Two-dimensional System

Chapter 972: Sheet nine hundred and sixty-third: Maria Hill: I need you too~

Boss? Or the one who led the team to arrest yourself?

The food critic looked at Maria Hill with a look of doubt. If you want to talk about the black marinated egg, then if you change to the Uzumaki Goddai, it is still a acquaintance.

After all, even the Uzumaki Goddai, who did not kill easily, was personally killed by this guy and became scum.

It can be seen that even if this person does not have much strength, he is disgusting, and even the Uzumaki God Generation cannot bear the anger.

But if it is replaced by a food critic, who is the black braised egg?

It's not just a one-sided black marinated egg. This product is alive or dead, and naturally it has nothing to do with food critics.

Maria Hill's gaze was always on the food critic, looking at the food critic's expression and attitude after hearing the disappearance of the black braised egg.

Maria Hill also disappeared the last trace of doubt and estrangement in her heart.

He seemed to be completely relieved of the food critics, nodded to the food critics and said:

"He is missing, after catching you."

If people who know black marinated eggs, or the first goal is black marinated eggs, then food critics will not be so natural.

Look at the faces of current food critics, doubts, slight differences, but not much fluctuation.

Obviously, the disappearance of the black braised egg does not have anything to do with the food critic in front of him.

Although still unable to get rid of the suspicion, Maria Hill's heart was at least cleared by more than 70%.

The connection between the disappearance of the black marinated egg and the food critics, since it is not a food critic, the black marinated egg is a black hand.

So naturally, the suspicion in Maria Hill's heart fell on what Phil Coleson said to himself last.

It seems that there is an invisible guy in the network, who has been monitoring SHIELD or the person in front of him.

If it is said that the disappearance of the black brine egg really has something to do with the person in front of him.

Then this guy will definitely be, emotionally fluctuating, and anxious to disappear the black marinated egg, and to separate himself from him.

However, the guy in front of him, with clear eyes and doubts, seemed to be thinking about this guy, who is this guy?

It is impossible to lie in the eyes of the acting, and most of the people who lie will show the expression in the eyes or the small movements on the face.

But Maria Hill didn't have any of these, as they were seen on the face of food critics.

This guy neither rushed to clear his own relationship, nor did he understand the possibility that S.H.I.

The resulting misunderstandings, interesting worries and nervousness, are not able to respond to this kind of reaction, which proves that food critics don't care about black braised eggs at all.

Then there is no evidence, this guy clearly faces it. With so much evidence against him, it turned out to be so calm as water.

Doesn't this explain anything? If the food critic is this guy, he heard that the black braised egg is missing.

And this guy immediately, as if on fire, hurried to clear up the relationship with himself.

So, there is no need to doubt, this guy must do it, even if it is not done by a food critic, it is inseparable from the food critic.

Maria Hill does not need to have any doubts, and can directly order the food critics to be arrested.

As for the change of person, because the dirty water or something, especially the dirty water where the black marinated egg is missing, is definitely unacceptable.

But it must also be divided. The average person can be mentally broken when asked, let alone whether the disappearance of the black bittern egg has anything to do with him.

If he can make the black bittern egg disappear, it has to show that this person has such'strength'.

And for a person with this kind of strength, will he get such a big reaction when he gets a problem?

will not!

Therefore, Maria Hill can now give orders directly, Regarding the Lord of the Black Braised Egg Bureau.

The disappearance has nothing to do with food critics. It is not at all because the food critics make delicious food.

Or maybe, after Maria Hill ate food critics, this guy's food was bought by this guy's food.

This will excuse food critics in their hearts. This is exactly what Maria Hill said.

Maria Hill can swear to God about this, even if the food critic is really handsome, it’s her own food.

And the temperament is outstanding, at first glance it is a man who has been entrusted to life, and the cooking is delicious.

I completely grabbed her stomach, and even now thinking about it, maybe in the future, I can't eat the little brother of the food critic, and there is a kind of pain in my heart when cooking food.

But this is the fact. Food critics may have something to do with the disappearance of Director Black Braised Egg.

However, the food critic is innocent, he was only involved in the case of the disappearance of the black braised egg.

Of course, if this food critic, who can be seen at a glance and feels reliable, can stay for her.

Maria Hill didn't mind at all, being with this little brother who can make such a gourmet food that only exists in heaven.


Now looking at her calm face, a pair of food critics who have nothing to do with her, Maria Hill can only cherish this, the short time together.

"So? Will you help us?"

After feeling Maria Hill's faint gaze, the food critic felt as if he would just refuse.

Is it no different from a scumbag? The food critic looked up at the ceiling and the chandelier above.

"No matter who you are, I can feel it, and I can feel it from your food. The justice in your heart, don't you mean that every food is alive?

Every delicacy is entrusted with the expectation of tasting, and the feeling and heart of the person who made the delicacy. "

Food critic:...

Suddenly, with such a passionate blow by Maria Hill, food critics only felt that he seemed to have taken a stone and hit him in the foot?

What do you do if you tell others about it for your own food?


Before the food critic finished speaking, Maria Hill grabbed the hands of the food critic.

"We need you, everyone needs you, and I need you too~"

Looking at the big shiny eyes in front of me, they were teary.

The food critic closed his eyes, and it seemed that he had to pay off the debt he incurred.

The most important thing is to cut off the woman in front of her, thinking about this vest...


There is no way, even if the charm of brother is, brother himself tried to hide it, it can be so dazzling...

"I am willing to help you, but only this time..."

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