Two-dimensional System

Chapter 867: Jindai: There are no innocents

Uzumaki God's words were directed at the soul, and the black stewed egg chief in the wheelchair trembled, and the fist on the armrest shook into Parkinson's syndrome.

Seeing that the black Qiu Daoyu was just like that, he stopped when he was about to touch him.

Director Black Braised Egg finally couldn't keep it. Where did the previous ‘calmness’ have all he had before, and the face he was holding back?

Uzumaki Goddai’s words of murder and humiliation are right in his ears. How can Chief Black Ladan not know what Uzumaki Goddai’s words mean?

Originally thought that he had already'knowledged well', the director of Uzumaki Goddai's Black Braised Egg, at this moment looked at Uzumaki Goddai in horror.

"No! You can't do this! It's me who offends you, this innocent person doesn't matter!"

To say that he just paid it back and was willing to go to death generously because of his death, the ‘great righteous Lingran’, but the difference between before and after this change was too great.

In the next second, he was still a hero, and he was nothing, but a fly that was slapped down by a slap.

For this reason, he not only gave his own life, but also the lives of his own people.

They did understand Uzumaki Goddai, but like Uzumaki Goddai, they were too self-righteous.

What is it? Make them feel so confident that Uzumaki Goddai will really do what they think?

People like Uzumaki Goddai will not easily give people a guarantee, but the things that Uzumaki Goddai promised will never go back.

It's like, two years ago, Uzumaki Kamdai was in the hospital and agreed to treat Matt Murdoch.

The doctors at the time just regarded Matt Murdoch's matter as a medical miracle.

But the person staring at Uzumaki Goddai, sorted out the cause and effect from beginning to end.

Matt Murdoch was blinded by chemical ingredients, but he was saved by Uzumaki Kamdai’s ‘medicine skills’.

After that, Matt Murdoch's changes have always been under the nose of SHIELD.

It's just that they haven't figured out how to make contact.

Obviously not an orphan, and Matt Murdoch, the old father, can't be like Little Wanda and Pilcher.

Where did Uzumaki Goddai take such care, but no one can be sure, if something happens to the father and son, Uzumaki Goddai will intervene.

This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. defines this as: Uzumaki Goddai’s "promise".

Injustice and debt are in charge, and Uzumaki Goddai has never been involved, any ‘innocent’ come in.

Obviously, the Stru people and the director of the black braised egg are simply defining the matter this time as the matter of the two people of Uzumaki Goddai and the black braised egg.

But I didn't expect that the Uzumaki Goddai even knew the Strou people behind them.

This made Chief Hei Dan, want to move from the front to the back, secretly looking for opportunities to write things.

Finding the right time and killing Uzumaki Goddai with a single blow, the director of the black marinated egg and the Stroo people did not expect that.

Uzumaki Kamdai would actually, regardless of his long-term ‘style’, want to do something with them Strou?

"No! When you are ready to do it, you will no longer be innocent."

"Those are innocent children. Those children don't know anything. They don't have the intention of being an enemy of you."

The whole Stru people are not only himself, but also those adults, women and children. Doesn't Uzumaki Goddai even let them go?

"It seems that you still didn't recognize it clearly. The status quo is your Stru people. Enemies with my whirlpool god, so none of you Stru people are innocent."

Following the declaration of Uzumaki God Daisen cold like a devil, the black stewed egg director on the wheelchair clenched the hands of the armrest, and the green veins on the back of his hand exposed the evil.

What does Uzumaki Shindai mean? Could it be that he wanted to announce the killing of all the Strou people in the entire universe?

"You are a demon!"

The Uzumaki God spread his hands. What makes you think that you are an angel?

Does Uzumaki God know how troublesome these races are?

After killing one, the hatred will continue uninterrupted, but the key is that Uzumaki Goddai is the innocent person.

He hasn't provoke these, and the Stru people have not provoke him, but these people have to jump out and calculate themselves.

For this reason, waiting for the revenge of the Stru people from generation to generation, the Uzumaki God might as well annihilate this ‘disgusting’ race in advance.

This race is nothing in Uzumaki God, but the talent of this race is really too difficult.

It doesn't mean Little Wanda and Pilcher, they can accurately distinguish each time.

And these people are not like themselves, who have hatreds of themselves and never attack others, and avenge them directly if they have hatred.

How the Stru people will retaliate, Uzumaki Shindai doesn't know, but Wanda and Pilcher, the two still have friends.

If these guys, there is no hope of finding their own revenge, and they slumped in front of Little Wanda and Pilcher.

Finally, the hatred is attributed to Xiao Wanda, what should the friends and classmates of Pilcher do?

Uzumaki Jindai didn't like it, leaving such sequelae, just like Uzumaki Jindai was a very great medical ninja.

In the face of complicated and difficult diseases, we always remove them together!

Uzumaki Goddai faced the black marinated egg in front of him, and moved his mouth to the director of the black marinated egg, who was also very proficient in lip language, his pupils shrank and that was a coordinate.

But this coordinate is not on the small broken ball, but a position not far away from the small broken ball.

There was the place where the Stroo Fei Chuang parked, and there were many Stroo adults and children on the spaceship.

Basically two-thirds are there, and the director of the black braised egg is also on it.

Uzumaki Goddai's palm lifted, and a black jade for seeking Taoism floated on the Uzumaki Goddai's palm.

The black braised egg on the wheelchair looked extremely painful, but they couldn't do anything, let alone be in front of so many people.

He really admitted that he is not the director of the black bitter egg, he is an alien.

Uzumaki Goddai said, but as long as he didn't admit it, even if everyone had doubts in their hearts.

But they have no evidence that the black marinated egg killed by Uzumaki God will be faked by an alien.

The gums of Director Black Braised Egg, because of excessive force, began to split and blood flowed down.

On the Struggle spacecraft, the people listening to the conversation between Uzumaki Gods and Uzumaki are through the headset of Director'Black Braised Egg'.

Qi Qi took a breath, and when he opened it to the palm of the whirlpool god, another black jade for seeking Taoism.

"Quick! Lifeboat! Everyone, get on the lifeboat!"

"Let the women and children go up first."

The spacecraft left behind by the Strou people, and the technology of the Strou people, have evolved from Feizhuang to the space station.

At this moment, it’s very difficult for people to turn their backs on all people, and they have two more legs~

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