Two-dimensional System

Chapter 946: Food critic?

Quentin Baker looked at his little friend who had been beaten with blood, with a smile on our face, the victor of God Slaughter.

But in the bottom of my heart, the last wrap is let go. They may be emotionally unstable, or they may all have various problems.

But, which one of Quentin Baker and everyone here is a fool?

Emotional instability, which is the ‘center’ of the brain's information processing, has a little problem, but their personality will not change, and their IQ will not decrease.

Everyone here knows what it looks like, so they can get together.

But it doesn't mean that everyone will surround him completely and believe him without reservation.

Especially his good friends, he needs the other party to believe completely and unconditionally, and fully support him with his technology.

The talents of other people are all in the hardware, but this does not mean that the software is not important.

On the contrary, the key part of the holographic system is the fluency of the software.

If it is an ordinary person, even a super-powered person, as long as it is not mentally convenient, plus keen observation.

Even if it is set in advance, it may not be able to let the other party's whole body'immersion' in their own holographic system.

Therefore, Quentin Baker is the most worried about the vacillating fat guy in his heart.

"Quentin, where is our plan?"

Perhaps it was caused by the blood, and the adrenaline surge of the shaggy fat man seemed to make the fat man understand some Quentin Baker.

Why call yourself, block the news of superheroes and villains on the Internet.

This kidnapping plan, Wade is...

In short, this tip of the iceberg made Fatty, his whole body beaten up, he saw the feasibility of the plan.

Similarly, they are more confident in their own holographic system, in which they are gods.

This thought of Quentin Baker, this sentence is better than 10,000 sentences, and we will succeed.

In the end, the winner will be our kind, the pale and feeble ‘groan’ is strong and powerful.

"Don't worry~ Our plan is in progress. It is carried out in a calm and calm manner. Your link is very important."


When he met Quentin Baker's eyes, the fat man's whole body trembled and his expression tightened, and he nodded his head heavily.

‘That’s right, you are important...’

"By the way, heroes on the Internet now, is there any news?"

Although it is to block the entire network, news about superheroes and people who don’t look like good people and well-known bad guys are blocked.

But it doesn't mean that they can't watch the news on the Internet, but they just blocked the news from the Internet.

Let other people not see it for a short time. In order not to be discovered with confidence, the information is deleted without mentioning it.

The fat man used the holographic system not only in reality, to deceive others' eyes.

The same can also be placed in the network, so that all people can enter into an ‘environment’ that the fat man wants to simulate.

In this environment, there are no strange phenomena, no superheroes, the villains are good people, and everything seems to have never happened.

Their world, still before Tony Stark, declared himself to be Iron Man, the same harmony, happiness and ease.

On the official website of the Avengers, in such an ‘environment’, it’s like being isolated and ‘dropped’.

Therefore, no one can defeat them in their ‘domain’.

As for, why is the effect only one day?

First, no matter what it is, there is a cost. Special effects burn out money, not to mention that they have done such a ‘big’ special effect on the Internet.

Don't you need any money? Are their servers and network traffic free?

Second, they are not the only ones in this world, Tony Stark just retired and doesn't care about things.

It doesn't mean that Tony Stark's brain is degraded, the IQ has dropped from the "abnormal" on the Internet, and he can blind others, but he is not busy with Tony Stark.

It's just that Tony Stark wants to care about this matter, they have already dealt with the character analysis collected from Tony Stark.

Tony Stark is more than 80% and will never shoot himself in the face again.

In this world, the Vortex God Generation still exists, and this world is not on the premise of being destroyed.

Regarding this matter, we will maintain a'wait and see' attitude, but on this basis, Quentin Baker knows that Tony Stark will definitely be prepared if he does not take action.

This was something he couldn't stop. The current Tony Stark is not, the Tony Stark many years ago.

At that time, Tony Stark was not exactly Iron Man. To put it simply, Tony Stark's level was not full yet.

It's easy to target Tony Stark, as long as Tony Stark is easy to get up, his character is unstable.

On this omission, they can hold down Tony Stark by doing something.

But it doesn't work anymore. After so many things, Tony Stark is no longer the little young man in the past.

Today's Tony Stark is not only wise, he can't do things steadily. There are no ten thousand sets. Anti-Uzumaki Goddai Mark battle suit, do you think Tony Stark will run in front of Uzumaki Goddai?

In Quentin Baker's description, dealing with all superpowers, this sentence may be true.

But the subtext of destroying the world and unifying the world is not necessarily true. At most, it is only used to seduce him in front of him.

"Interesting thing? There seems to be a new food critic on the Internet~"

"Food critic?"

We are preparing to use ‘information’. In the case of non-equivalence, give the other party an information gap.

As a result, Quentin Baker did not expect that the first news he heard would be a gourmet?

Quentin Baker laughed angrily, and looked up and down at his already, a good friend who has become a fat ball. Perhaps this news is important to him?

"Listen! I spent so many resources, not for a food critic!"

Quentin Baker felt that his blood pressure was constantly rising, before he felt unable to restrain his anger.

Quentin Baker grabbed the arm of the chair where his friend was sitting.


The unshaven fat man swallowed. He knew that if he didn't give it, the mysterious guest in front of him, the **** of the holographic system, would give a reasonable explanation.

Even if he is important, he will be torn to pieces by the angry holographic system god.

"Then what..."

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