Uchiha Family's Reincarnation

Chapter 115 Demon Slash

after one day.

"The Knife Forging Village was attacked?"

After receiving the news, Uyashiki Yaoya had a bit of worry and surprise on his face.

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"How's the damage? I remember both the Sun Pillar and the Smoke Pillar were there."

"Reporting to my lord, the Grade-A swordsman stationed at the Sword Forging Village died, and a total of twelve other swordsmen died. However, the swordsmiths who were protected by them only lost three people."

A man wrapped in a black coat said to Uyashiki Yoshiya in front of him.

"Alas...so many children have died again..."

Ubuyashiki Yōya looked a little sad, even though he knew that the loss was already very small.

"Also, my lord, according to the intelligence, the fifth of the upper strings has been eliminated by the newly promoted Lord Yanzhu and Lord Xiazhu, and the second and third third of the upper strings have also been killed by Lord Rizhu!"

Even though his face was covered by a mask and hood, everyone could feel the immense excitement from his body.

Ubuyashiki Yōya froze on the spot, in disbelief, and asked again, and got the same answer.

"In just one month, half of the ghosts of the upper string that had not changed in a century were wiped out by Mingjing, and the fifth of the upper string was killed by Muichiro Ichiro... This is a change that has not happened in a hundred years, no, a thousand years. ! The power of ghosts has dropped to its lowest point in history within this millennium!"

Even though he was very weak, Ubuyashiki Yoshiya's eyes shone brighter than ever.

"This is the most promising era to eliminate Wuhan. There is even a better chance than three hundred years ago!"

Ubuyashiki Yoshi stood up impatiently.

"Quickly, pass the news to other pillars as soon as possible and convene a new pillar meeting!"

Since last year, the Demon Slayer's half-yearly Hashira meetings have become more frequent than ever.



Turn your attention back to the Knife Forging Village.

"Senior Village Chief."

"Lord Rizhu."

Tetsuchi Kawara Tetsujin carefully took out several long wooden boxes from behind and opened them one after another.

"This knife is definitely the pinnacle of my life!"

Tetsuchi Kawara Tetsujin took out a Nichirin sword that shone with a cold light from one of the wooden boxes with gentle movements like caressing a lover.

Its shape is exactly the same as the tail feathers of the sky placed aside.

"Although it is not comparable to the swordsmith who forged the Vulcan Sword, after many attempts, I finally figured out part of the molten steel forging method and successfully integrated the Orangutan Crimson Iron into it. The hardest material in the world, Wujin, should be enough to support the flames of Lord Sun Pillar."

Ming Jing reached out and took the Nichirin Sword from Tiedi Kawara Tiezhen.

It felt a bit heavy when I first started holding it, but when my hand really held it on the hilt, it felt as light as nothing. This shows that the center of gravity, power point, length, weight, and feel of the sword have all reached a perfect balance. It can be called the best of the best. Among all the knives that Ming Jing has held, only the Tail Feather of Heaven can give him this feeling.

"I am not talented, so I named this sword Demon-Zhan-Kiri. I hope that Lord Nizhu can use this sword to kill more evil ghosts and completely eliminate the ghosts in this world."

Teichi Kawara Tetsujin turned around again and took out the Nichirin knives from several other wooden boxes.

"This Zuki-Kiri is the real one among this batch of swords. As for these Shadow-Kiri, they are the by-products made when I studied the sword-forging technique of Ten-no-Tailha. Although it is not as good as the Zuki-Kiri, I still use this The high-quality Nichirin sword forged by the new sword-forging technique will still have some signs of melting after being used by Nizhu-sama, but as long as the edge is re-sharpened, it can still be used several times."

Tetsuchi Kawara Tetsujin said while stroking his long white beard.

"Thank you, Senior Village Chief. By the way, when I was fighting against the Second Sword, it was Xiaotie who temporarily blocked the Third Sword for a period of time with his family's Rendu Yuan Type 10. This sword belongs to me. Found in Yuan Yi Zero's body."

Ming Jing took out another rusty Nichirin sword from behind and handed it to Tiedi Kawara Tiezhen.

"This sword... Judging from the style and traces, it should have been handed down from the Warring States Period. It was made using an extremely superb but extremely cumbersome method that has been lost. At that time, it was specially supplied to the most powerful swordsmen. Used."

Teichi Kawara Tetsujin touched his chin, looking like he was trying to figure it out.

"Although it is very old, its material is very special. If this knife can be repaired, it should be a rare and good knife. However, the corrosion on the surface is too serious. It must be used by a knife maker with high skills and long physical strength. Only by repeatedly polishing the sword with the sword cleaning method can it be restored to its original state. I will ask the young swordsmith in the village who is second only to me in skill, Iron Zuka Hotaru, to repair it. After the repair, I will have it sent to Master Nizhu. Up."

"In that case, please leave it to the village chief."

Uchiha Mingjing handed the knife to Tetsuchi Kawara Tetsujin's hand.

At this moment, a crow fluttered its wings and landed from the sky, landing on Ming Jing's shoulder.

"Gah - Uchiha Mirror, Uchiha Mirror, go to the headquarters quickly and attend the Hashira meeting. Go to the headquarters quickly and attend the Hashira meeting! Ga!"

Ming Jing took out a few pine nuts from the small bag he carried and fed them to Matsuichiro.

"In that case, senior village chief, I will take my leave now."



The soft sunlight sprinkled on the grass, and the crows flew in the sky, spreading the news to the Demon Slayer Corps.

A few days later.

Demon Slayer Corps, headquarters.

The Tokito brothers, who had regained their mobility, walked through the corridors and came to an open space.

"Hey! Ichiro, Muichiro, you did a good job! You actually killed the upper demon!"

Rengoku Kyojuro greeted the Tokito brothers with a gentle smile on his face.

When Fuzugawa Minami saw the two, his mouth corners also slightly raised a curve, but he still said:

"You did a good job, but you almost died. Your strength is still not strong enough!"

"Hey, Fuzugawa, by the way, why haven't you learned that transparency yet?"

Uzui Tengen put his arm around Fuzugawa's shoulders and teased.

The music was originally a method chosen by the predecessors to pass on the transparent world after mastering it. It has certain characteristics of the transparent world and can be regarded as the prototype of the transparent world.

Now, relying on this advantage, Uzui Tengen has become the fourth pillar to master the transparent world after Rengoku Kyojuro, Beimingyu Gyomei and Mingjing.

Fushigawa Shiya slapped Uzui Tengen's hand away with a look of disdain and said viciously:

"It will be soon, I will be able to master it in a few days!"

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