Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 135 Thundergod's Sword

The third power of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Susanoo, which is called the power of God, Ming Jing did not try again.

This thing makes too much noise, and although the movement will be much smaller in the initial form with only ribs, it is basically used as a defensive method.

In this forest of death, there is basically nothing you can try.

"Then there's the recovery speed of pupil power..."

Ming Jing closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

His pupil power was still full after he had just opened his eyes. The two pupil techniques he had just used had only consumed a very small part.

However, the pupil power is indeed recovering at an extremely slow speed, but it is difficult to detect.

Firstly, Mingjing's pupil power is still at a state close to full value, and secondly, the recovery speed is indeed very slow, so slow that the changes caused by this time are almost imperceptible.

However, Der Spiegel does not take this to heart for the time being.

Anyway, he now has plenty of pupil power. Even if he doesn't use the Mangekyo Sharingan, his own strength is enough to cope with most scenes. As long as he pays attention to the use of Mangekyo Sharingan pupil technique and makes sure that he has the ability to restore his pupil power, Der Spiegel believes that he will not end up blind.

Besides, there are ways to restore the power of the eyes. In the ninja world, there are two methods: Hashirama Cells and White Zetsu Cells. And Tsukuni Enichi also said that by studying the Breath of the Sun to the extreme, he can restore it to a certain extent. Master the power of Yang.

This Yang power, when combined with chakra in the ninja world, should be Yang escape, which can also increase the speed of restoring one's eye power.

After briefly trying the kaleidoscope's eye surgery, Ming Jing returned to the Uchiha clan.

"Huh? Something's wrong, it seems... someone came to my house."

Even if the Sharingan is not turned on, Mingjing can still detect clues through the transparent world.

A trace of gloom flashed across Ming Jing's face, and he opened the door calmly.


The ANBU ninja who had been waiting in the room early was about to speak.


The tail feather of the sky was unsheathed and instantly lay across the ANBU's throat.

"Who do you belong to and what are you doing here?"

The mirror showed the three magatama's Sharingan and looked coldly at the masked ninja dressed as an Anbu.

He didn't know whether this was from the Roots or from the ANBU.

The former means that the situation is not good, Danzo has already targeted him, while the latter will be relatively better, but Ming Jing also doesn't like people breaking into his house.

Because he has many secrets.

Even the ANBU must make it clear to them that their house is something they cannot enter under any circumstances.

"U...Uchiha Mingjing, I am a member of the ANBU. The Third Generation wants to see you for something!"

The ANBU finished speaking anxiously.

Oh my god, his strength is pretty good, and he is an absolute elite among Chuunin, otherwise he would not have become a member of the ANBU directly under the Hokage.

But just now, when he heard the sound of the door opening and opened his mouth, Uchiha Mingjing put a knife across his neck without even seeing anyone clearly.

This shows that if the other party wants to kill him, it will not be much more difficult than squeezing an ant to death.

Moreover, the other party was not only from the wealthy Uchiha clan, but he was also a disciple of two great figures, Kato Dan and Tsunade. If we really wanted to investigate, although he was an ANBU member, he was just an ordinary ANBU member.

There is no way to compare with someone whose strength, background and future development prospects are top-notch.

He could only admit that he was unlucky, did not recognize the situation clearly, and treated Ming Jing the same way he used to inform ordinary ninjas.

Upon hearing this, Ming Jing slowly retracted the tail feathers of the sky.

"Sorry, I thought some spy broke into the house. As a ninja of the Uchiha clan, I have an obligation to help the police force catch the spy."

Ming Jing took back the cold expression on his face and made a rather apologetic expression.

"it's okay no problem."

The ANBU ninja shook his head and said.

He was also afraid of Ming Jing's revenge.

Who doesn't know that the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are generally not very big-minded and hold grudges very much.

"By the way, does the Third Generation come to see me for something?"

"Sandaime-sama only said that there is an important S-level mission for you, Inuzuka Inuzuka, and Aburame Nami."

The ANBU ninja said.

The third generation has an S-level mission for me?

