Two-dimensional System

Chapter 937: Live to death

The mystery was very satisfied with the effect he had created, and looked at the ‘losers’ who raised their hands towards him in front of him, and shouted at the same time.

Yes~ That's it, they are all victims of the Stark Group.

Originally, this was not the treatment they should have, but as Tony Stark "crossed the river and demolished the bridge"; most of them were unemployed after the weapon department was closed.

It's easy for others to say that the Stark Group does not want them, and other groups like the Hanmer Group welcome them with both hands.

But their good days did not take long. They will be inside the Stark Group, the weapon technology they know.

After handing over to the Hanmer Group, their good days are over with the **** president of Hanmer's downfall.

Their own value is squeezed out, and no one cares about their life or death, plus when they leave.

After everyone was labelled ‘problematic’ by the Stark Group, no group dared to use them.

Suddenly, they became rats crossing the street, and the sunlight on the road seemed to abandon them overnight.

As a result, they ‘spontaneously’ hid in this gloomy sewer, all day long referring to the insight that they can look up through the manhole cover.

To reveal the ray of light coming in to feel the'sunshine', which is definitely not what they want.

They want to go back to the road again. They have been isolated from the sun for too long and lack sunlight. It makes their skin appear sickly white.

They are in the dark but their hearts are toward the ‘light’, so why did they not commit a crime, yet they end up like this?

They are all good people, and they have never done bad things. Why can they only live in the ‘sewer’?

They have to return to the ground, no matter what method they use...

In order to return to the ground, they waited bitterly, because they knew that as long as that person was still there, they would never have a chance.

They originally thought that Tony Stark would die in the universe, but what they didn't expect was the woman who was exposed to light.

Saved Tony Stark in the universe and brought Tony Stark back to the small break.

But fortunately, Tony Stark has been ‘mentally exhausted’ to the Avengers and has not had much energy.

In other words, it is the mind, and then blended into the ‘justice’ cause of the Avengers.

This made them take a breather and began to ‘crawl’ and ‘groping’ for ‘today’ in the darkness, in a world that people cannot see.

"But, Quentin, we are now being watched by the savior of the whirlpool god, what should we do next?"

Their plan was good, and they had expected Tony Stark to retire five years ago.

They have calculated everything that might happen, so they find the right time.

The departure of the superheroes. Retirement, retreat, the opportunity to alternate between the old and the new.

More importantly, Thor left with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Bruce Banner was even more due to the sacrifice of Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff.

The half-retired state is just responsible for guarding the time machine in the Avengers.

But they have counted thousands of calculations, and they have not been able to calculate that this maverick ‘savior’ would be ‘interested’ in them?

While they were depressed, they were excited, though, being watched by Uzumaki God was definitely not a good thing.

Especially for them, who were preparing the draft, but Uzumaki Kamiyo was eyeing them, couldn't it be regarded as another kind of ‘affirmation’ for them?

It must be what they did that survived the ‘recognition’ of Uzumaki Goddai, which made them be paid attention to by Uzumaki Goddai.

This kind of pathological thinking that requires ‘recognition’ has made them, the group of losers who have been separated from the masses and abandoned, is like a chicken blood.

Begin to'enjoy' like addicts, they need such an'affirmation', and their path is'right'.

The unpredictable arrival of Uzumaki Goddai was the ‘evidence’ in their eyes.

"Calm down everyone. Being ‘showed’ by the savior of Uzumaki God is not necessarily a disaster, but an opportunity for us.

So we should do this next..."

But the excitement is the excitement, they still have self-knowledge, after all, the Uzumaki Goddai killed the existence of Thanos.

Relying on their ‘technology’ combat power, let alone the Maelstrom Gods, they can’t even kill an alien ‘bad dog’ of Thanos.

Therefore, the losers after the passion have begun to doubt themselves, worry about gains and losses, and worry about themselves.

The mysterious guest will have a panoramic view of all this, but how can he let such emotions permeate everyone?

Ever since, the mysterious guest addressed the crowd and told what was in his mind, after seeing the Uzumaki Goddai.

The bold ‘scripts’ planned out, they were originally ‘losers’ with nothing. What awaits them without success is the use of dayless darkness.

They have nothing to worry about, and there are no gains or losses to worry about.

To die and live without breaking or standing, they will reap even more if they succeed, but they will live the same way if they fail.

With such high returns, what can they hesitate about?

"Woo~ Quentin Baker, your plan is too bold, but doing it like this means that we will wicked the savior of Uzumaki God's Generation?"

"Do we still have a way back?"

Facing the ‘questioning’ timidity of his companions, Quentin Baker spread his hands, as if putting his own life and death out of consideration.

I was willing to take the initiative to meet the ‘bullet’ that imagined his heart.

In their opinion, Quentin Baker has been ‘crazy’, but...

Quentin Baker is right, they have nothing to worry about, they will get everything if they win.

Even more than they imagined, even if they lost.

It is nothing more than that they are still doing them, the identity of the sewer ‘rat’.

And they won't die. After all, the person who was ‘evil’ at Uzumaki Goddai was Quentin Baker, not them.

Even if Uzumaki Goddai finally gets angry, Quentin Baker will be the first to find someone to settle the bill, not them.

Think about it, yes, the strength of Uzumaki Goddai is indeed unfathomable, but they must have a face-to-face battle with Uzumaki Goddai?

Do not!

They are not rashers like Thanos, they have brains, they can't beat the Uzumaki God.

Can't you still play the "game" with Uzumaki Kamdai?

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