Two-dimensional System

Chapter 967: Who plays who?

No.56 felt very uncomfortable in her heart. Originally, she refused the task, thinking that it was absolutely impossible for anyone to complete it.

After all, people in the entire world knew that their savior was true when the Uzumaki Goddai was true, but the Uzumaki Goddai is not a person in this world.

Even for superheroes like Tony Stark and Thor, it is impossible to find the Uzumaki Goddai.

Because you don't even know where the Uzumaki Goddai will be, and according to their latest news.

I found it in the Uzumaki Goddai, and the farm now has a home, and it'disappeared' not long after.

The place where it last appeared was the place where the superhero mystery from another world was also fighting with the demon elements from the other world.

This is the last trace that they have known the Uzumaki **** generation. After that, not only the savior Vortex God Generation disappeared, but even the elemental crowd and the mysterious guest disappeared.

These superheroes are just like the super monsters, and they have never appeared before.

And he can't complete the task, so naturally he can't occupy the pit and don't shit, and if he takes the initiative to give in, he still speaks from his No. 56 mouth.

Then, it is understandable that Phil Coleson will find someone else to complete this task.


Unhappy and unhappy at this place, obviously the big bald boss in front of him, just said the left sentence: excellent and the right sentence: this task is none other than you.

I believe in you, like the whole world, apart from you, I will never find another person who can complete such a task.

But in the next second when I refused, I looked at Phil Colson in the video in front of me, what do you mean?

Why don't you even say a word about staying? Is it possible that I just said that I am the best, these words are not said from your Phil Colson mouth?

Look at him and the fifteenth again. Although the two people are the same, each of them has different tasks, but the difficulty is not small.

It's hard to find the Black Braised Egg Board seat, so the task of finding the Uzumaki God is not easy to complete.

But these two people are undoubtedly contrasted. Looking for the black marinated egg, the task of searching for the whole world, the savior of the savior, the **** of the whirlpool, is many times easier, right?

However, Phil Coleson did not give the task of finding the Uzumaki God on the 15th but instead gave it to himself?

So what does this mean? No. 56 admits that he is a person who has long been free from bad tastes, and is a very low-key and speechless person.

Ordinary aggression is absolutely right, and agents like No.56 who have undergone special training in their hearts will not work.

Calmness is a compulsory course for every S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but now No.56 feels that he really can't bear it anymore.

Whether it is for his own ability or Phil Colson's attitude before and after.

Let it all. No. 56 advances and retreats. After retreating so open to the sky, everything is as he intended.

Life is like this. It seems that there are free choices, but you really have no choice.

Just like No. 56, there is obviously a choice, but once you choose, then he will no longer be that ‘excellent’ person.

A moment ago, the boss looked sideways, and the leader praised that he could double his task every month and earn more dividends than others.

Looking at Phil Coleson, who was expressionless, there was nothing else left, and he could tell without saying, he looked like a pity for himself.

"Wait! I'll take this task!"


"Have you figured it out? I didn't force you, nor did I better you to complete this task."

Hearing No.56, my heart burst out, as if I was emptied of all my strength.

Also ‘scream with all his strength’ to himself, and show his determination to Phil Coleson, who is expressionless but with ‘a pity’ on his face.

Once again, in front of No.56, the good old man who made No.56 "familiar" smiled.

call! call!

No.56, sweating profusely, only defeated his inner ‘weakness’, but the whole person seemed to have been salvaged from the water.

Looking out of breath, there is always a kind of unwillingness and helplessness in his heart, he has an ‘illusion’ that he has been fooled.


No, it's not an illusion but, I regret it in an instant.

Damn, I have obviously experienced psychological learning, but why...

Why in front of Phil Colson, there must be no room for ‘resistance’?

Obviously know, absolutely can not agree, but why is his own feet.

Just when I want to go, it is as heavy as lead?

Damn, why can't you move? You should turn around, leave without any hesitation, then go home and get into your own quilt.

Sleep well and wake up as if nothing happened...

But... can you really take it as it is, nothing happened?

Obviously, both of them graduated in the same period on the 15th, but in front of the same two people, they both had a chance at the same time.

On the 15th, I grasped it, but I am really, not as good as my good buddies?

Think about it, if after this time passed, I can still go to the 15th coffee?

Two people can still return to the original appearance as always?

It's different, okay~

I am afraid that I will look down on myself, because of my refusal, I am afraid that even the 15th will not care.

And he, No. 45 is impossible, pretending that nothing happened.

The two of them were originally the most ‘outstanding’ people, but the current choice has left them a ‘gap’.


No. 56 can't help but, he really doesn't want to be fooled by Phil Colson.

But can he really refuse it?

Looking deep, looking at me very optimistic about you, Phil Coleson, cheering young man.

In No.56's heart, she only feels stupid and ridiculous, yeah~

I am very good, I have received professional training, but who do I face?

Phil Colson! This one is not an exaggeration to the first person in SHIELD!

This product has no superpowers, and its strength value is also very average, but this product was cultivated and trained by his black braised egg boss!

Playing with Phil Colson? Are you sure you are not being played?

Originally such a reassuring old man smiled, now the 56th is as uncomfortable as eating Xiang, the key is that he ‘takes the initiative’ to eat it.

No. 56 finally figured out why Phil Coleson gave him and No. 15, the task of two people.

He has used communication equipment, because now he sees this smiling face very much...

nausea! Take off your shoes and print them on this guy's face.

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