Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 133 It’s probably about three stories high

Time flies by and it’s the second year in a blink of an eye.

Fire Nation, northwest.

"Fire Release: Dragon Flame Singing Technique!"

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A ball of fire exploded in front of Ming Jing and turned into flame dragons. They smashed down towards the group of ninjas in front of them with an astonishing momentum. They were like cannonballs, falling to the ground and exploding into large deep holes one after another. pit.

"Damn it, it's the Uchiha jounin of Konoha! Everyone, spread out and retreat!"

A middle-aged ninja who wore an Iwagakure forehead protector with a horizontal cut on his forehead looked horrified and hurriedly called on the wave ninja who had gathered from the black market to run away.

He needs these people to distract him.

"Earth Release: The Art of Reflecting Fish in the Earth!"

The rebel Iwagakure decisively used earth escape and lurked underground.

This allows him to avoid looking directly at Uchiha's Sharingan, reducing the probability of being struck by an illusion.

His plan was to use these rogue ninjas to attract Ming Jing's attention, and then he would choose the opportunity to conduct a sneak attack on Ming Jing. Once the sneak attack failed, he would immediately escape.

As for whether he will die because of this?

He didn't think about it.

After all, he was Iwagakure's special jounin before defecting, and he had experience fighting the Uchiha clan on the battlefield, and now his strength has been further improved.

He was very confident that even if the Uchiha opposite him was a jounin, as long as he was not an elite jounin worthy of special attention, he would be sure to escape unscathed.

As for the kid in front of him who looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, he was not at all among the powerful jonin that he was familiar with.

He believes that his approach is already quite stable and safe.

"Secret Technique·Insect Jade!"

"Ninja Art: Ya Tong Ya!"

A large swarm of dense insects swept in, blocking the path of these Nami ninjas. Then Inuzuka and Tetsumaru turned into two whirlwinds and quickly knocked down all these Nami ninjas.

Two years have passed, and Ming Jing's two companions have made great progress in chakra, taijutsu and ninjutsu. They have both reached the level of jounin in the tracks where their respective family secret arts are good at. , but there are still certain flaws in other aspects, but it can already be regarded as a special Jonin-level combat effectiveness.

Compared with Der Spiegel, he is far behind, but he is definitely one of the best among his peers.

After all, they are only fourteen years old now. In two or three years, they will most likely be able to make up for this shortcoming and reach the level of elite jounin in the golden age of ninjas in their twenties - this is already absolutely impossible. Ye Fifty strong combat effectiveness.

"Oh? Are you coming directly at me? You can see at a glance that I am the biggest threat and want to execute the beheading plan? He is indeed a rewarded prisoner with a rating of A.\

,"Ming Jing slowly pulled out the tail feathers from behind and smiled disdainfully.

The plan of the Iwagakure rebellious ninja was very good, but unfortunately, Mingjing had the magical ability to see through the world and directly saw the actions of the Iwagakure rebellious ninja underground.

It has to be said that with a transparent world, unless the enemy's attack speed exceeds your reaction speed, there is almost no possibility of being attacked by a sneak attack.

Wisps of sparks appeared on the edge of the lips. Ming Jing held the tail feather of the sky and gently waved it towards the ground, crossing most of the perfect arc.

"Uchiha Style: Sword Jump Flame."

A flaming sword energy like the setting sun shot into the ground instantly.

The face of the Iwagakure rebel suddenly changed, and he relied on his excellent earth escape skills to quickly change the seals.

"Earth Release: Open the Earth and ascend to the Hori!"

The speed of traveling underground is not very fast. He can only use the power of digging and digging to force himself out of the ground, and then escape!

This is definitely the kind of elite-level Jonin fighting power! He is absolutely no match!

"Where are you going?"

A voice came to his ears, and a slender white hand gently patted the Iwagakure rebel's shoulder.

The rebel Iwagakure froze in his movements, wanting to draw his sword, turn around, and fight to the death.

However, he soon found that he couldn't do it.

Because he has lost control of his body.

A line of blood emerged from his neck, and the Iwagakure rebel's neck fell to the ground with a clatter. Only his body still ran for more than ten meters in the direction of his original escape due to inertia, and at the same time, it continued to flow out. Column of blood.

"I really don't understand why Ming Jing, after you came back from seclusion for a while, always cut off the enemy's head when fighting."

Inuzuka Yu picked up the proof of the mission, that is, the head of the rebel Iwagakure ninja.

"Do you know what some people in the black market have started to call you now? It's called the Mirror of Decapitation. It's probably going to spread in the underground world in a short time."

Ming Jing's face darkened.

Mirror of beheading?

What a messy title, isn't it too far behind Konoha White Fang, Golden Flash and the like?

And he didn't do it on purpose, but he brought this habit here by beheading and killing demons in the Demon Slayer World.

However, Inuzuka Yu looked envious.

A famous ninja!

This is a treatment that ordinary jounin cannot enjoy. Only those ninjas who are relatively strong and have distinctive characteristics will have a name that represents their own characteristics.

"Speaking of which, how far is your strength now?"

Aburame Nami took back the insect and looked at the headless body of the Iwagakure ninja with complicated eyes.

The strength of this Iwagakure rebellious ninja is probably no worse than hers and Inuzuka Ryu, and may even be a step above.

However, Ming Jing only made two moves from beginning to end, and it was obvious that he didn't use any real moves.

In the past half year, the three of them once again formed a team to perform missions. No matter what enemy they encountered, Ming Jing always cut them off with a knife.

They were not surprised that Ming Jing could chop off the heads of those bandits, ordinary rebellious ninjas and so on, but the Iwagakure ninja in front of them was an A-level wanted ninja recorded by Konoha. At least have the strength of a special jounin.

Although it was said that this time Ming Jing did not chop him down with one sword, but with two swords, looking at Ming Jing's relaxed look, it was obvious that there was no difference.

"What is my current strength..."

Ming Jing closed his eyes, touched his eyeballs, and felt the surging power in them.

Just the day before, after waiting for more than half a year, the Mangekyō Sharingan finally opened and awakened two pupil techniques.

[I don’t know, how does my current strength compare to that old guy from the third generation? It's hard to say, the opponent is still at the end of his peak period, and his strength is definitely at the peak of the shadow level, but if it is an opponent like Luo Sha, he should be able to beat the opponent stably. 】

"My current strength is probably as high as a three-story building."

Mirror said so.

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