Two-dimensional System

Chapter 897: Tony: What do you think? Am I kidding you again?

For what seemed to be caught, Stephen Strange caught, the only thing that can save lives now.

Because, before he disappeared at the time, among the 14,000,605 results he saw, he really hadn't seen the situation like this.

Then there must be something wrong that caused the ‘result’ that was the only time that could kill Thanos to disappear.

Then something must be wrong, he needs to look at the time gem again, from the long history of the time gem.

Find out where the problem is.

First of all......

Where is the gem of time? Secondly, Stephen Strange turned his head and looked at the Uzumaki God in the "Giant of Light".

Who is this guy?

So now, what you need to know is, Tony Stark and the others, where have the six infinite gems they collected?

Infinite gems?

Tony Stark asked Stephen Strange when he asked Infinite Gems, where he was eagerly confused.

"The Infinite Gems are..."

Tony Stark turned his gaze to the Uzumaki Goddai who was fighting with Thanos, but this time Tony Stark.

I noticed that on Stephen Strange's abnormal complexion, something seemed to be a premonition, and Tony Stark's complexion changed.

Tony Stark let go of his hands, and Spider-Man's arms were close to Stephen Strange.

The two came to the side ‘sneakingly’ together, and Tony Stark looked at the left and right, everyone seemed to be there.

Being completely attracted by the battle between Uzumaki God and Thanos, no one cares what they are doing.

"You said there were 14,000,605 results. Tell me if this is this time? I want to be honest."

Stephen Strange: ...

With his eyes flickering and mixed emotions, he looked at Tony Stark ghost and knew what Stephen Strange felt about Tony Stark after seeing the ‘story’ behind him.

But speaking out is not the future, and speaking out the future, things are even less likely to happen.

Everyone will distinguish between pros and cons and choose the side that is good for them to avoid the worst.

This leads to an unpredictable or worse future.

Therefore, Stephen Strange did not speak at the time, telling Tony Stark what the future will look like.

Everything is ‘developing along the way’, and no one would have thought that there will be things that travel through the past and the future.

In the world without infinite gems, everything is over, everything should start from the beginning.

But if you can travel through the past and the future, then things are completely different.

"Yes, but it was once and only once, but..."

"Please, tell me if it's this time!?"

Seeing the face of Stephen Strange, where is the sense of pride that I saw before, that everything is mastering the sense of ‘proud’?

He started to doubt himself. This was the **** magician who smiled and showed himself an index finger?

"No! I haven't seen this kind of future in the 14000605 results, which means this is a different future in the 14000606th, and I don't know anything about such a future."

Tony Stark:...

No, it's not, why you can say so righteously and confidently, shouldn't you just reflect on yourself first?

"You Zeng Jin told me that if you say it, it won't happen, so everything should follow the development.

I never doubted what you said, but you told me this time, not the one you were referring to! ? "

Tony Stark was furious. He originally thought that all this should have been expected by the mage.

Why are you shaking your head now? Shouldn't you explain?

Stephen Strange looked around. His conversation with Tony Stark seemed to attract one or two people.

But soon, he was once again attracted by the battle between Uzumaki God and Thanos.

"Listen, I won't tell you, that must be right, tell me the Infinite Gems first?"

Stephen Strange has watched a circle, according to the script he has seen, now this time.

The infinite gem should be treated as a scrambled thing along with the glove and thrown around by everyone.

But now, let alone the invisible gems, where did the glove go?

"Infinite gems are important to you?"

"Time gems are very important to me. I need to look at the future again. You found the gems. You must know where the gems are now, right?"


Tony Stark was angrily smiled, and then Tony Stark faced him, and Stephen Strange spread his hands with an anxious look.

"I'm sorry, although I know where the gem is, I can't help you find the gem of time."

Where are the infinite gems now in the Uzumaki Goddai? Where can I go to the Uzumaki Goddai for gems?

Tony Stark knew that he was the smartest and most beautiful boy in the whole world and couldn't do it.

"Tell me then, I will go and get the time gems myself."

Stephen Strange stared, and Tony Stark, who was watching his jokes, was right this ‘restless’ guy.

But I thought, even if Steve Rogers, who was considered the most ‘secure’, if he got the Infinite Gems.

There will be such unreliable practices, Stephen Strange is really nothing to say.

"Want infinite gems? Go, they are there, have you seen it? It's in the huge giant of light, in the hands of the guy holding his hands."


When Tony Stark heard this guy, he wanted to find him, Uzumaki Goddai’s "trouble"?

Tony Stark didn't hesitate with his fingers, turned and pointed at Susao Noho, who was holding Uzumaki Kamiro in his hands.

Stephen Strange: ...

He stared at Tony Stark bitterly, not expecting such an answer, looking at the fierce Uzumaki Goddai.


Stephen Strange has one kind, and he faces Domam himself, but this time he only has one small life.

"Are you sure you didn't joke with me anymore?"

"So? Are you thinking? Am I kidding you?"

Take a deep breath and suppress my ‘tired’ mind.

Stephen Strange grabbed Tony Stark's arms, looked directly into Tony Stark's eyes, and gave a soul torture.

"Why did you give the infinite gem to this person? Do you know this person? Who is he?

And with your Tony Stark character, why would you, obediently hand over the Infinite Gems? "

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