Two-dimensional System

Chapter 922: Sheet nine hundred and thirteen: So pragmatic for ‘God’?

All who are afraid of Thanos and worry that the superstar will become the next alien superhero of Thanos.

But they didn't question the courage of Uzumaki Kamdai and the superstar, because they did the same thing as the ‘villain’ just now.

Now I am questioning, is it because I slapped myself in the face, or I took the initiative to reach out and beat others?

It's like they are obviously superheroes, but who said they will be super villains in the next second?

Don't say never, you won't be a super villain if you don't, what was their behavior just now?

Yes, Zeng Jin, a person named Thanos, brought one of the Five Black Generals, a person named Superstar, to invade them.

Their race, whether unarmed old people or children, will be slaughtered in half.

Even so, if they still plan to resist, they will all be destroyed by the tyrants.

Among those bright stars in the universe, which one is not contaminated by the evil of Thanos?

Thanos is the ruthless executioner, their nightmare they tremble, the source of restlessness all day long.

What about this superstar in front of you? What the **** is she? Why was she able to get the "protection" of the Uzumaki Goddai?

Not to mention the superheroes, who want to kill the superstar, it is also mixed with the jealousy and envy of the superstar that can be defeated by the Uzumaki God.

Before Uzumaki Kamiyo, if in their eyes, it was a superhero just like them.

So now, the Uzumaki Goddai is them, the unattainable "fairy" in their eyes.

Think about it, to be able to be these superheroes, how powerful is the ‘fairy’ Uzumaki Goddai in the eyes of these superheroes, and what kind of luminous existence does the Uzumaki Goddai have in the psychology of these superheroes?

Although there are a small number of superheroes who don’t understand the concept of the previous second, the current second, and the next second.

At least they don't know as much as Steve Rogers, but they can understand more or less the reason why Uzumaki God would do this to them.

In the eyes of existence like Uzumaki Goddai, there will be as many of them as there is, and the same is true for supergiants.

Perhaps, the superstars at other times are unforgivable for their many evils.

But for the superstar in this second, a certain shining point of her was spotted by the Uzumaki Goddai, so the Uzumaki Goddai felt the superstar in this second.

Is it different from the superstars in other times? It's like...

The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy turned their heads at the same time and looked at the two look the same, but with the same name, like ‘twins’.

But it’s hard to believe that they are the blue girls of the same person: Nebula~

They were still depressed before, and couldn't figure out how, the blue girl who was obviously so ‘innocent’.

How could you betray them all in one trip?

It's all right now, all the truth is revealed, it turns out that it was the blue girl who went back in time. Was caught by Thanos, and then adjusted the two nebulae back and forth while they were not paying attention?

Take a look, they are the same two nebulae, but at different time points, they are really different.

As a result, it is easier for the heroes of the Avengers to accept Uzumaki's philosophy.

Those who are wronged have their own debts, and those who have hatred with them are from that time, the Five Generals of Yaohei and Thanos.

Now, from the past to this time, Thanos and Yaohei five generals, who did bad things have been solved by Uzumaki Goddai and them.

So how do you deal with the remaining superstars?

After so much, they are also willing to give this, the superstar protected by Uzumaki God a chance.

Of course, the premise is that they can relax and ensure that the superstar woman will not do dangerous things to them.

"Don't worry, I will take this woman away, and the things you are worried about will not happen."

Uzumaki Kandai stretched out after talking about it, what a big deal, look at you guys that scare enough, are you superheroes~

Uzumaki Goddai is still true, I have never seen such a superhero, how can he behave like a dog.

Even the ninjas in the ninja world, those guys Uzumaki Jindai didn't catch a cold, but the belief of those ninjas.

Uzumaki Kamdai also believes that it is better than these so-called superheroes.


Uzumaki Goddai's words made a kind of heroes relieved, they didn't know who Uzumaki Goddai was.

Where did he come from, but since Uzumaki Goddai said so, he would take this woman away when he left.

Then they have nothing to worry about, they won't care where this woman goes with Uzumaki God.

However, Uzumaki Goddai had just finished stretching his waist, and a group of heroes had just decided to leave. Who knew that Uzumaki Goddai's matter was not over yet.


When Uzumaki Kamdai stretched out his hand, Tony Stark, who knew it, couldn't believe it, and pointed to himself.

He was just about to follow, and Pepper Potts put on the nano suit together, and went back to the paddock to meet his baby Morgan.

But who would have thought that Uzumaki Goddai stretched out his hand and hit him?

At this time, all the heroes are not gone, so watch the Uzumaki Kamichika and Tony Stark.

Now, as long as it is the matter of Uzumaki God, they will be very concerned.

Uzumaki God stopped Tony Stark. There must be something. As for what is it? Also, they are very curious, because there are so many people here, why did Uzumaki God look for Tony Stark?

"That's you~"

Tony Stark was not timid at all about the things that have attracted much attention, and sorted out his clothes.

Tony Stark, who was still the old handsome, the idol in the hearts of thousands of ladies, walked up to Uzumaki Kamdai without losing his grace.

"What's the matter? Just find the smartest Tony Stark in the world~"

Tony Stark is not timid at all. He is very familiar with Uzumaki Kamidai, and the brothers are getting better.

"I just solved it for you, a big problem, right?"

Uzumaki Kamdai's mouth raised a fox smile, and he needed to stay for a while, Uzumaki Kamdai didn't like renting things.

Moreover, it is troublesome to arrange things, but if you are in this world, it would be too wasteful to buy a house.

After Uzumaki Goddai left, he had no plans to return to this world.

Then, during this period of time, Uzumaki Goddai’s residence was only...

"Uh~yes, you helped us a lot, why if you want to be paid..."

As soon as Uzumaki Goddai spoke, Tony Stark was overwhelmed. Didn't expect Uzumaki Goddai's temperament to become so fast?

Is "God" also so pragmatic?

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