Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 12 Death Battle

His intuition told him that Uchiha Fugaku was going to take action.

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"Really? Elder Setsuna, why didn't the families of the members who died in the battle receive the pensions from the village and the clan?"

Uchiha Setsuna paused.

How could he know that there were members who didn't receive the pensions?

The financial power of the clan is now in the hands of other elders!

And since it's related to the pensions, this matter is probably quite sensitive.

There are already many Uchiha who are emotionally shouting that they want to severely punish the scum who did this.

He couldn't come forward to protect that person.

And he himself was also angry about this.

It's true that he tried to seize the power of the clan leader and make the clan leader empty, but he is also a typical Uchiha.

Arrogant, unruly, fanatical about strength, and extremely proud of his own Uchiha bloodline.

For those clan members who are disloyal, he would think that they have tarnished the noble honor of Uchiha, and he would like to personally clean up the door.

"I don't know... but if someone really did something that brought shame to Uchiha, I would tear him to pieces!"

At this point, Uchiha Setsuna also opened his three-magatama Sharingan and made a statement.

"Elder Setsuna is old, why do you need to do it yourself? After all, that person is also a powerful jonin from my Uchiha. If you get hurt, it will be bad. Let me, a useless junior, take responsibility. After all, as the clan leader, it is legitimate to deal with these things!"

"Are you right... Elder Qing."

Uchiha Fugaku silently turned his eyes to an old man sitting at the end of the first row.

This move attracted everyone to look at Uchiha Qing, and even more and more Uchiha opened their Sharingans and looked at him with scrutiny.

Being stared at by so many red eyes, no matter who it is, will feel uncomfortable.

"Fugaku, are you doubting me..."

"Uchiha Chiji, Uchiha Rinna, Uchiha Han, Uchiha Hanhuo, Uchiha Junshu..."

Fugaku called out a series of names.

"Elder Qing has a good eye. He specifically picks those whose families are weak. Do you think that these people's families have not opened the Sharingan and have a low status in the clan? Even if you try to expose them, the final news will not be delivered to me, the clan leader?!"

Fugaku's voice gradually changed from the original low to high, but it still carried the unique seriousness in his voice, making him look like he really had some of the majesty that the Uchiha clan leader should have.

"Don't you think that Uchiha is the Uchiha that you can cover the sky with one hand! You are wrong. Uchiha is the Uchiha that belongs to all Uchiha!"

Uchiha Fugaku carried the flame fan on his back and pointed at Uchiha Qing with his sickle.

After hearing Fugaku's words, Uchiha Setsuna and several elders looked at each other with a gloomy look.

They were angry that Uchiha had produced a scum like Uchiha Qing, and they also heard the sarcasm in Uchiha Fugaku's words, implying that these elders had usurped some power.

"You are right. Uchiha belongs to all Uchiha, not just your family!"

Uchiha Qing also blushed, pointing at Uchiha Fugaku and scolding:

"What qualifications do you have to be the clan leader? In terms of merit and seniority, how can you compare with us? Why? Just because your father is also the clan leader!"

The character of Uchiha is that the sky is the boss and I am the second. They are all Uchiha with three magatama Sharingan, and no one is willing to submit to anyone. But the current clan leader is not like the Warring States period, who has the Mangekyō Sharingan that can suppress everything. Naturally, these elders think that Uchiha Fugaku is not qualified to be the clan leader, so it is better for them to take over, so they join forces to try to fight for power.

"Elder Qing, I may not have done well enough as the clan leader, but I think my biggest dereliction of duty is that I failed to deal with scum like you in the clan in time. So as the clan leader, I think I need to wash away the shame on the Uchiha clan emblem with my own blood!"

Ninjas, after all, speak with strength.

And Uchiha happens to be the group of people who believe in strength the most.

Uchiha Qing knew that because of his momentary obsession, it would be difficult for him to walk out of here alive today, because no matter how he and Uchiha Fugaku fight, he will definitely be torn apart by those angry clan members.

No one wants this kind of situation of being in a tight situation in the front and in the back to happen to their own family, because everyone has parents and children.

A group of Uchiha surrounded Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Qing and came to the open space in front of Nanga Shrine.

Because Uchiha Fugaku planned to kill Uchiha Qing in a one-on-one battle in person, he wanted to show his strength and establish prestige in front of all the clan members.

According to the rules set by the first and second Hokage, people from the same village must make the seal of opposition to show respect before sparring with each other, and the seal of reconciliation after the sparring is over, but obviously, these two seals are not needed for this battle.

Konoha, Uchiha clan land, open space in front of Nanga Shrine.

A large group of Uchiha gathered at the edge of the open space, watching the fierce battle between Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Ao in the field.

They gathered here to prevent Uchiha Ao from taking the opportunity to escape.


Uchiha Yu didn't know when he stood next to Ming Jing.

"Use your Sharingan to watch carefully and learn carefully. The battles of Uchiha with this level of Three Magatama Sharingan will be of great reference for you."

Hearing this, Uchiha Mingjing obediently opened his Sharingan and watched the battle in the field.

It's just that both of them are extremely agile jounin, and they are even considered strong among the jounin. Even if he turns on his Sharingan, he can only barely see roughly.

That is, what ninjutsu Uchiha Fugaku used, how Uchiha Ao responded, etc. The more in-depth details cannot be seen with his current ninja quality.

At this time, Uchiha Yu began to explain in a low voice while standing aside.

Although he was old, he had been a jounin for decades, and his eyes were still venomous. He pointed out many important details that could be understood and absorbed by Ming Jing when the two of them were fighting.

"It seems that this guy Fugaku is pretty good. That guy Ao is probably going to lose."

After watching for a few minutes, Uchiha Yu touched his beard and nodded, seeming to agree with the performance of Uchiha Fugaku, the clan leader.

He can be considered taller among the short ones. Although he is not comparable to the previous clan leaders who have activated the Mangekyou Sharingan, the current Fugaku is indeed the most suitable person to be the clan leader in Uchiha.

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