Ming Jing knew that if he wanted to become a Jonin, he had to have the experience of performing at least one S-level mission, but Ming Jing had already experienced two or three S-level missions during the Second Ninja War. , it stands to reason that there should be no problem in this regard.

But no matter what, Konoha is still in the era when the Sandaime is in power. As a Konoha ninja, he still has to carry out any orders given by the Sandaime.

"In that case, let's inform the other two companions first."

A few minutes later.

Hokage Building, Hokage Office.

There was a knock at the office door.

"Third generation lord, bring Uchiha Akira, Inuzuka Inuzuka, and Aburame Nami."

"come in."

The Third Hokage held a pipe in his hand, and when he saw the three young men who came in through the door, a kind smile appeared on his face.

"Inuzuka Yu, Aburame Nami, and... the beheaded Ming Jing, haha, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing the third generation's words, Inuzuka Inuzuka and Aburame Nami both had excited expressions, and Ming Jing also hurriedly synchronized, pretending to be flattered.

"Sir Third Generation, this beheaded Ming Jing... why don't you stop talking about it, it feels... a bit unpleasant."

The Third Hokage was slightly startled, then laughed.

"Well, this kind of title for ninja often represents the affirmation of a ninja's strength. It seems that Ming Jingqian is not satisfied with this title. Is he thinking that he can become more famous in the ninja world in the future? Yes, yes, I will I like energetic young people like you.”

The Third Hokage smiled and asked the three of them to come closer.

"This time, there is an S-level mission of great impact to be entrusted to you."

The third generation said and took out a mission sheet from under the table.

"Some time ago, the Thunder God's Sword, which was the second-generation Hokage's sword, was stolen. After investigation, it was found that the Thunder God's Sword has been taken away by the rebel ninja Green Aoi and went to Amegakure Village to seek asylum. I need you to go there as envoys. Go to Yuyin Village to negotiate with Hanzo, eradicate the rebellious green green Aoi, and bring back the Thunder God Sword."

A sword as famous as the Thunder God's Tail Feather known as the Fire God's Sword?

Ming Jing was slightly startled.

What a coincidence.

The Thunder God Sword is the sword of Senju Tobirama, and the tail feather in his hand is also called the Fire God Sword. During the Warring States Period, it belonged to Senju Tobirama's old enemy Uchiha Izuna.

Now, having inherited the Fire God Sword from Uchiha Izuna, I have to retrieve the Thunder God Sword from Senju Tobirama...

"Of course, the level of this mission is very high. The main reason is that the Thunder God Sword is one of the most important relics of the Second Hokage and has a great influence. It also involves the relationship between Konoha and Amegakure, so it is rated S. "Superior, in fact, Amegakure has formed an alliance with the village since the Second Ninja War, and Hanzo will not do anything too extreme to you anyway."

"However, I speculate that some difficulty and targeting are inevitable."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff from his pipe and continued.

"This is also the reason why I am looking for you three, because you are young enough. If Hanzo himself makes things difficult for you, it will be spread out that he is bullying the younger ones. But if it is other ninjas, I believe that as Dan's disciples, you three They are all the best of the younger generation in the village, and they are enough to cope with these situations. I think that the best of the younger generation in Konoha will not be able to beat the people from small ninja villages like Amegakure. Bar."

The Third Hokage put down his pipe and said with a smile.

Inuzuka Inuzuka was a little excited after hearing the third generation's words, but he still followed his habit and looked at the mirror with Aburame Nami.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at this scene with a glint in his eyes.

Have you relied on your own abilities to make your teammates subconsciously dependent on you...

However, it is also a good thing to have a certain degree of leadership, but after he grows up, he still needs to pay a little attention to avoid the emergence of an Uchiha who can convince the whole village and ascend to the position of Hokage.

"Sir, we have accepted this mission."

Ming Jing smiled and took the mission scroll from Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand.

With his current strength, let alone other people, even if Hanzo attacks him personally, he will not be afraid with the help of the Mangekyo Sharingan Mirror.

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly set a label for Ming Jing in his heart.

