Two-dimensional System

Chapter 952: Food critic: Uh~is it too late to escape now?

Looking at it, opening his mouth, the food critic who couldn't say anything in the end, the black braised egg was very proud.

See you, the evil **** of food, what else can you say? Look at this movie that you have been "getting stolen" by yourself, is it speechless?

Hum~ No matter what it is, as long as it is a dangerous element, as long as it is a threat to the stability and peace of the small break, he will execute a righteous attack.

"What else do you want to say? Or do you have nothing to refute?"

How could it be possible to let go of the food critic, this evil guy's chance to lose his mind?

Continue to increase the pressure, so that the evil **** of food in front of him will appear in its original form.

"Nothing to say? Nothing to say to me, but it doesn't mean that I am really like you said."


The black braised egg lengthened the sound, and stared at the food critics with the eyes that killed you.

He wanted to see, what kind of flowers this evil fellow could tell?

Anyway, he wears a mental isolation helmet, and it is naive to want to'control' him under this equipment.

Moreover, with such a good opportunity, Hei Baodan really didn't plan to give up.

Since the birth of Iron Man, various superpowers have come out one after another, after the incident of Thanos.

People have finally accepted the existence of superheroes, but the corresponding new superpowers and ordinary people are treating them.

The law enforcement of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very controversial. After all, I am not sure if I will be the next superpower to be smashed by a billboard.

No one wanted to be restrained by force by SHIELD.

Therefore, violent law enforcement was raised by them, and it came out time and time again. This time, Hei Lao Dan will take this opportunity to let everyone see them S.H.I.E.L.D.

But it is not just for every super-powered person, but also violent law enforcement!

Look at the food critics, this evil **** of food, all plans to control the chefs and let them eat dirt.

But let’s look at how they are ‘civilized’ to enforce the law? Have they surrounded the **** of food? Yes they are surrounded~

A mosquito in the encirclement can't fly in, but have they acted violently?


They are waiting, the evil God of Food recognizes his mistakes and confession~

Under the testimony of everyone, I saw the food critic, under the eyes of the black braised egg, after showing a moment of hesitation.

Opening his eyes, staring straight at the black marinated egg, he said:

"Unspeakable conspiracy? I want to ask, what conspiracy do I have? What conspiracy even I don't even know about it!?"

Ugh! ?

"Looking at you with a look of indignation and such a serious look, are you just asking this?"

If you were threatened by SHIELD, you would wink!

If you were kidnapped by S.H.I.E.L.D., you would call out to let us know...

"Of course, you said I have a conspiracy, then what is my conspiracy? I can't, just confess my guilt in such an unexplained way, let's go with you?"

Food critics want to say that before, trembling in the ‘gas field’ of the black braised egg, it seemed that they had ‘confessed their guilt’.

So now the food critics spread their hands against the black braised egg, even I don’t know what conspiracy I have, how do you know that I have a conspiracy?

"Huh! I know that some people don't give up without seeing the evidence, so we prepared this for you!"

what! ?

It's impossible, there is really no evidence! ?

Food critics seem to have never thought that the guy in front of him is a black-hearted lasagna~


Hei Bao Dan was very excited. He played so many episodes by himself, but it finally made me snap my fingers.


It's finally someone's turn, snapping his fingers~

But to be honest, the feeling of snapping your fingers, the experience is really great~

No wonder, so many big guys like them, snap their fingers when something is wrong, Thanos likes to snap his fingers, it seems that the guy in Uzumaki God also likes to snap his fingers.

In the data, Uzumaki Shindai snapped his fingers, Tony Stark was gone, and he didn't know where he snapped his fingers, and brought back Steve Rogers' vibrating shield.

Now it's my turn, the black light incarnation of justice, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Black Lagoon snaps his fingers!

In the awkward expression of the God of Food, he didn't understand the meaning of the black braised egg.

I saw that after the snapped fingers of the black bittern egg, a young man was holding a screen with a face that was strictly forbidden?

He came in front of him, the black braised egg, and Maria Hill, with a black braised face between them, with their hands on their backs on their backs.

Looking at Uzumaki Kamidai, he said: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance, don't you want to see the evidence? Then I will give you the evidence you want~"


Food critics are very speechless, is there really so-called evidence?

Seeing food critics not talking, are they still holding on at this time? You just don't hit Nanshan and don't look back?

it is good! My righteous black light, the black stewed egg bureau will let you die.


There was a picture on the screen, and the food critic was taken aback, and the picture was all his own live broadcast.

But what is the use of these live content? Food critic, who am I and where am I? Why does your live broadcast content seem to have pitted yourself?

Looking at the bewildered food critic, the black stewed egg knows quite well~

This is a fledgling "rookie" ~ I don't even know where I am without showing his tail.


Stupid rookie ~ Let your righteous black light dad, Master Black Lagoon, come and give you a fatal blow~

"Look, this is your live broadcast, right?"

The food critic nodded, although he knew that his live broadcast was hacked by a fat guy~

However, the content of the previous live broadcast was not hacked, and the black marinated egg was seen by food critics.

It’s me, I haven’t been ‘hacked’ live video before, but I didn’t think of S.H.I.

Did you notice it too?

Is this guy so idle? As an intelligence spy chief, you still watch the live food live without paying attention to your business?

The food critic had a dark face, silently looking at the adults in the black braised egg.

The current adults of the Black Lagoon Bureau are terrible, and the key part of the problem is circled in the screen with the other finger behind his back.

"Is there anything wrong with who the chef greets?"

Anyway, food critics really can't tell what is wrong with them.

"No problem? Wrong! The wrong number is special! This is the crux of the problem. Do you know where this is?"

"Isn't this the place to eat?"

"This is indeed a place to eat, but this is not a place where ordinary people should eat. This is where the Queen's family and royal members eat.

Wherever the chefs are all imperial chefs, even Her Majesty will not buy it easily. Look at their attitude towards you? "

Food critic: Uh...

Excuse me...

I'm running now, is it too late?

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