Two-dimensional System

Chapter 969: evidence? Is it important?

As for why there was such a discovery, don't ask Phil Colson why, and what evidence is there to tell the truth.

Phil Coleson really can't show any evidence in his hand now, but what if he can't show evidence?

Has anyone ever said that all things must be the pursuit of evidence, not to mention this has long since been separated from the normal world and entered the era of super heroes and super villains.

Why must he pursue evidence? Evidence is shown to others and used to persuade people other than yourself.

Does Phil Colson need to tell the truth? Does Phil Coelson need to explain to others?

No, they don't need all of them, so Phil Colson doesn't need the so-called evidence.

If you feel something wrong in your heart, then there must be something wrong with this matter, then what is wrong.

It's just that they don't know it now, if something is wrong, then they have to find something wrong.

What he believed in Phil Colson was his own intuition, and intuition told him there was a problem with this matter.

So where does this problem appear? Where is the problem?

All this requires Phil Coleson to see through the abnormal data left by the Lord of the Black Lagoon Bureau.

Make a bold guess, maybe this is just who, ready to show them?

So why did the other party do this? Since when did the opponent stare at SHIELD?

Or since when did you stare at which food critic?

Phil Colson also watched the live broadcast of their S.H.I.E.L.D. property.

To be honest, Phil Coleson can tell at a glance, the ability of food critics to control others, but this is not the most important thing.

You must not be attracted by the content of the video in front of you, causing yourself to be confused.

Rather, what is this video for them to see by SHIELD?

Why do they want to give them SHIELD again, and see this thing up and down?

Is the opponent targeting SHIELD? Or is it aimed at the food critics in the video?

Let all of them discover the control ability of food critics?

Look, it can control you silently, just ask if you are afraid?

This is absolutely normal, a normal reaction after seeing this video, fear!

Fearing the control ability of food critics, will food critics use such control ability to control themselves?

This is the effect and purpose the other party wants to achieve? Phil Coleson smiled disdainfully. Perhaps it was terrifying for the food critics' ‘control ability’.

But the ability of the other party is also very terrifying, hidden behind unknown.

Attempting to manipulate all this? Isn't this ‘control’ anymore?

In Phil Colson's eyes, there was a rare flash of cold light.

The purpose of the other party, whether it is SHIELD or a food critic.

The other party's intention and purpose are too...


Because there is no evidence, there is no place to do it, even the other party does not know who is.

Therefore, Phil Coleson can only say that the other party is very terrifying, even more terrible, and directly ‘control’ the chefs and soldiers’ food critics in the live broadcast~

Those who have been controlled by food critics, the chefs and soldiers have been taken over by SHIELD.

And they have also gone through their inspections, although they have no particular impression of being controlled by food critics.

If it is to be said that the same ‘control’ ability, then the food critic’s ‘control’ ability is more like a kind of ‘hypnosis’.

Because the soldiers regarded the food critics as ‘approachable’ people, they did not refuse any request from the food critics.

In a more popular way, what is the ‘control ability’ of food critics? After analyzing the abilities of food critics.

Phil Colson has only one answer, and that is: Increased liking’...

In the next second, I increase my ‘favorite’ towards food critics, which can be regarded as ‘control’ and ‘hypnosis’.

Then everyone will be curious, isn't this also ‘control’?

So why, isn't the food critic controlling the black marinated egg?

If it is only to increase goodwill, then there is no special ‘target’ or ‘offensive’.

The mysterious man hiding in the darkness is very clever. He has calculated everything and is ready for everything.

Even before they knew it, they had already targeted SHIELD for a long time.

But the other party has forgotten one thing, that is, the deployment of battle, their S.H.I.E.L.D. is the father!

What kind of person has Phil Colson never met? Those who are controlled by food critics, chefs and soldiers.

It just adds to the good feelings of food critics, but the results shown by brain waves are very smooth.

There is no such thing as the reaction of Chief Black Braised Egg to being'attacked' by food critics.

This is a different place. There is no need for food critics to attack the adults of the Black Braised Egg Bureau.

Therefore, the loophole of that mysterious guy lies in this place. He clearly managed to make S.H.I.E.L.D. notice the ‘danger’ of food critics.

But there was an extra effort, pretending to be a food critic, and attacked the director of the black braised egg.

Adult Black Braised Egg Bureau, the abnormal data from the instrument on his head.

It is not because the food critics attacked the director of the black braised egg, but the other party passed the Internet.

Attacking the adults of the Black Braised Egg Board by means of equipment, that's why it caused the abnormal brainwave data.

So, that mysterious guy, isn't he just targeting SHIELD? Not only did the other party just want to make a difference, S.H.I.

But want to let S.H.I.E.L.D., and food critics or super-powers like food critics, come to a deadlock?

None of this is impossible, Phil Coleson even suspects that they are still there, under the surveillance of the other party.

What they see is what the other party wants to give them, so they can’t get in touch with the superheroes...

Phil Coleson thought about it, nine out of ten, that is, the handwriting of the people behind it.

But, why did Phil Coleson take extra action after he knew he was being watched by the other party, and asked two ordinary people to look for the black marinated eggs?

And, who is erratic, no one knows where, the savior God of Uzumaki?

Phil Coleson held his hands and turned to look at Maria Hill, where he was alone with the food critic...

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