Two-dimensional System

Chapter 928: Good neighbor~

Although I don't want to admit that I am the owner of Edith's'Miss Sister'.

From beginning to end, Mr. Tony Stark has always been doing things, but he didn't want to be the master of artificial intelligence at all.

And what is the smell of being arranged, please?

On his little shoulders, he took so many responsibilities in the blink of an eye?

I am only one: child~

The current Pete Parker little spider just wants to retrieve Mr. Tony Stark and return the glasses on his face to Mr. Tony Stark.

Let me tell you later that Mr. Tony Stark is not the person he was looking for. I'm sorry, Mr. Tony Stark, you really found the wrong person.

While listening absently, ‘Edith’ reported to herself about her various magical functions.

While taking out his cell phone, he was about to dial Mr. Tony Stark's phone, and only heard the lady's Lady Edith who was reporting her ability.

He opened his mouth and said to himself: "Is the master looking for him now, Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark won't answer your call now~"

"Seeing" the behavior of Pete Parker, regardless of whether Pete Parker can accept it, directly speaks out the cruel reality that Tony Stark will not answer his call.

As for the friendly reminder from the young lady, Pete Parker also expressed that he did not believe in evil.


When Tony Stark, who had disappeared from the sight of Pete Parker, heard the ringtone of the cell phone from Pete Parker who reported to him on Friday.

The corners of Tony Stark's mouth hung up, as expected, there was no unexpected arc, and his eyes were more satisfied with his chosen ‘successor’.

Tony Stark launched the Avengers and is already considered a retiree.

However, Tony Stark also didn't want to let this ‘spirit’ disappear.

Of course, Tony Stark is not willing to let Pete Parker participate in those, right and wrong.

There is no direct suggestion to recommend Pete Parker into the Avengers, just want this child to choose his own future.

As a descendant who drew attention to himself, Tony Stark also wanted to help him a little bit, so that the child would avoid detours.

And, after experiencing so many things, Tony Stark thinks he already knows enough about the kid Pete Parker.

Handing this gift by himself into the hands of Pete Parker, Tony Stark did not realize that he was inhumane at all, and was very satisfied with the choice he made.

Pete Parker is just a little uncomfortable, but there is something in him.

Tony Stark believes that this thing on Pete Parker will not be buried.

When he needs him, he will stand up for this child and will never shirk his responsibilities.

"Whose call? Pete?"

Seeing his husband, Tony Stark, with his head down and his old father smiling, looked at the phone but did not connect.

Pepper Potts stretched his head curiously and saw the caller ID on Tony Stark's phone.

She smiled and said curiously, she also liked this child very much.

But what Pepper Potts didn't expect was that Tony Stark didn't press answer, but instead pressed reject. He didn't answer the call. This kid's call?

"I know that kid, it's not me that is needed now, but to go back and rest, sleep and stick to himself."

Hearing Tony Stark’s explanation, Pepper Potts smiled and took Tony Stark’s arm, looking at the phone that Tony Stark had put away.

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall that Tony Stark became Iron Man, what happened back then.

"He must live up to expectations~"

Of course Pepper Potts knew about the child. His husband had just returned from the universe during the period.

I have told myself more than once, how did the child chase the Universe Fei Chuang because of one of his own ‘tasks’.

In the spaceship, the child's method allowed them to solve the ebony throat and save the magician Stephen Strange.

Together on Thanos’ planet, this Thanos is fighting, and the kid is so reliable in the battle~

watt! ?

Just when Tony Stark hung up the phone, he didn't know what kind of expectations Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stark and Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Parker had of themselves.

At this moment, she looked confused and couldn't believe it, looking at her hung up call.

Pete Parker really couldn't believe it. It was true that Mr. Tony Stark didn't answer his call as his AI lady said?

Is it so irresponsible?

If a bad guy comes and he needs Mr. Stoke's help, what should I do?

"He? He? Hung up?"

"Yes~ Mr. Stark, the master, didn’t answer~ If I wanted to, if the master went to his farm and asked Mr. Stark to have a drink, I don’t think Mr. Stark would refuse~"

Pete Parker: ...

Damn~ How did I forget that Mr. Tony Stark had announced his retirement?

"Then Edith, that is to say Mr. Stark, he really doesn't care about these dangerous things anymore?"

"Yes~ As Mr. Stark told you, the future belongs to you~"

‘Damn~ it’s wool, I don’t feel excited at all? Instead, it seems to be pitted? ’

Pete Parker has a black line on his face, although he knows where Tony Stark might be now, even if he is looking for it now.

The estimated result will not change much.

Isn't it true that I can only recognize that?

Do not!

Startled by his own thoughts, Pete Parker took off the Miss Edith Sister she was carrying on her face without saying a word.

Then, as if holding a ball of fire in his own hand, he ‘threw’ it back into the box in his hand.

I'm just a good neighbor in Queens, guiding the lost pedestrians, helping the grandma to cross the road, catching a thief at most, robbing robbers, etc. is what I should do.

I can no longer participate in any dangerous things, I can't make Aunt Mei worry.

Those things to save the world are really not what he should do, and he can't do it...

Holding the box in his hand, he still didn't throw it away, and finally threw it into his backpack.

Pete Parker turned and walked away quickly as if being chased by something...

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