Two-dimensional System

Chapter 870: Carol: Do you believe it?

And the woman who was left behind by our Uzumaki God, Carol Danvers, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers can't.

Just let this woman lie desolately, on top of Tony Stark's building.

The key is that they have finally seen this woman's sturdy combat power.

From Maria Hill, they still have to fall, this woman is the second hand of the director of the black marinated egg.

He is also the Director of the Black Braised Egg, who has never known how many light-years away he has summoned the ‘magic lady’.

In 1995, it was this woman who appeared and behaved the alien who had invaded the ball at that time.

Otherwise, there is no present, as early as 1995, they would have no future.


At least, I haven't realized that there are still a group of mages in this world who silently guard the small broken ball in the corner.

The Avengers thought so, so everyone was surprised to find that this woman was still a ‘savior’.

Then it shouldn't be, leave this woman alone, as for where to put this woman.

Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are still discussing. Steve Rogers thought that this woman should be taken to SHIELD.

How could Tony Stark trust SHIELD again?

The incident of the black bittern egg has caused Tony Stark, who originally did not trust SHIELD, to lose his last little ‘good’ impression of SHIELD.

So, according to Tony Stark's opinion, they are now the Avengers, so in this case, they should have their own base.

We, the Avengers, should draw a clear line between SHIELD and SHIELD. Therefore, the woman Carol Danvers was thrown to them by Uzumaki Kamdai.

It wasn't the Maelstrom God who threw this woman to S.H.I.E.L.D. So for this woman's belonging, she should be brought into the Avengers.

"Then do we have a base for the Avengers?"

It's just that Tony Stark's stand was changed from Hulk just after being confused, and Bruce Banner relentlessly demolished it.

"This... leave it to me about the base. Tony, I lack everything, but I don't lack money!"

As the richest man in the world, Tony Stark is so arrogant that Jarvis bought a mansion that suits his ‘style’ as a temporary base for the Avengers.

Steve Rogers finally saw with his own eyes what it was, and Hao inhumane stuck in his waist for a while and couldn't speak.

Didn’t you say that the Avengers have no base? That was the last second, and we had everything in the next second.

Tony Stark had all this last night, facing Steve Rogers and others, and Yang Yang's chin was awkwardly on his face.

That means it seems to be saying, what else do we lack, you say.

Steve Rogers: MMP...lack of peat!

Steve Rogers, who really wanted to explode, restrained himself very hard and kept telling himself in his heart.

‘Steve, you are the idol of 600 billion young and old. You have to control yourself and not swear. ’

This is also the first ‘clash’ between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers as the Avengers.

With Tony Stark's inhuman superiority, he was victorious. There was only his own living expenses in his pocket. Steve Rogers was so crushed that he couldn't see the humanity and ended.

Of course, this will definitely not be the last confrontation between the two. As long as there are people, the struggle between classes will never end.

Everything was ready, waiting for the Avengers to move in, but Carol Danvers didn't give it to everyone.

The opportunity to let yourself live in the Avengers, because in the Uzumaki Goddai, Tony Stark and several people ‘argued’ time.

He had already broken free from the illusion of the Uzumaki God, when Carol Danvers opened his eyes and sat up blankly.

Just interrupted, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark's "argument".

"This lady..."

Of course, communicating with women, Tony Stark has always been very active in such things.

Only this time, he met a different woman, and Carol Danvers said nothing.

The cold eyes made the chatter want to say more, and Tony Stark closed his mouth.

"That's what happened, Uzumaki Goddai let you go and handed you over to us~"

Before shutting up, you still have to say clearly what you need to say. It depends on how fiercely a woman who doesn't look like a person, she will choose.

Carol Danvers said nothing, got up and picked up his leather jacket from the side. He left the room that Tony Stark and others had prepared for her.

"Fry is dead."

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, Carol Danvers, who put his hands on the railing, said flatly, looking at the bird in the distance.

There is no anger in the tone, only loneliness and helplessness, not at all when he first arrived.

With confidence in her tone, Uzumaki God gave her a wound that could never be erased.

"We shouldn't go again and provoke Uzumaki Kamiya, and on the contrary we should delete him from the opposite."

Carol Danvers turned and looked at the black widow Natasha Romanoff in front of him.

"You are different from them. I saw the jealousy of that person in their eyes. Your eyes are very clear."

"Of course, I can understand and imagine the tension in their hearts. No matter who encounters Uzumaki Goddai, such an existence will be uneasy. But he didn't want our life, and he didn't have the idea of ​​destroying the world.

"Do you believe that man's words?"

Carol Danvers' calm tone, apparently no matter it was in her, was banished to another space by the Uzumaki God.

She had heard all their conversations during the time of ‘fainting’.

This is also why Carol Danvers awakened without shouting and screaming to avenge the Uzumaki God on behalf of him.

Carol Danvers knew that he had reached the limit at the time, but he couldn't even touch the Uzumaki Goddai.

Therefore, no matter how many times she went to the Uzumaki Goddai, she would end up in the same way.

"Well! I believe, otherwise why are we still here?"

Natasha Romanoff's words made Carol Danvers stunned. Everyone was very upset, but they didn't think about it, why are they still there?

"In the universe, I have heard of infinite gems, although I don't know what that person did for collecting infinite gems."

Karlov Danvers didn't say anything. The Vortex God had a great impact on her, and Carol Danvers had an illusion.

No matter how many times he faces, it is impossible to succeed in the face of the whirlpool gods. The space gem is on the whirlpool gods.

It was as if the space gem, the gem that changed his body, recognized the **** of the whirlpool.

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