Two-dimensional System

Chapter 831: Am I, where have I seen you?

Matt Murdoch looked at him with a headache, his old father who seemed to have turned on something, and the switch was gradually letting go.

Look at this monster with short arms and legs. They are aliens!

Not only did his old father not be frightened and yelled like ordinary people, and had incontinence.

On the contrary, together with myself, start a battle with these monster aliens.

Looking at it now, with a still intent, Matt Murdoch doubted his old father, if it hadn't been for the command of the Uzumaki God.

Wouldn't it, just keep fighting with these, the aliens fight to the death of exhaustion?


However, Matt Murdoch knew that the aliens they solved were just some of the vanguard forces.

The real main force has now joined the battlefield, Matt Murdoch's excellent senses. In time, the people of Qitari attacked, the moment he shot his old father.

After ‘captured’ the actions of the Zetarians, Matt Murdoch slammed his old father and escaped the energy ray.


It didn't hit Jack Murdoch's energy ray, but it also shattered the poor wall.

Shaking off the gravel and dust on his body, Jack Murdoch, with a gray-headed face, was sweating coldly, looking at the Zitarians who were not far away holding their weapons.

I also began to rejoice in my heart, and at the same time I was lucky to carry the anger of the Zitarians.


"Yes! Bah~ these alien monsters are so shameless, don't use weapons if you have the ability!"

This time, Jack Murdoch is no more. He almost lost his life just now, and closely followed Matt Murdoch's pace.

Immediately thereafter, two peculiar phenomena appeared soon, in different positions.

One is the Queens area and the other is two areas not far apart from the Hell's Kitchen.

Two children, one behind each child, and adult adults are also running, which is different from the panic on the street, avoiding aliens.

They happened to run in the opposite direction to them, and at the same time these aliens also noticed that two people, one large and one small, were ready to do something to solve their pain.

Let the person who was escaping for life crying out for help staring with surprise, even forgetting to scream loudly.

One second before the alien monster shot, the hands of the alien who had just moved with the gun were trapped by the white spider silk.

The alien monsters who were too late to react, looked down at the spider silk that trapped their hands in puzzlement.

In the next second, both feet were wrapped in white spider silk, followed closely by the simple pulley principle. This alien monster was dumped on the billboard in amazement and roar~

"Sorry, Mr. Appearance, Aunt Mei and I are in a hurry~"

It seemed to come from a distance, the child was immature and had a ‘polite’ greeting.

What the **** is that kid? And this monster that fell on the billboard, is it really the alien monster who just killed the Quartet and scared them to pee?

"Unexpectedly, this alien monster is so weak? Then what are we afraid of?"

"Yeah! Come on, we are fighting against the strange monster!"

"Yes! An alien monster that can be defeated by a child, it makes no sense that we are not as good as a child!"

Two different places, Pete Parker or Matt Murdoch, affected people in despair.

It broke out completely in the suffocation. Due to the suffocation brought to them by the alien monsters before, the people after the outbreak screamed and rushed towards the ‘paper tiger’ Zetaru.


Holding a weapon and looking for it, the little Po child who lost the target, and the Zitarian who was the adult behind the child.

Looking at this group, the little breakers who rushed towards him tilted their heads with doubts.

‘What kind of strange things are the natives on this little broken ball? ’


They were planted in the hands of that child because that child is a strong man. The group of scums in front of you also want to try the power that your uncle Qitarian grabbed?


With one or two people falling down one after another, this group of people finally once again recognized the reality.

Not everyone can be the kid who can ‘tear’ the alien monster, the same alien monster is definitely not a paper tiger.

"Ah! We were deceived! Run away!"

The dilapidated people slammed the brakes, eagerly waiting for their parents to not give them two extra legs.

The crowd who had been pierced with guts again, fled in a panic, and just turned around to see the energy ray that was rapidly enlarging in the pupils.

Right here, all people are immersed in the black world of dead, hopelessness.

A circular shield traversed a graceful arc, falling from the sky just to block the front of this group of people.

The escaping person staggered without noticing, and the gravel on the ground fell to the ground.

‘What’s the matter with this shield in front of me please? ’

‘Fell from the sky, a shield? Wait, shouldn't it be an alien monster that fell from the sky? ’

Immediately afterwards, everyone with a foggy face saw it, a guy wearing this uniform.

With his back facing them, he fell from the sky, picked up the shield stuck on the ground, and threw it at the Zetaru in front of him.

This magical shield can not only block the alien monster’s attack, but even after the alien monster’s head is knocked out.

This shield was unexpectedly good, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and returned to this man's hand again?

Wait, what the **** is this guy who fell from the sky?

I'm afraid it will be some aliens. I have to say that people nowadays are like scared birds.

A little bit of anomaly, they can fluctuate their tight nerve strings.

"It's okay, everyone hurry up and leave here."

Everyone looked up and down, this young guy looked familiar and seemed to have seen him somewhere.


He doesn't have the characteristics of extraterrestrial monsters, even though he is dressed in a strange way, he still talks about their smashing words?

"Thanks~Thank you..."

The people who were lucky enough to survive looked at Steve Rogers and confirmed the identity of the other party.

Knowing that he was ‘safe’ for the time being, without going back to the arms of the **** of death, with tears in his eyes, he thanked Steve Rogers.

They held back their tears for too long, fearing grievances, and being lucky to be saved by Steve Rogers.

Steve Rogers watched this group of people be taken away by the police who came to search and rescue, and then he gestured to the Quinn fighter jets fighting in the sky.

I just don’t know if Natasha Romanov and Hawkeye have time to see him say hello.

"Wait, boy, I see you very familiar. Have I met you somewhere?"

Just as the police left with the survivors, a policeman headed up and down also looked at Steve Rogers.

If it was Steve Rogers, the weird uniform would be difficult to confirm.

Then the shield in hand, coupled with the current image of Steve Rogers, is the existence of a generation of legends in the mind of this policeman.

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