must be careful of Sunagakure concentrating his forces to break through at one location."

Tsunade raised her smooth chin and looked at it.

"This is related to what we have to do next."

Kato Suan smiled confidently.

What his extremely powerful mental power brings him is extremely fine calculation and memory abilities. Once the team is in his hands, it can quickly become a sophisticated machine.

Perhaps on the battlefield, it is rare to use any strange and dangerous moves to win a big victory, but they are as steady as a mountain and make progress step by step, making it difficult for the enemy to attack.

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"If we want to prevent Sunagakure from concentrating its forces for a breakthrough, we must hold back their main force. I have asked Ming Jing and the others to conduct reconnaissance on the battlefield with two elite reconnaissance teams. We must find out where Sunagakure's main force is, and Information on specific high-level combat capabilities.”

Kato Dan looked at the map with bright eyes.

This mission of Uchiha Mirror is related to the first battle between Konoha and Sunagakure, and has a great impact on the morale of both sides and the future development situation.

"Very good, then based on the current situation, this area can be eliminated. Hizashi, what about your side?"

On the back of a certain hillside, a team of nine people was squatting on the ground, having a small meeting.

This is a temporary action team composed of three elite reconnaissance teams led by Jonin.

"Here, although we did not find the enemy directly, we still found clues with the Byakugan. I think Mr. Inuzuka should be able to track the enemy based on the smell."

Hinata Hizashi stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the map drawn with tree branches on the ground.

In the nine-person team, there are three Jonin in total. In addition to Ming Jing, there is Hyuga Hizashi, and one named Ise Shinae, who is about thirty years old. It is probably an experienced person sent by Tsunade and Kato. , the thoughtful Jonin came to check for their deficiencies.

During the previous march, Ming Jing could feel that Ise Shinae had a high respect for Tsunade in every word and deed. In addition to his excellent sensory ninjutsu, he also had excellent water escape and With earth escape ability, if nothing unexpected happens, he is likely to be a member of a branch of the Senju clan.

"Then, I suggest that my team and the Inuzuka Chunin take the lead, because we have richer combat experience and are better able to cope with danger. The Hizashi Jounin will be in the center to provide support, and at the same time observe with his white eyes to avoid falling behind. If you fall into the enemy's trap, Mingjing Jōnin is Tsunade-sama's disciple and masters excellent medical ninjutsu. It is best to be at the rear and be ready to receive support. "

Ise Shinae pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said calmly.

His idea configuration is actually quite reasonable. The reason why he plans to have his team take the lead is because he thinks that Ming Jing and others are too young. Even if they become Jonin, they are still slightly lacking in experience and strength.

"No, Ise Jonin, the three of us in the team have been working together for many years. We can best display our combat capabilities by staying together. It's up to us to be at the front."

Der Spiegel still refused.

To be honest, he is the strongest one and can cope with more situations better.

Of course, you still can't say such offending words directly, you have to use a more euphemistic way of saying it.

"According to the medical ninja regulations customized by Tsunade-sama, medical ninjas must not be the ones who charge at the front during battle. If they die, they must be the last ones in the team to die. Mingjing Jōnin, I will not let that happen. A medical ninja charges in front of me."

Ise Shinae calmly shook his head and said.

He did not deny that Ming Jing, as a jounin, must have a jounin-level combat capability, but he still viewed him more as a medical ninja.

"Ise Jonin, as an Uchiha, I have no reason to watch my companions charge in front of me! What's more, I am not a simple medical ninja."

Uchiha Mingjing's words made Ise Shinae not sure how to refute.

Indeed, everyone knows the temperament of the Uchiha clan, let alone him who was born in the Senju side branch.

"Jōnin Mingjing is right. There is no reason for the ninjas of the Hyuga clan to fall behind others."

Hyuga Hizashi agreed with Ming Jing's words.

Before his son Neji was carved into a caged bird, the relationship between him and the Hinata Hibiscus brothers had always been good.

With Hyuga Hizashi as the clan leader's elder brother, other clans would not go too far to provoke Hyuuga Hizashi. Now, he still has a sense of identification with the Hyuga clan.

At least he wouldn't want the Hyuga clan to be compared to the Uchiha clan, which is also a wealthy clan.

Ise Shinae was a little helpless.

These young talents who come from wealthy families are all troublesome characters.

"Then let's do this. Our three teams still maintain the original personnel configuration in order to maximize their combat capabilities. At the same time, the three teams are formed in the form of an inverted triangle. The Mirror team is tracking the enemy's position in the front left. , the Hizashi team uses Byakugan in the right front to cooperate with the observation, and my team stays behind, ready to provide support at any time. "

Ise Shinae can only plan to pay more attention to others in the subsequent battle.

The nine people followed Hinata Hizashi's guidance and soon arrived at the place where he found the trace.

"It's right here. Although the enemy has concealed their whereabouts, Baiyan can still see the traces hidden under the sand."

Hinata Hizashi quickly restored the traces left by the enemy.

The Inuzuka twitched its nose, searching for any suspicious smell.

"In this direction, follow me!"

Inuzuka Roshi suddenly found a dead branch that looked like it had been trampled by the enemy on the way. He cheered up and said hello.

"Everyone, move!"

The nine people immediately set off according to the previously planned formation.

More than half an hour later.

"The smell is getting stronger!"

Inuzuka and Tetsumaru crawled on the ground, constantly following the increasingly obvious scent.

"It's about one kilometer ahead! I found their temporary stronghold. There are about twenty people!"

Veins popped up around Hinata Hizashi's eyes, and he glanced at a location in front of him.

“Great, keep going!

Ise Shinae decisively gave the order.

The group of people followed Hinata Hizashi and slowly approached the stronghold.

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