Two-dimensional System

Chapter 894: Superstar: Can I speak foul language?

With a loud noise, the smoke and shock waves instantly enveloped the entire sky.

The attack of the ebony throat hit the spine behind Uzumaki Jindai, Susao Noho. However, at the corner of Ebony's throat, he thought that every time he successfully attacked the target, he sneered at the sight of the target being cut off by his own magic.

As the smoke that enveloped Suzano nohu in the air dissipated, the smile on Ebony Throat's face gradually disappeared.

'wrong! It’s not like this...’

The ebony throat whose smile disappeared felt that his own magic did not seem to be what he had imagined.

I cut the opponent in half with a ‘sword’, and I feel that I can’t feel it at all, and I don’t have the ‘feeling’ I felt when I cut countless enemies.

Then a terrible thought instantly climbed into the heart of Ebony Maw, and his magic was blocked...

The smile on Ebony Throat's face completely disappeared, when he saw the huge ‘monster’, loaded with the Nine Lama fairy pattern, and Suzuo Nenghu wearing a cloak behind him.

Appearing in front of him intact, where is the self-confidence, easy-going, free and easy on the face of Ebony Throat?

‘I don’t believe it! ’

With the anger, Ebony Throat's face gradually became vicious, and his eyes became sharper.


Suzuo called the Uzumaki Goddai, saw all this in his eyes, holding his hands.

It's like finding some interesting toy. Looking at the expression of Ebony Maw at this time, this expression is really good~

Only a person full of fighting spirit would have such an expression on his face, and Uzumaki Goddai became more and more satisfied.

"Hehe, that's the right way~ If I give him two or three blows and get down on the ground, how boring?

Anyway, it is also the most scared person in the entire universe, right? I really look forward to how much fun you will bring to me~"

Uzumaki Kamiyo sneered maliciously, but the current level of attack is indeed about to make Uzumaki Kamiyo start yawning~


Another attack came, looking directly at the attack, even the Uzumaki Goddai did not feel any fluctuations.

It was just that Susao could scream, losing a little balance, Uzumaki Goddai saw that the black dwarf was supporting Uzumaki Goddai.

When controlling Susano Noho, beheading the Chitaru behemoth, and other invisible monsters, he secretly aimed at Susano Noho's knee.

Although it is said that Susao Nohu is a kaleidoscope's ability, it is also the realization of Chakra, but to a certain extent.

The characteristics and weaknesses of Susao Noho are basically the same as those of human beings, but the difference lies in them.

The attack of the guy Black Dwarf might even be the Tony Stark who put on the Marmack suit and turned into Iron Man.

If you don't take any precautions and get caught with this axe, your whole person will be straight and split in half by the axe.

However, the strength of this blow was used in the Nine Lamas Immortal Mode, not to mention that Xu Zuo Nenghu's body was chopped off, but the foot of Xuzuo Nenghu was cut.

Even if it breaks the defense, it may not be successful, the Uzumaki God took out his ears and looked to the other side.

It sent three rays of death to the neighboring star in the dark night, these three rays of death were really powerful, and they strengthened the **** of the whirlpool so that they could pass through three holes.

Had it not been for the emergence of the Uzumaki God, the strongest state of Susao was only the words of Susao in the first stage of the kaleidoscope.

Maybe the current Uzumaki God Generation will have three holes in his body.

Interesting abilities, powerful offensive power, it seems that the treasure will be covered in dust if this woman uses it.

‘These are the five subordinates of Thanos? Ability is getting more and more interesting~’

Uzumaki Goddai was thinking this way, wanting to wonder what other people in the next Obsidian Five would bring to himself.

A sudden consciousness burst in arbitrarily...

Okay, Uzumaki Kamdai's mouth twitched, looking at the woman who came in in his consciousness...

Well, this guy doesn't stand like a woman, but like a monster, but the soul of this creature.

‘Tell’ Uzumaki Kandai, this creature that doesn’t look like a human being, she’s just a woman.

And this guy, if Uzumaki God remembers correctly, he should be one of the five obsidian generals who stood behind Thanos before?

‘Haha~ Interesting, is this woman’s ability related to mental power? ’

"You! This fellow Ni, why... why is there such an amazing soul power?"


Now the most embarrassing thing is naturally not the Uzumaki Goddai, but the "woman" who forcibly broke into the consciousness of the Uzumaki Goddai: the superstar.

It's just that now, the superstar has been directly shocked by the whirlpool gods, the huge mental power and the powerful soul.

"Hehe, you are here, what are you going to do? Are you here to find my memory? Or to control me?"

Uzumaki Shindai smiled, and when he came into this world, even the soul and spirit of the guy Gu Yi.

Although it is the most powerful, Gu Yi needs her, huge perseverance to resist, bewitching her from the dark dimension.

Gu Yi's soul was corroded by the energy of the dark dimension, and he wanted to use illusion on the vortex god.

I am afraid that even Gu Yi can't do anything about it, but this woman is able to forcefully use her own abilities to come here?


The superstar has nothing to say, and if she could have been before, she would not care.

From the "memory" of Nebula, the superstar knew that the Uzumaki Goddai could snap his fingers in advance.

The thing that caused them to disappear directly, so in the obsidian five generals' cynicism on the nebula, the superstar did not blend in and enterprising.

He planned to take advantage of Uzumaki Jindai's carelessness, or in other words, without knowing her ability.

Directly control the Uzumaki God, so that Uzumaki God could not snap his fingers. And under his own control, the Maelstrom God can directly hand over the six infinite gems to Thanos.

Because, in the memory of the Nebula, the superstar only found the "God of the Vortex" and the surrogacy technique, snapped his fingers for the Avengers, and finally used the space ability to kill Nebula.

But I really didn't expect that the Uzumaki Goddai is more than just a person who knows ‘space magic’.

Even spiritual power and soul power are not comparable to oneself.

I feel like I am a sheep in the mouth...

No, this is clearly the ants entering the dragon's mouth, not only there is no return, but also the kind that has no scum.

If a superstar is still thinking about taking advantage of the Uzumaki Kamidai before this, he thinks it is impossible for a person to be'perfect.'

There will be corresponding weaknesses, just like the Obsidian Five Generals, everyone has their own tyrannical ability.

In fact, Ebony Maw is just a crispy mage, a black dwarf with amazing defensive power, and a long-term arrears of ‘IQ’...

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