Two-dimensional System

Chapter 982: Short of fire

Between talking and laughing, the food critic and Maria Hill also came to the first ‘rest place’ that had already been arranged.

What a big rest station, there are not many people?

But these students didn't have any, feeling weird, took out their phones and cameras, and took pictures of the surrounding scenery.

Or maybe, make an appointment with your own friends, and take a group photo of them during this break.

"Why? Just let them do what you arranged? Don't stop and go in to see you, have you used up so much effort to arrange the super hero?"

The food critics are not blind either. The person who just saw jumped out of the bus top and said something was blown up.

Isn’t it, the little Spider-Man when he grows up, Pete Parker?

It's just a surprise, the little Spider-Man in this world seems to be a naive sub.

Not at all, the "spiritual energy" of one's own world is indeed in this world.

Without his own interference, he has continued his own time. Spider-Man Peter Parker did not meet the Matt Murdoch, Pilcher, and Wanda who changed his life when he was a child.

In this world, the Spider-Man after he grew up, Pete Parker looked like a silly look.

But this guy's heart, or no matter what the world it is, can't change the simple kindness.

If there is no problem with his eyesight, then what I saw just now was stopped by this guy.

To attack his classmate's unmanned aerial vehicle? This is amazing. I don't know where the unmanned aerial vehicle came from.

After all, food critics who haven't learned these things don't know anything about technology.

"No~ our destination is in front, that's where we are going. As for here, someone will be waiting to meet the super hero."

The food critic shrugged his shoulders indifferently, he was not the one being arranged anyway, but...

After thinking about it carefully, didn't I also just now, thinking about letting this woman become the security consultant of Yuyin Village?

If the woman agrees, then these things have been properly arranged to be children.

Isn't this very possible, is it performed on yourself?


I thought of the blackness of this woman, she became the security consultant of Yuyin Village, and she was afraid of being dominated by this woman.

It was shrouded in an instant, over the heads of food critics.

"Huh? Why are you sweating? Is my air conditioner too hot?"

Maria Hill saw the cold sweat on the food critic's forehead through the rearview mirror. I thought I just drove it, and the temperature of the air-conditioning in the car was too high.

"Our destination is about to arrive. Let me talk about lowering the temperature first. It's really because of that mysterious guy, if the air conditioner is still smart.

The two of us don’t have to be so lucky~"

It seems that Maria Hill still cares about the advanced air conditioning system.

If this woman goes to Yuyin Village, with the terrible wet weather in the country of rain, food critics can even make up for it.

This woman asks for air-conditioning in the office and at home, so they are afraid that the country of rain will not become the largest air-conditioning country in the entire Ninja world?

It's impossible to think about it this way. Food critics have a serious look. At the beginning, the woman Maria Hill was invited to become the security consultant of their Yuyin Village. Is it a bit too sloppy?

But think of the country of wind, the country of rocks, and the country of water, which have harsher weather conditions than the country of rain.

The country of Rain opens the country with air conditioners, and it is not impossible to go international. The key is that air conditioners seem to be widely used?

As for air conditioners, they are not Xiaobai. After all, they even have refrigerators and color TVs.

When I came to this world, I received the latest news from Xiao Nan that Yuyin Village had broken through network technology.

In a little while, they will be able to achieve ‘zero distance’ across the world anytime and anywhere through the Internet.

Then, with an air conditioner, isn't life just beautiful?


Are the people in the ninja world not human? Shouldn’t it, enjoy it?

When the food critic thought about it this way, all the lumps in his heart disappeared.

"You guy, what are you thinking about?"

"Bad thing? Why are you so sure?"

Food critics are curious, why is this woman's intuition so precise?

"From the look in your eyes and the expression on your face, don't you ask, why would I not meet that little guy?"

"Do you still need to ask? Such a simple answer, wouldn't it be too useless to ask you?"

Maria Hill:? ? ?

Are you floating, buddy? Or do I not know you well? Can this be seen by you?

"Then you are going to talk about it, why?"

Maria Hill was unconvinced, her cheeks puffed out, this breath could not tell that Maria Hill was incomprehensible.

"I have to ask, isn't the thing the students holding is the best answer?"

Maria Hill: ...

Looking at the side with the look of a monster, am I right? His face was complacent, and his face was covered with food critics who were quick to praise others.

Maria Hill resisted the urge to vomit, her face twitched slightly.

"Count you guys, right? A large part of the reason is what you said.

Those students’ mobile phones, laptops, etc., as long as they have signals, may reveal our purpose.

The second reason is that we can't get in touch with the little guy yet, but we can prepare this little guy psychologically.

So that when he needs him, he will not have too much psychological resistance, and that is, let this little guy get nervous and enter a state of fighting at any time. "

The food critic said silently, and Maria Hill gave a thumbs up.

Sure enough, the heart of playing tactics is dirty, the little spider of this world, Pete Parker met these guys.

Haven't been sold yet? It's impossible to tolerate it, but I have said it again, and it is because of the blessing of these guys.

Poor Little Spider-Man, Pete Parker can grow up quickly to inherit Tony Stark's expectations of him.

Now the little Spider-Man, Pete Parker has experienced life and death, has experienced the battle with Thanos.

The body has long since lost the initial childishness and youthful passion.

Because this guy knows, maybe it's also because of the excellent training of Tony Stark in this world.

Do it waywardly, others may pay for your waywardness with life.

Therefore, the current Peter Parker, who is called ‘perfect body’, is completely alone and only a fire...

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