Two-dimensional System

Chapter 862: Jindai: You are not qualified for SHIELD

A woman who knows how to brute force, Uzumaki Kamiyo has ways to sanction, even when Tsunade faces him.

Nor would he naively think that he could defeat the witty and cunning Uzumaki Kamdai just by relying on his own strange power punches.

Fighting with Uzumaki God is necessary, combining strength and wisdom. But obviously the strength of this woman is enough, but her mind doesn't seem to be very flexible.

Uzumaki Goddai was very disappointed. He thought that this woman could bring some surprises to herself.

Who knows, it's just one, rusty brain.

The strength of this woman is to crush the weak wall of space, but that's all.

With such a weak space wall, Uzumaki Goddai can have as many as he wants, although Uzumaki Goddai can also create a space wall that Carol Danvers can’t break.

But what's the ‘fun’?

If this woman is ‘despaired’ so soon, what else would I play?

However, he glanced at Carol Danvers who was still persevering, hitting the "glass", Uzumaki Kamidai but a little admired the woman's willpower.

This way, I still don't give up. As long as he is a smart person, he has broken tens of thousands of pieces of ‘glass’ and found that he has not been able to get out.

You should be able to find out that this is what Uzumaki God is playing.

But this woman didn't mean to surrender, and the whirlpool sighed with emotion, relying on the woman's willpower, or a brain nerve.

Not just ordinary illusions, I'm afraid it is one's own writing round eyes, and the illusions used on it may not be able to control this woman.

It was not the time to deal with this woman, Uzumaki Kamidai looked away from Carol Danvers.

It fell to the director of the Black Braised Egg, who had already been ‘involved’, but could also see that Carol Danvers’ current situation had fallen into the abyss of despair.

This guy looked suspicious of life, and he was already there with his mouth open, eyes without light, looking at Carol Danvers who was hitting the ‘glass’ with a grayish look.

It was not that he hadn't noticed that the Uzumaki Goddai whose gaze had fallen on him, but he really wanted to make it possible that the black braised egg bowed his head to the Uzumaki Goddai.

How can the black braised egg be willing? Sorry not just not reconciled, but I really can't do it.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., this small-breaking ‘protection’ organization, the highest leader, Director Hei Lao Dan, absolutely does not bow to a guy like Uzumaki God.

"Come on! Your head can be broken and bloody, your uncle black marinated egg, you will still be your uncle marinated egg twenty years later!"

Own behavior, Uzumaki Goddai is absolutely impossible to let go of him, this is so far.

There has never been a consciousness that after daring to provoke the Uzumaki Goddai, an enemy can survive from the hands of the Uzumaki Goddai.

If you want to take action on Uzumaki Goddai, you must be prepared to meet the Thunder Fury of Uzumaki Goddai.

Disgust paid young lives for this, and General Ross and his soldiers also gave their precious lives for this.

The Qitarui didn't know how he had offended the Vortex God, but now it was his turn to be the Chief Black Braised Egg.

It was useless for him to escape, and no position on the small break could be hidden from Uzumaki Kamiyo.

Including how many shorts there are in his house, how many unknown safe houses he has...

Unless, he can leave the small broken ball, escape into the vast universe, and start his long and destinationless escape career.

But is that possible, can you escape the pursuit of the Uzumaki Goddai?

If there was no introduction by Thor to their Rainbow Bridge, Director Heiladan might still have a little bit of luck in his heart.

But now, from Thor's mouth, I know what kind of ability the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard has.

Unfortunately, the Uzumaki Goddai had already been in front of them.

I used the Rainbow Bridge directly to leave the earth, not only that the Uzumaki Goddai two years ago, but also returned through the Rainbow Bridge.

Even if there is, the Skuru's spacecraft cannot escape, the speed of the Rainbow Bridge.

Otherwise, he will live a good life, the director of the black braised egg is woolen, and he is going to have trouble with his own Xiaoming, and he is ready to "end with Uzumaki God" with the bomb?

The tone of Director Hei La Dan's voice was low and without the vigor of the past.

Because, even if the director of Hei Lao Dan died, he failed to see the ‘hope’, and from then on, he was in Hei La Dan’s psychology.

The small break and the whole world are about to fall into the panic of Uzumaki Goddai.

They will have no future at all, just like Uzumaki Goddai does not like, his freedom is under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau likes it. Will my life and freedom be controlled by others in the future?

"But before you die, can you tell me. Who are you? Where are you from? What are the two gems? What are their abilities? What is your purpose?"

"The blue gem you took away belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D., when I am dying, I hope you can return it..."

The yellow gem was inside the Loki Scepter, and Chief Black Marinated Egg had no reason to return it to the Maelstrom God.

But the Cosmos Cube is different. The Cosmos Cube is ‘well known’ and it was stolen from SHIELD.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is something from SHIELD.

The black brine egg was full of bloodshot eyes, staring at the Uzumaki Goddai, but let a sad thing happen first.

Originally thought that if he wanted to kill his own Uzumaki Goddai, he would ‘face up’ himself anyway.

However, when he raised his head, he saw that even if he was looking at him, there was no sign of him in his pupils.

It can be seen that as far as Uzumaki God is concerned, he has not taken him to heart at all.

Not only the black marinated egg is waiting for Uzumaki's answer, but the Tony Stark and others are also looking forward to it.

This is the last thing Chief Hei Bao Dan can do for them, so they of course see the purpose of the black egg.

He knew that he was bound to die, so he still wanted to obtain information from the Uzumaki Goddai for them?

Although it is said that the black braised eggs were made by themselves, the hearts of Steve Rogers are full of sorrow for the black braised eggs.

However, their hearts are hanging. Generally speaking, no one will refuse, a dying final appeal.

But Uzumaki Goddai is not an ordinary person, not to mention that he usually doesn't care about the black marinated eggs, I am afraid that the black marinated eggs are dying.

The Uzumaki Goddai will not care about the probability of the black marinated egg, it is greater than the Uzumaki Goddai will speak, let the black marinated egg be a ghost.

Did Uzumaki Goddaihu speak? No one knows, but they are looking forward to it.

"I said two years ago that I am not from this world. As for where I came from, I also said that I am here for vacation.

As for the few infinite gems, don't think about them, they are not yours. The six infinite gems have existed since the birth of the universe. You said it was your SHIELD? You SHIELD is not qualified. "

Braised eggs: ...

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