Two-dimensional System

Chapter 939: Previous

Once upon a time, Hei Baodan never thought that one day he would be hung up by someone?

Moreover, it's not the kind that disconnects the phone after being connected, but the kind that the other party hangs up before being connected...

Hei Bao Dan looked demented and looked down at the phone with a black screen after his hand was hung up.

For a while, I still couldn't get out of the ‘strike’ of being hung up, and I couldn’t say anything, and finally...

"Mom messing with Fak..."

Thousands of words, what else can be worth, this sentence is full of helplessness, unable to follow the phone signal.

Transmit it to the other party's mobile phone, force the other party's mobile phone to be connected, and spit it at the other party, right?

after all......

I have to ask others, so this uncle still don’t do well~

He can afford to put it down, so what is the face? For him, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a black braised egg over 10,000 people, that was nothing to mention.

"Boss? What's wrong?"

Before seeing the black braised egg, I was going to make a call. But just in a blink of an eye, why did you look suspicious that your life was disconnected?

Maria Hill came over and asked puzzledly.

At the same time, he cast his gaze on the darkened screen inside the black braised egg hand.

She seemed to want to see something, but found nothing. After all, Maria Hill did not have a pivotal eye.

At a glance, you can see the black screen of the mobile phone, and the rejected and unconnected call inside.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, the black halogen egg trembled, and turned around to look at Maria Hill with a concerned face.

His complexion was a little unnatural, a little uncomfortable but helpless for a while, and she shook her phone with a black screen in front of Maria Hill.

"Something went wrong~"

Although he is shameless, it is impossible to lie. He thinks he is not one and likes to deceive himself and others.

After all, this thing can't tell a lie, after all, my phone was hung up, and this assistance was not pulled, when I was talking about it at the end.

If the little guy who dared to hang up his phone really didn't come, wouldn't it be even more difficult to get off the stage by then?

Shame on you~ Anyway, it's just a momentary frustration. When has he been afraid of the dreadful egg?

He is afraid of only one thing, that is, not only is face lost, the world is also destroyed, and that is the most embarrassing thing.

After all, the black braised egg has always taken protecting the world as its top priority.

I don’t think there is enough time to go to work for ‘twenty-eight’ hours a day, especially the ‘little setback’ of this point.

That little guy thought he wouldn't answer his phone, he thought he could avoid it, and could he take off the ‘responsibility’ on his shoulders?

Hei La Dan will tell that the little guy who refused his call is your responsibility and you will never be able to take it off.

For the important task of protecting world peace, do you want to retire unless you die?

Then you have to learn from Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, these two guys have chosen their successors.

But Hei La Dan knew that even these two guys had chosen a successor.

But when it comes time to need Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, these two ‘old guys’, these two ‘old guys’ will definitely stand up again.

But this world, after all, is not for the two of them. One generation does things for one generation. Now it is the young people's turn to exercise themselves.

Just like leveling, the generation of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers have cultivated their experience and level to the ‘highest’ level.

Unless the world is ‘upgraded’ and the level can continue to rise...

Of course, the topic is far off. The so-called family has an old treasure, the current Tony Stark and Steve Rogers.

These two "old men" are the "babies" of this world. When the world is destroyed, these two guys will definitely stand up again.

The reason is that they also exist in this world, and now with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers abdicating to the virtuous.

All the good positions of ‘Daguai’, ‘Jungler’, and ‘Beat Boss’, so as to absorb experience and level up, were given up.

What if no one takes a position? But not everyone can do it. After all, you need to perform your own duties for brushing the wild and BOSS.

There is T, support and output, and "Nanny". Only when these are added together can we defeat the boss together~

With such a simple truth, the black bittern egg means that as a young man and a contemporary young man, he should understand such a truth.


Okay~ Hei Lao Dan said that in the end, he still can't escape. As a "nanny" role, I have to show these little guys the way.

We must also guide these little guys not to grow crookedly, and to prevent these little guys from the ‘tail’ that may be left behind because of inexperience.

"In other words, your aid plan failed?"

Maria Hill was expressionless, looking at the black marinated egg swaying her arm, and accurately and accurately stabbed the black marinated egg's ‘black heart’.

"I can't say that I failed. It's just that the little guy has something wrong temporarily. I believe my little guy will recognize himself clearly and what he needs to face~

Yes~ He will recognize clearly, he is just a little confused now, and we need to give him some guidance. And give him a little time to make this little guy think clearly~"

Looking at the affectionate explanation of the black braised egg, and really wanting to do that, Maria Hill said that she almost believed it~

He squinted his eyes and stared nonchalantly, trying to conceal his embarrassment and ‘shame and anger’. He was embarrassed in front of his ‘tree’.

"Then I hope as you said, because I have a hunch, we may be in trouble~"

Maria Hill looked at the black marinated egg, with an inexplicable expression in the bright black pupils.

The sudden appearance of Uzumaki Goddai, and those inexplicable words, it seems that the person Uzumaki Goddai is looking for is a mysterious ‘powerful’ photographer.

However, none of the people present were idiots. Maria Hill recalled her previous attack, like a stone sinking into the sea.

I didn’t say any effect, not even a splash of spray.

Whether it’s the element, magic or your own ‘attack’, even if you can’t help the other party, should you react?

Looking at the wreckage around, it was indeed caused by strong winds, but from the latest data, Maria Hill felt that she had overlooked something...

In those ordinary data, there must be the ‘truth’ behind winning.

If you like the Diaomin system of the second element, please collect it: ( The literature of the Diaomin system of the second element has the fastest update speed.

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