Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 146 The Strength of the Third Generation

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Suddenly, a thought flashed through Sandai's mind, and then he looked at Ming Jing and Minato. โ—†๐†๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฅ๐ž Search for ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐œ๐จ๐ฆReadโ—†

He wanted to give some guidance to these two people, just like the second generation had given guidance to him, Danzo, Uchiha Kagami and others.

In this way, he should be able to further conquer the hearts of these two brats and make his status in their hearts the same as that of the second generation in his own heart.

In that case, Uchiha Mingjing can become a trustworthy "one of our own" just like Minato.

"Ding Jing, Minato, I have been busy with official duties these years, and I still don't pay enough attention to you juniors. How about the three of us find a place to discuss things and let me give you some advice?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen clicked his pipe and said with a smile.


Ming Jing and Namikaze Minato looked at each other dumbly.

"In that case, I would like to thank you, Mr. Third Generation."

Namikaze Minato nodded to the Third Hokage.

Mingjing also knows very well that leaders often have this problem. You can't refuse at this time, and you have to play with the leader, and you absolutely can't win, but you have to let the leader have fun...

It's just that Mingjing really didn't intend to use all his strength.

Just kidding, if he really used all his strength to open the kaleidoscope, Sandai would not be able to fight him unless he fights for his life, and he would definitely try his best to target Ming Jing when he turns around.

But this is a good opportunity to measure the strength of the third generation.

Today's third generation is still at the end of its peak period, and its strength is definitely at the peak of the film level.

[In this case, it seems that Namikaze Minato must take the lead in this battle, and I will assist, allowing Minato to test out the third generation's strength as much as possible. ใ€‘

Thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, Ming Jing also smiled and agreed to the third generation together with Namikaze Minato.

A few minutes later.

On the edge of the forest behind the mountain wall behind Hokage Rock.

This is a vast open space.

Two teams of ANBU ninjas have been dispersed around to guard the area to prevent others from intruding.

"Back then, there weren't many training grounds built in the village, and there weren't enough for the ninjas in the village. At that time, I often brought your teachers and Orochimaru here for training. In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed. Over the years, nothing has changed here.โ€

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the scene around him with a sigh on his face.

"Old man, it's a shame that you still remember what happened in the past."

Tsunade held Kushina's hand and appeared on the sidelines at some point.

This was just in case, Sarutobi Hiruzen specially invited Tsunade over to avoid accidents.

When the Anbu informed Tsunade, Kushina happened to be a guest at Tsunade's home, so she came here too.

Originally, Kushina could not leave the scope of the seal barrier, but if she had ninjas with online strength and sealing skills like Tsunade and Sarutobi Hiruzen by her side who could strengthen the seal at any time, she You can still be allowed to come out for a while.

As for Kato Dan...

The money he had saved from his last mission was gambled away by Tsunade. In order to make money to support his family and racking up a large debt, Kato Dan could only go out on a mission again.

Coincidentally, because Kato Dan's speed in completing missions in the past year or two has been the fastest in Konoha, this further makes people think that he is beginning to prepare to accumulate meritorious service qualifications to facilitate his future competition for the position of Hokage.

"You three are my greatest achievements in this life besides becoming Tobirama-sensei's disciples and becoming Hokage. How could I forget that?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, took off the Hokage hat and Hokage robe and gave them to an ANBU for safekeeping, revealing a set of old-fashioned armor inside that was close to the Warring States Period.

"Then...Sandaime-sama, I'm offended!"ร—2

Several trident kunai were instantly thrown from Namikaze Minato's hands and flew towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As a disciple of Senju Tobirama, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also one of the ninjas who is most familiar with the Flying Thunder God in the world. After judging the landing point of the kunai, he was about to react when a pair of three magatama appeared in front of his eyes. The Sharingan.

"Magic Golden Binding Technique!"

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen was wary of Ming Jing's Sharingan early on. The moment before the illusion was activated, a hand hidden behind his back had quietly completed the one-hand seal.

A yellow flash passed by, and Namikaze Minato looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who had turned into a puddle of soil, and turned his head to look for his true body.

At the same time, in Kushina's inner world, a pair of huge fox eyes suddenly opened.

"That power... is the Sharingan! It hides the kaleidoscope-level pupil power! My perception is absolutely not wrong!"

Kyuubi was startled in his heart, roaring madly and breaking free from the chains on his body.

"Hey! Stinky fox! What do you want to do again!"

Kushina felt the faintly rioting chakra in her body, put her consciousness into the inner world, shouted to Kyuubi with her hands on her hips, and at the same time stretched out two chains from behind.

Outside, Tsunade glanced at Kushina keenly, silently pressed the seal on Kushina's lower abdomen, and used the Five Elements Seal to help Kushina further suppress the Nine-Tails' chakra.

The battle continues.

"Minato, underground!"

After all, it was Mingjing, who had a transparent world, who immediately discovered the traces of Sarutobi Hiruzen hiding underground using Earth Release.

Namikaze Minato reacted very quickly and instantly activated Flying Thunder God to teleport away.

What greeted Sarutobi Hiruzen who came out from the ground was Ming Jing and his dozen clones.

"Breathing of the SunยทOne FormยทRound Dance Flash!"

A red circle like the sun passed through the air, but was dodged by Sarutobi Hiruzen with a nimble jump. At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly formed seals with both hands, summoned the monkey demon, turned it into a diamond stick, and fought with Ming Jing.

"Each of them is a physical body, with the same instant body technique as Jing, plus Minato and Tobirama's Flying Thunder God, even this old man feels a little pressure."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved the diamond stick in his hand and praised.

In terms of close combat, the pressure on Ming Jing from the third generation of Hokage is slightly stronger than that of Hanzo.

This is because Hanzo is older than the third generation and has begun to decline from the peak, while the third generation is at the end of his peak period, and he is not lacking in physical strength, power, speed, and reaction. With the Vajra Ruyi Rod transformed by the indestructible body of the monkey demon, he has super close combat capabilities.

In addition, the five-attribute ninjutsu that has been honed to the extreme and the illusion ability that is far superior to ordinary illusion ninjas, the third generation has no shortcomings at this time, which allows him to find corresponding methods to deal with any enemy based on his comprehensive abilities when facing any enemy, and he will not be restrained by any enemy. He has reached the ceiling that ordinary ninjas can reach.

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