Two-dimensional System

Chapter 906: The strong man broke his wrist!

Mie was so arrogant that he was about to vomit blood, but he was unable to refute, Dark Night Proxima pointed out the sharpness of Sang Shuhuai.

He wanted to say something, if he has the ability to cut this kid, then you come to machete it to you.

I watched you come to see this kid, this kid didn't want to lose it. Every time I felt like I was going to catch it, only a stone was hit.

This guy's speed and responsiveness are not only fast, but also show off his operation, even if he is the old waist of Thanos' father.

They were all about to be cut off by Uzumaki God's substitute technique, clone technique, and instantaneous technique.

You want to kill Vortex God to take revenge on your husband, General Deadblade, don't I want to hack this guy to death. From this guy's hands, get infinite gems and fulfill his destiny?

Thanos began to doubt the fate of the gods, and some doubts about the life of the purple sweet potato essence.

If he is really destiny, then what is Uzumaki Goddai?

Your destiny is to snap your fingers, so why did you succeed in snapping your fingers in the future, but now you have encountered the Uzumaki Goddai?

Although it is time and space, that system and understanding, everyone's understanding is different.

But Thanos believed that his understanding of time and space was not weaker than that of ordinary people, and he came to the future with great ambition.

You have snapped your fingers in the ‘future’, and the self whose head has been chopped off is yourself, and the self who came from the ‘past’ to the future, that is, the ‘now’, is not yourself?

Thanos is aggrieved in his heart, why is there such a big ‘gap’ for the same purple sweet potato essence? Why should we treat purple sweet potato essence differently?

Where there is a complaint, as the Purple Sweet Potato Jing’s Thanos, I have to complain.

Not far away, looking at the traces of smoke on his axe, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with his axe, except for being stunned by Jingji Knife Wuying.

The death ray of Proxima Centauri in the dark night only left two small pits on the face of his axe.

Turning his head to look at once again, Thanos' father who was played by Uzumaki God's substitute technique, and the death ray that attacked indiscriminately.

The black dwarf had some doubts for a while, he was only doing things under Thanos' hands, but he didn't have much awe of Thanos' black love star.

When it comes to awe, the black dwarf's strength in awe, whoever has the strongest strength, his black dwarf will follow.

Dark Night Proxima, the crazy lady, had obviously lost her mind, and she was rushing in now. The battlefield between Thanos, Dark Night Proxima, Ebony Maw, and Uzumaki Goddai...

The black dwarf is just a little stupid. It does not mean that the black dwarf really has no brain. He does not have the superpowers of a supergiant star.

There is no long-range weapon of Proxima Dark Night, nor the magic of Ebony Maw. He has to rely on his own brute force and defense ability to attack at close range with the Vortex God.

His own defensive power is very high, but Uzumaki Goddai can ignore his defensive power.

Similarly, if he was hit by a death ray, although he would not die immediately, he would also be injured and would bleed.

If you are unlucky enough, you get hit in the heart or head.

Wasn't it the unlucky person who was killed by his own people? Normally, he doesn't have much compassion for his alien subordinates, and they will also attack.

Together with his own men and enemies, kill them together under his own axe.

But it does not mean that the black dwarf is also willing, and this situation falls on him.

The black dwarf's hesitation left Thanos' father gone for a while, covering his own physical shield.

Before that, there were General Deadblade and Black Dwarf. One became his physical shield, and the other helped him attract the attention of Uzumaki God.

Let him find the right opportunity and seize the opportunity to kill the Uzumaki Goddai.

At this moment, Thanos was fighting against the Maelstrom Goddess, and when no one was to attract him, another flesh shield stood in front of him.

Create opportunities for yourself, fight with Uzumaki Goddai, and fell into torment.

And this kind of suffering is another spiritual blow given by the Uzumaki God on behalf of Thanos.


Sorry, it is only based on two people, similar in strength, or another person is willing to accompany you for a fight.

The Uzumaki God's senses against Thanos are very poor, so how can it be possible to have a fierce battle with Thanos?

It is not possible for everyone to sweat from Uzumaki Goddai. Before Uzumaki Goddai left Susano Noho.

It's not that I didn't have the idea of ​​having a fierce battle with Thanos, but it was a pity.

The experience of fighting for themselves given by Thanos Six is ​​really terrible.

For the senses of Thanos and the Black Five Generals, these guys seem fierce, but each guy has his own ‘selfishness’.

This guy, Ebony Maw, hid behind everyone and put a cold spear, but it was of no use, which made the other people feel resentful.

If it's normal, it doesn't matter if the Ebony Maw stands behind them, his magic can help them kill the enemy.

Now facing the Uzumaki Goddai, they were born to death against Uzumaki Goddai, the guy Ebony Maw.

But ‘paddling’ behind them? How can they be willing?

Coupled with the death of General Deadblade, it led to the crazy output of Proxima Dark Night, regardless of whether we were the enemy or the enemy.

Not to mention killing the gods of the vortex, it was very difficult for them to sign up, and the black dwarf turned around and was jealous and hated.

He glared, holding a hand on his back, the old god's ebony throat again.

The latter stared at the black dwarf star with a sharp gaze. Why can't you get up there, such a naive person? Didn't you see Dad Thanos, fell into a hard fight?

The black dwarf who was aggrieved in his heart almost didn't throw the big axe in his hand on the face of this guy like Ebony Maw.

You shameless thing, it's not you who died, of course, so indifferent to talk coldly.

Didn't you see Thanos' father, has he been shot into a sieve by Proxima Dim Ye?

Thanos was originally tall and big, and fortunately he had armor on his body, otherwise the current Thanos would have long since become briquettes under the rays of death.

What is the level of armor on Thanos? What is the level of armor on his body?

The armor on his body is just some simple protective gear, and the defensive area is not as large as that of Thanos, one third of the armor.

You are not, let me go up and kill the Uzumaki Goddai, you are let me go up and die, and you still die in the hands of you and Proxima Dark Night.


Just when the black dwarf came out on the spot, he hesitated whether to rush up and be killed by his teammate.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he heard the screams from Thanos.

It was his long-time father who knew Thanos was injured the first time he heard Thanos' screams.

Looking up nervously, the place where Thanos and the Uzumaki God are fighting.

I saw Thanos, a broken wall spinning, flying high...

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