Two-dimensional System

Chapter 843: Hot woman is coming

Everyone is watching, what will Uzumaki Kamdai do? Was it ‘evaporated’ by a 100,000-ton nuclear bomb in an instant?

Even if he saw that the Uzumaki God was facing ten, the 10,000-ton nuclear bomb did not fight directly with it, and used his space ability to escape.

Many people will not be unacceptable, knowing that even the Uzumaki Goddai cannot compete with the 100,000-ton nuclear bomb.

The Uzumaki Goddai is no longer invincible, and many people who don't have a ceiling ceiling will definitely breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as the Uzumaki Goddai is not, and they don't have any means to deal with it, they will be satisfied.

This time, they are holding a small break, even at the expense of the tens of millions of people in the entire New York City, as well as the numerous economies.

After all, the loss is ‘proportional’ to the gain. A city’s population and economy are used to test a person’s upper line and bottom line.

Apart from Uzumaki Goddai, no one else can receive such treatment.

From the top of the Stark building, the space ability disappeared, and many people were relieved.

But when the Uzumaki Goddai appeared in the air again, facing him calmly and calmly, 100,000 tons of nuclear bombs were killed at him.

Many people who were planning to use this to measure the Uzumaki Goddai, their expressions began to panic, although they didn't know where the Uzumaki Goddai came from.

Or, no matter what method Uzumaki Kandai used, the moment he appeared, the members of the council began to fidget.

Simply, the Uzumaki Goddai didn't let them suffer for long, or because the Uzumaki Goddai hadn't obtained the Time Gem.

Time is naturally not under the control of the Uzumaki God, but in terms of space capabilities alone, it can deal with 100,000 tons of nuclear bombs.

Uzumaki Goddai thought that this was enough, and as Uzumaki Goddai faced his face indifferently, he flew to his ten nuclear bombs with a gentle wave.

Space folding!

All the people's brows tightened, there was no magnificent moves when the Uzumaki Goddai appeared, and there was no such thing as the Uzumaki Goddai Ying clone to deal with the Qitarians.

Just waved his hand so plainly? what's happening? Could it be possible that the Maelstrom gods thought that he would wave this 100,000-ton nuclear bomb and then go back where he came from?

One minute passed~Three minutes passed~Until...



Finally, ten minutes passed, not all of these people who watched this picture were ignorant idiots.

They also noticed that according to the normal time, ten nuclear bombs should have been there long ago. Ten minutes ago, he flew in front of the Uzumaki Kamdai, and ten mushroom clouds would overlap the sky above New York City.

But now, nothing happened? Ten thousand tons of nuclear bombs are like Monkey King in the palm of the Buddha.

After running out of his own fuel, he still hasn't been able to fly out of the ‘palm’ of the Maelstrom God Generation?

The unbelievable congressmen lined up on their handrails subconsciously, stood up and opened their mouths, staring blankly at the Uzumaki Kamdai with a quiet smile on his face.

What is this all about? Obviously, the nuclear bomb was so close to the gods of the whirlpool, it gave them the illusion that they were far away.

Is it possible that this batch of nuclear bombs is inherently flawed?

The congressmen have turned their attention to the buyers around them. How do you do things?

After finally infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., why didn't even the purchases be discounted for me?

Every year, where do you spend so much money for me?

Why do members of the council, knowing that there is a problem with the director of the black bitter egg, still allocate various funds every year?

Because, it's not just the re-use of the black marinated eggs, the more money is given to the director of the black marinated eggs, the more they infiltrate, and those funds will not be used for themselves in the end?

The technicians faced innocent faces, and the congressmen spread their hands.

"I swear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with nuclear bombs."

"So can it be detonated manually?"

It was already unable to explode through the ‘collision’. The distance between these ten nuclear bombs was so close to the Uzumaki Goddai, it didn’t matter whether they collided or not.

As long as ten nuclear bombs can be detonated, Uzumaki God will not give it or something, and the world will evaporate instantly?

"You can try..."

The technicians are not very sure, after all, let alone such a scene, they have not even seen it.

"Then you are still sitting here? Don't hurry up?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The technician wiped the sweat from his head, took out the notebook and banged on the laptop.

"Okay~ it doesn't seem to work, we can't get in touch anymore, the signals and locations of the ten nuclear bombs..."

The technician wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. It was a **** of a life. It was obvious that the nuclear bomb was there, right in front of them.

But whether it is via satellites or their positioning in the nuclear bomb, it has nothing to do with them.

It is as if these ten nuclear bombs were lost in front of them~

"Master, the positions of those councillors have all been locked!"

Uzumaki Goddai did not do anything, that was because he was still waiting, waiting for Xiao Mo to lock all the positions of the congressmen.

Hearing Xiao Mo's murderous report, Uzumaki Goddai's mouth wore a grim smile.

His gaze fell on the ten nuclear bombs in front of him, and the ability to fold without the wrong space was the ability to make Uzumaki Goddai, the ‘space’ within the perception of the Goddai realm.

It can be controlled at will. For example, the ten nuclear bombs in front of him are clearly in front of them, but they seem to be frozen.

In fact, the ‘nuclear bomb’ that seems to ‘stay’ in place is still ‘flying’.

It’s just that these ten nuclear bombs are not in the same ‘space’ with them~

If the space where the Uzumaki Goddai and the people on the small broken ball are located is A, then the space where the nuclear bomb is located is B.

They are not on the same level. Where else can the signal be transmitted to the nuclear bomb?

This is also one of the ten nuclear bombs that Uzumaki God can handle. However, this method is not yet able to completely let the few, the final fluke in the hearts of the congressmen perish.

At this time, Uzumaki Kamiro was not only aimed at those council members, but Uzumaki Kamiro until now has countless people watching him.

Are you watching what he would do?

Things like today’s ten nuclear bombs will definitely not be just one time.

Once there will be two, and then a steady stream of ‘trouble’ will follow.

Therefore, this time, Uzumaki Goddai will have to do it. Not to mention other people, the black marinated eggs are the first to bear the brunt.

Because, through Xiaomo's in the universe, Chakra perceives that a woman with a strong energy is quickly approaching the small broken ball.

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