Two-dimensional System

Chapter 925: Uzumaki Shindai

Uzumaki Kandai looked from a distance, and the two stood outside the ‘farm’, the gate looked like wind and rain, and the harsh sun couldn’t make them change their minds.

'Moving'? "Scared"? Or is it ‘shocked’ by the ‘determination’ of the two?

Sorry that these Uzumaki Goddais did not, on the contrary, Uzumaki Goddai felt a little indifferent and disgusted with their behavior.

In this way, the vortex **** generation can understand, but the time gem, space gem, and even the infinite energy in the soul gem have been completely consumed.

The things Uzumaki Goddai promised will not go back. If these two people did this, it would be good if Uzumaki Goddai was not angry.

However, Uzumaki Kamiyo was able to understand the two of them, so Uzumaki Kamiyo didn't have that much energy.

"Don't worry about them."

So, I sat on a tree-root chair that was carefully polished after being cut with a big tree.

The Uzumaki Goddai did not fluctuate at all, after the superstar standing in place heard the order of the Uzumaki Goddai.

Very respectfully poured a glass of juice for Uzumaki Goddai, and replied to Uzumaki Goddai:


Anyway, Uzumaki Goddai will not lose faith in others, and will do what he promises. Uzumaki Goddai is very relieved of himself.

There are two more door gods at his door, and this matter Uzumaki Goddai is also very calm. Having at least two ‘door gods’ can save himself a lot of things.

For example, the interruption of some guys, after all, Uzumaki Goddai is now the ‘savior’ of the entire world.

I don't know who it was, the "report" went out, and now Uzumaki Goddai is different from the world he came from before.

In the world of the ‘past’, Uzumaki Goddai can say that it only exists in the range that some people only know.

So now, in this world, the Uzumaki God Generation is simply an existence that no one knows in this world, no one knows.

In response to this, no matter where they go in this world, there will be a large group of people looking at themselves; admiring, excited and longing eyes.

This made Uzumaki Jindai very uncomfortable, but Uzumaki Jindai couldn't deal with these people either.

These people can be regarded as ‘fans’ of Uzumaki Jindai. Although they are very annoying, their worship and respect for themselves is not fake.

As for the look in your eyes? Every time, Uzumaki Kamdai could see the cameras in these guys' hands that were shaking because of excitement and entanglement.

As for, why didn't you just take two photos of Uzumaki Kamdai?

That's because someone has tried it. The Uzumaki Goddai has a fairy model, and the Uzumaki Goddai knows who is a good person and who is malicious to him.

If you walk on the street and have real fans, you will have to fish in troubled waters for money and fame.

The guy who can do everything, unfortunately, Uzumaki Goddai has encountered many.

It's fine for these guys to secretly take pictures of themselves from a distance, and even walk up to them with a ‘kind’ face, thinking they can’t see the ‘streak’ intentions of these guys.

I want Uzumaki God to put a few, and POSE will let them come again, a short paragraph of weird text...


Don't doubt, these guys think this is what they intend to do.

For such a person, Uzumaki Jindai is not so polite, and Uzumaki Jindai does not have any idol baggage, and will not act in the street in order to maintain his image.

Uzumaki Kamiyo has never regarded himself as a superhero, but he does not want people to do such ‘disgusting’ things to himself.

Therefore, when encountering such a person, Uzumaki Kamdai will always strike out.

A space folded over, and the camera in these guys' hands was in front of their puzzled face and was knocked out by the snap of Uzumaki God on the spot.

At the beginning, these guys were angry and excited at the same time.

In this way, it is possible to discredit the Uzumaki Goddai, pour dirty water on the Uzumaki Goddai, and then the Uzumaki Goddai's identity as the "savior" becomes famous.

At the same time, it is possible to be imbued, revealing the title of the ‘savior’ of the whirlpool god, a man of hypocritical appearance.

For such a guy, they just sent out such an article.

Before the ignorant people who ate melons were angry at Uzumaki Kamidai, they saw that these guys grew up, all the wicked things and character were dug up, and they spread on the Internet, and deleted the ones that couldn’t be removed. Kind.

Those who wanted to discredit the Uzumaki God's Generation were rewarded with the retribution that they deserved. The one involved in the crime was considered conclusive evidence.

I was asked to go directly, and went to pick up soap in the prison.

Therefore, no one would dare to hold on to Uzumaki Goddai, and this idea appeared in front of Uzumaki Goddai.

The ruthless facts have been proved to them. Want to be famous by stepping on the whirlpool?

That is simply impossible, Uzumaki Kaminari will not swallow them like other superheroes.

After all, they are the uncrowned kings. As for the criminal evidence of those people, who sent them up.

Who else besides Uzumaki Goddai? As long as there are no obstacles in the brain, people can recognize reality clearly.

Uzumaki Kamdai would never, thinking of his heroes, cherishing his feathers, and ‘getting used’ to them.

Therefore, this also caused every time I wanted to really take a photo of Uzumaki Kamdai with a camera.

Those who asked the Uzumaki Goddai to sign, or those who wanted to take a photo with Uzumaki Goddai, were excited and afraid of the Uzumaki Goddai, and they were entangled as those ‘uncrowned kings’.

In this way, I took the superstar to walk around in different cities for several days. No matter which city is in, as long as the Maelstrom Goddess appears with a superstar.

It can be the first focus, after all, the image of a superstar, plus the image of Uzumaki God.

In the whole small break, it can be regarded as a household name. And Uzumaki Kandai felt the ‘hustle’ brought to him by the people in the city.

Uzumaki Goddai also said that he had had enough, and he couldn't slap everyone who was blocking him because of his unhappiness. Go inside other spaces, right?

Ever since, after seeing through the "Red Dust", the vortex goddess left with the superstar, the noisy city. Here, among this barren, crowded and beautiful landscape, I chose a piece for the whirlpool god.

It's pleasing to the eye. In the words of Uzumaki Goddai, it means that a place with fate has settled down.

But even so, Uzumaki Goddai was impossible, and he had to be completely at ease.

Although, everything in the house here is Tony Stark, the local tyrant came to pay for the arrangement.

But those workers who built houses and purchased items for Uzumaki Goddai know that Uzumaki Goddai is living in seclusion here~

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