Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 125: Muzan tries to escape

A violent vibration echoed through the sky. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Even those who were evacuated several kilometers away by the Demon Slayer Squad could clearly feel the tremors under their feet and the loud sounds in the distance.

That was the sonic boom produced by waving the strongest tentacles extending from Muzan's legs when he performed his special move.


"The power and range of this move..."

Ming Jing, who relied on Jing Shun to avoid Wu Mei's move, was forced to remove the transformation technique on his body.

In the other pillars, most of them were beaten by Wu Mei's full force blow and lost their fighting ability.

Only Purgatory Xing Jurou, Bei Mingyu Xingming and others who were powerful and had mastered the pillars that penetrated the world could barely resist this move. Even so, they were seriously injured.

"It turns out... you are not Enichi Tsukuni, but just a brat who doesn't know what to say!"

Wu Kuai stared at Ming Jing coldly, his tone cold.

He felt so humiliated that he was being teased!

"Ah, I am indeed not Mr. Yuanyi, but I think I can become the second country Yuanyi in the heart of Your Excellency Wuhan, provided that Your Excellency Wuhan can survive tonight."

Ming Jing once again used Mirror Instant and rushed towards Wu Kuai.

Only this time, the other pillars could bring him much less help.

But maybe it was the bellicosity in the Uchiha blood that was completely awakened at this moment, or maybe it was other reasons. The pressure he endured during the fight with Muzan made Ming Jing feel a kind of enjoyment.

He enjoys the feeling of constantly pushing his limits under pressure!

Breath of the Sun, Uchiha-style swordsmanship, Transparent World, Sharingan, etc., all the things that Mingjing possesses that can play a role in the battle against Muzan are being quickly integrated together.

Even spiritual energy is constantly being tempered and sublimated between life and death, driving the improvement of chakra quality.

Because chakra is the combination of spiritual energy and physical energy. Whether it is an increase in spiritual energy or physical energy, it can effectively enhance the quality of chakra.

He seemed to feel a shallow film. As long as he broke through it, he could integrate all the skills he currently has and further consolidate his strength.

Wu Kuai smiled coldly.

He naturally felt the changes in the enemy when he fought with Ming Jing.

But he knew very well that everyone here was more or less injured.

And as long as the wound is infected by his blood, no one can survive for more than five minutes!

And now, there is still half an hour before dawn.

This is simply more than enough!

five minutes later.

Wuhan realized something was wrong.

This group of people...how come no one is okay?

Even after a few minutes of rest, he regained a lot of his fighting power and raised the knife to fight him again?

Seeing that the moon had set, and there was a faint hint of white in the eastern sky, Wuxian was a little panicked.

Twenty-five minutes!

Shouldn't they really drag it until dawn?

No, I have to escape!

Use these last twenty-five minutes to escape!

What Wuxian didn't notice was that his hair had turned completely white, wrinkles began to appear on his face, and his strength gradually and steadily declined.


A shock wave centered on Wu Mei and covering all directions of 360 degrees instantly emerged.

All of Ming Jing's clones were instantly shattered, and several of the Sun Blades given to the shadow clones also fell to the ground with a clang.

As for Ming Jing's body, although he used the mirror teleportation in time to let the shadow clone use moves to help him resist, he was still sent flying by this move.


Ming Jing's entire body was smashed into the wall, and the severe pain made him feel as if his body bones were about to fall apart.

He was severely traumatized.

A ball of green light appeared on Ming Jing's palm, soothing the pain.

Fortunately, in order to create a fake version of the blue Higan flower some time ago, he made the seeds of the Higan flower bloom directly in a short time and introduced toxins and pigments into them, which gave him the ability to control chakra and medical ninjutsu. Great progress.

He has mastered the palm magic, and now is the moment to put it to use.

[Now, run! 】

Seeing that Ming Jing had been repelled, Wu Kuan turned around and ran away without hesitation.

However, the next moment, a famous pillar led all the members of the Demon Slayer Corps to surround him.

"Wuxian! This time, you can't escape no matter what!"

Purgatory Anjuro was decisive.

Ming Jing's strength was too strong, forcing Wu Ke to focus most of his efforts on dealing with Ming Jing, while ignoring others.

"Breath of the Sun·Shape of the Eleven·Dragon of Sun Halo·Head Dance!"

"The breath of water, the shape of picking up, and the flow of life!"

"Breath of Wind, Jiu's Shape, Wei Tuotian Typhoon!"

"Breath of Rock·Shape of Wu·Walun Punishment Department!"

"Insect's Breath, Centipede's Dance, Centipede's Belly!"

"Snake's Breath·Three Types·Nest Twist!"

"Breath of Love, Type of Land, Cat Foot Love Wind!"

"Breath of sound·Shape of Wu·Ming string chorus!"

Countless attacks came overwhelmingly towards Wu Mei.

Even if he is as strong as Wu Ke, he cannot easily break out of the siege. He is entangled in the same place with everyone, making it difficult to escape.

There are still fifteen minutes until dawn.

"Damn it, damn it, you guys deserve to die!"

Wu Kai was so angry that he once again activated his special move.

Another shock wave exploded.

This time, there is no mirror to help them share most of the pressure.

In just a moment, weaker pillars such as Butterfly Ninja and Tokitoru brothers, as well as Kanroji Mitsuri, who had just gained pillar level strength, were smashed into the wall, and enjoyed the same treatment as Ming Jing.

As for the powerful Hashira such as Purgatory Anjuro, Immortal Kawa Saneya, Bei Mingyu Xingmei, Usui Tengen, Iguro Kobanai, etc., they still maintained a certain level of fighting power and tried their best to stop Muzan.


Tomioka Yoshiyuki was hit by Muzan's attack and couldn't help but vomit blood.

If it hadn't been for the immortal Kawa Saneya and Purgatory Anjuro's desperate efforts to save him, he would have died on the spot!

"If you can't do it, don't let me get in your way here!"

Immortal Kawa Saneya said fiercely.

"Your Excellency Yiyong, please cheer up!"

Purgatory Anjuro once again blocked the attack and encouraged Tomioka Giyu.

He had just been the first to discover the danger of Tomioka Giyu. In order to save his companions, he had already lost an eye.

Fortunately, with a transparent world, Infernal Anjuro who lost one eye would not have his combat effectiveness affected by the loss of vision.

Yusui Tianyuan and Yihei Xiaobane faced each other with their backs facing each other, struggling to resist Wu Mei's attack.

Now, Yusui Tianyuan has lost one arm and can only hold the sword in one hand, while the other remaining arm holds the black gold sun disk knife and continues to fight Wu Mei.

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