Confidence - Like most Uchiha, he has arrogant confidence in the strength brought by his Sharingan.

However, this kid's personality is different from that of most Uchiha. Although he has the pride of the Uchiha clan, he also has a relatively gentle personality, which is very similar to Uchiha Mirror.

"Well, be careful, Ming Jing. Like me, your second grandfather was a student of the Second Hokage like me. He inherited the will of fire. He was also an absolute top executive in Konoha. I believe that you can become one like him. An excellent Konoha ninja."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Mirror carefully and said in a serious tone.

"Sandaime-sama, I will not let you down!"

Faced with the Third Generation's behavior, what could Ming Jing do? He could only pretend to be touched by the Hokage's attention and said categorically.


The third generation nodded with satisfaction.

"In this case, you should leave as soon as possible."

Uchiha clan land.

As a highly respected patriarch of the family, Uchiha Yu naturally has his own yard.

"Where's Shisui?"

Ming Jing walked into Uchiha Yu's home, only to find that Uchiha Yu did not bring Shisui with him as usual.

"Uchiha Tatsu is planning to open a small shop. Shisui went to help today. It's good for him to take a break between work and rest."

Uchiha Yu said while leaning on the lounge chair and basking in the sun.

"What about you? What mission do you have this time? It should be a long way out of the Country of Fire, otherwise you wouldn't have come to see me to say goodbye."

Uchiha Yu said lazily.

"The Second Hokage's Thunder God Sword was stolen by a rebel ninja. The Third Hokage asked me to go to Amegakure Village to negotiate, bring back the Thunder God Sword, and go out to rebel against the Ninja."

Uchiha Yu suddenly stopped feeling sleepy and sat up straight.

"You? Going to Yuyin Village? Negotiating with Hanzo directly?"

Ming Jing nodded.

"That guy is not easy to deal with. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen himself might not be able to defeat Hanzo. He asked you to..."

Uchiha Yu has begun to wonder if the Konoha high-level officials are planning to persecute the genius that the Uchiha clan finally showed up again.

"It's hard to say. The Third Hokage asked me to go, so he must have other purposes. But Hanzo shouldn't bully the weak. Besides Hanzo, there aren't many people in Yuyin Village who are worthy of attention. If Hanzo really makes a move, or if the high-level officials have other plans, I can handle it now."

Mingjing sat aside and said to Uchiha Yu.

"Don't be too arrogant, brat. He is a person who has the strength to stand at the top of the world. Your strength is better than most of the jonin, but the opponent is Hanzo! If he wants to take you down, it will take a little effort at most. Even if you can escape, you will lose half of your life! What's more, although Yuyin Village is only a small ninja village, there are still two or three thousand people. It's not that easy to escape. You are not a master at the level of the Five Kage!"

Uchiha Yu taught in a serious tone.

He has seen too many Uchiha in his life who died because of their arrogance and arrogance.

In the past, Mingjing should have been very cautious, but today he changed.

"Grandpa Yu, you don't have to worry too much. Even if it's Hanzo, I am sure to fight him with my eyes. At least, I am sure to take my teammates out of the Hidden Rain Village. What's more, the probability of something going wrong is not high."

Uchiha Mingjing said, turning his head and showing his three-magatama Sharingan. Three of the magatama spun faster and faster until they formed a four-cornered shuriken pattern.

The sound of porcelain breaking sounded, and Uchiha Yu looked at Mingjing's pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in disbelief, and then stood up suddenly.

"You are... the same... Mangekyō Sharingan as Madara and Izuna-sama!"

Uchiha Yu's hands trembled, and the excited three-magatama Sharingan was opened.

After so many years, he finally saw the Mangekyō Sharingan again!

The supreme power of the Uchiha clan, the final form of the Sharingan, the Mangekyō Sharingan!

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but grab Mingjing's shoulders tightly!

"I knew it, I knew Mingjing you could open these eyes, I knew it! Haha, um hahahaha!!!!"

As Uchiha Yu spoke, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, and it turned into the ancestral laughter of the Uchiha clan.

In the nearly forty years since the establishment of Konoha, today is his most exciting day.

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