Two-dimensional System

Chapter 845: Countless strategy: Xiao Mo

Such a scene was staged in a secret, unknown missile base.

A soldier with a humble expression ran to the general with the star on his shoulder, his tone of panic and despair.

"Report to the General! The big event is not good. Our system has been hacked by hackers, and all the equipment and instruments have been controlled."


Having received the accident at the base, the general who walked quickly to the operation center, looking at the location of the nuclear bomb on the screen, instantly swished cold sweat from his forehead.

"Then you guys don't hurry to stop it?"

"Sorry General, we have tried all of our methods, including manual emergency plans, but they didn't use the opponent's speed. They were faster than our actions.

When we manually switch the control, the missile has been launched~"

This soldier lowered his head in frustration. When something like this happened, the military court awaited them.

"When did it happen? Why did this happen? And have you found out who the other party is?"

"Sorry for who the other party is, we don't have a clue at all. The other party is like a non-existent ghost in the Internet, but like an omnipresent and omnipotent giant.

We have tried all of our methods. Switching equipment before launching, they can avoid missile launches. "

But they need permission, they cannot switch without permission, and wait until the general gives them permission.

The missiles have been launched for five minutes, so they need to start, the second plan and the third party press.

The second option is to regain control authority from the opponent's hands and directly let the missile deviate from the course.

The third option is to launch a missile and intercept the nuclear bomb on the way.

The last option is to find someone who is not afraid of death and drive a fighter jet to hit this nuclear bomb!

The general looked at the dead person, under his incompetent tree, he was still in his office before, knocking on Erlang's leg and looking at the satellite.

How the Uzumaki Goddai dealt with ten nuclear bombs, it's better now, it's up to them to figure out how to deal with nuclear bombs.

Is it too fast to turn around in the wind? Could this be the legend: retribution?

Before, I was still laughing at each other, but now the retribution fell on him? Is it possible that this world really has a God?

"I just want to hear the news that you have resolved the nuclear bomb, or else take off your clothes and go to the military court!"

"We have another way."

Hearing that he went to the military court, it was absolutely dead or not. The key was that they didn't want to die. Under the stimulation of death, this innocent little soldier suddenly thought of another way.

"What can I do? Can't you say it soon?"

The general's eyes were blazing, and he stared fiercely in front of him. There was no ‘eye water’ guy at all. Who got this guy in?

"General, although we have no way to retrieve the authority from the opponent's hand, there is no way to intercept missiles.

But we can, let other bases launch missiles and intercept this nuclear bomb~ Air Force! army! navy! As long as we can launch missiles and keep up with the speed of that nuclear bomb, we can turn the crisis into peace. "

"Then don't hurry up!?"


Looking at the soldier who had just given light to him, he rushed to contact other bases, but this kind of thing was happening in all the bases that launched nuclear bombs...

As a result, the following scene appeared, all the missile bases were calling their ‘teammates’ for help at the same time.

They all received a ‘call for help’ from each other at the same time, no more than a minute before and after.

In an instant, all the missile bases and the people inside were dumbfounded.

The co-author was not only invaded, but all the missile bases were invaded?

What organization is the other party? How long have they been doing this organization?

It was so easy that they broke into their firewall, causing them to discover that they had been invaded after the missile was launched. How did the other party do it?

Why is the enemy ‘so familiar’ with them? Could it be that there is a ‘spy’ in their team? Or which high-level ‘turned over’?

"General...General...what shall we do now..."

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, this group of people is really too depressed, not only they have a numbered base open to the outside world.

Even the hidden bases that they didn't know about were invaded by others.

"What to do? How to do? Where do I know how to do it?"

The general took off his hat, but still didn't feel the coolness, so he unbuttoned his collar.

But it still feels hot, so let's wait for death~ but everyone knows this, but they can't say it from their mouths.

"Those nuclear bomb targets, have you ever ruled them?"

"Notified ~ The other party has started, and the organization has withdrawn."

"That's good! Then they can run away. Fortune-telling them will be fatal. If they can't escape, then I have no trouble. I can only consider them bad luck."

The general said to the dumbfounded soldier, he threw his hat away and knotted his clothes.

She was so burdened on the back of the chair and left with a slightly staggered and thin back.

Even the enemy doesn't know who it is, it can't be aliens, invade them, right?

However, those congressmen are now more embarrassed than the general. After all, who thinks they are dead?

Not only do they have to leave, even their family members have to leave.

How can this big family be evacuated so quickly?

The family members of the congressmen had heard that the nuclear bomb was coming, so they were still reluctant to leave soon.

But when I heard it, there was not just a nuclear bomb on my head, but after two or three nuclear bombs.

These guys can't run as fast as anyone, but Xiaomo has already been exhausted by the quantum host, and calculated an ‘error’ of 0.001 seconds.

In the spirit of a family, they should be neat and tidy in the spirit of ‘humanity’, when these parliamentarians and their ‘family’.

They all got on the plane together, and just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking they were safe.

"Huh? What is that?"

A person with good eyes pointed to the small black spot flying towards them with a ‘glossy’ ‘tail’ behind him.

"Nubo! Go!"


The parliamentarians were shocked, the nuclear bomb pierced the sky and landed in a very beautiful parabola.

On the plane they just took off...


The earth is trembling, the air is screaming ~ a few mushroom clouds are breaking the ball, magnificently rising into the air from different positions.

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