Two-dimensional System

Chapter 911: No time, no space

Tony Stark and Stephen Strange, they were right, Uzumaki Kamdai was tired now.

Consciousness "looked" at the six infinite gems in the storage space that had been dimmed.

Although Space-Time Slash consumes the infinite energy in the six infinite gems, it wants to perfectly control these infinite energy.

Don't let the infinite energy of the six infinite energies with different attributes inside these six infinite gems get out of control.

The Vortex God Generation consumed a lot of his own mental power, the fairy Chakra, if it weren't for the Vortex God Generation had the Maelstrom family and the Thousand Hands family.

The blood of the two big families merged into a fairy body. Relying on one of these two pedigrees, the Vortex God Generation is already long now, and is covered by the infinite energy of six infinite gems.

It was sucked, like Uzumaki Nagato’s ‘human being done’, the difference was Uzumaki Nagato’s was sucked dry by the eyes, while Uzumaki Nagato was squeezed dry by six infinite gems.

It's been a long time, I haven't experienced chakra and physical strength, was consumed so much Uzumaki God.

There is still some ‘adaptation’ for a while, so why do people squeeze themselves out of practice in the first place?

The first is to hone your ‘endurance’ and will in the limit state of physical strength.

Because in the battle, everyone's physical strength is similar, and everyone's physical strength is almost consumed. The challenge at this time is who has stronger willpower and perseverance.

The number of times the Uzumaki God was fighting, as the strength became higher and higher, the number of hands-on and battle times also began to decline.

Although the will of the Uzumaki God Generation has always been one of the best, few people can compare it.

But this, the feeling of squeezing physical strength, is farther and farther away from the current Uzumaki Goddai.

Therefore, the ‘empty feeling’ of the current body and the stamina being squeezed out just made Uzumaki Shendai Weiwei, and some uncomfortable things will soon get better.

Mainly Uzumaki Goddai, who has been laying a solid foundation and recovering his physical strength extremely quickly.

In just such a short time, Uzumaki Goddai's pale face began to change, and it was not noticeable at all.

This is the appearance of a physical overdraft before.

But as for the spiritual power, the Uzumaki Goddai can only slowly recover, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye follows, and the Uzumaki Goddai's mental power is consumed and put away.

‘It looks like I’ve been in this world for a while...’

The Uzumaki God turned his lips, didn't expect that he was just to get the six infinite gems, and he could do this?

Looking at the position of Thanos Hour, Uzumaki Goddai's expressionless gaze, it seemed that something was circulating at the end, and the Uzumaki Goddai didn't say a word.

He just turned around and faced the correct-looking night Proxima Centauri, Ebony Throat, black dwarf star, and the panic-stricken, terrified, panicked, and confused nebula still standing above the ruins.

Seeing the **** of the vortex, thinking about them coming over, now I don’t know where your Majesty Thanos’ father went: Ebony Throat, Dark Night Proxima, and Black Dwarf are like enemies.

Holding the weapon in his hand tensely, Dark Night is even closer to the neighboring star, the rebuilt weapon, firmly grasped at the Uzumaki Goddai.

Although he knew that his death ray could not hit the Uzumaki Goddai, even his own death ray hit the Uzumaki Goddai himself.

She would disappear inexplicably, but now there is no one, and nothing can bring her a sense of security.

Damn, where did the superstar guy go?

From the beginning of the battle, after seeing it once, the figure disappeared. Isn't this guy Thanos' father's most loyal subordinate?

"You! What do you want to do? Kill... Where's your Majesty Thanos? What happened to your Majesty Thanos?"

Even if the Uzumaki Goddai hadn't said anything, just looking at them in silence, it also gave the three people of Proxima Darkness, Ebony Maw, and Black Dwarf, extremely huge pressure.

This pressure made the three people's scalp numb and felt the suffocation caused by the gradual thinning of oxygen from their bodies.

If this continues, without the Uzumaki God’s hands, they will ‘fear’ themselves and suffocate themselves to death.

Uzumaki Kamdai glanced randomly in a certain direction. Under the ruins of the space battleship, the superstar that had disappeared before felt the ‘gaze' of Uzumaki’s body trembled.

"Thanksgiving? That guy may never show up before, or it may be somewhere, some time, who knows?"

The business of the Uzumaki God is not big, but it is not only the surviving Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, and Dark Night Proxima that heard it.

All the heroes who heard the words of Uzumaki Goddai's heads all crooked, looking at the back of Uzumaki Goddai inexplicably.

They didn't understand the meaning of Uzumaki God's words, not just the heroes in the white ‘world’ watching Thanos disappear.

The black dwarf, Proxima Neighbor, and Ebony Throat, the three also saw the white "world".

I also saw Thanos and Uzumaki God Dai, the "last" scene, but the minds of the three Ebony Maws still carry a trace of luck.

Your Majesty Thanos is impossible, just leave them three and disappear...

Do not! To be precise, Thanos father is the destiny, and there are people who can kill Thanos in the entire universe.

They were lucky, but Uzumaki God's words made them very crazy.

What do you mean?

Whether His Majesty Thanos is alive or dead, you give them a quasi-trust!

What the **** is the unclear or ambiguous answer? Don’t think you are strong, you can play around at will, they~

They would rather be jade broken than Waquanda, Shi Ke can kill but not humiliate them. They are all the most arrogant warriors of Dad Thanos.

Absolutely not, because your two sentences are ambiguous and shaken, the orders given by His Majesty Thanos.

Your Majesty Thanos must be somewhere, waiting for them!

"So you have to give up and go back wherever you came from. Even if you want to continue and follow your Thanos, I cannot guarantee that you will be sent to the same place."

Uzumaki Goddai never tells lies, helplessly spread his hands to several people, and now the state of Thanos, Uzumaki Goddai really doesn't know.

He slashed Thanos with a ‘sword’, and space and time, in other words, the two things, space and time, no longer exist in Thanos.

So Thanos is not Thanos now, and the Maelstrom God Generation is not clear.

Always a year later, the infinite energy in his six infinite gems was restored.

The Uzumaki Goddai couldn't guarantee that, if you give these guys another knife, these guys will follow to find Thanos.

When there is space, there will be coordinates. If there is space, there will be no coordinates.

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