Two-dimensional System

Chapter 816: Uzumaki's small abacus~

Uzumaki Goddai curled his lips. The reason why Loki surrendered, Xiaomo already knew where Uzumaki Goddai had, so what Loki was paying attention to.

But this matter, Uzumaki Goddai has not yet figured out how to intervene in it.

After all, this time, it's not just about the safety of the small break, whether it'helped' him so much.

Still speaking, the little broken ball is very similar to himself and the previous planet, giving the whirlpool **** generation a feeling of returning home.

The Uzumaki Goddai would not just look at it like this, the small broken ball is dangerous, and there is also the space gem that the Uzumaki Goddai will get in the time.

Although Uzumaki Goddai doesn't have any star burden, but the director of the black marinated egg, he doesn't necessarily want to see himself.

The Uzumaki Goddai didn't plan to go, and the director of the black brine egg boarded the aircraft carrier. The key is that the Uzumaki Goddai also realized that if he was like this.


Without warning, the earth appeared in front of the director of the black braised egg, and the Uzumaki Goddai was worried that this, tragic black braised egg would be fainted.

It’s best to be dizzy. If you get a myocardial infarction, Uzumaki Kamdai will be very guilty (blame~). Anyway, the sin will be serious.

In particular, the Uzumaki God Generation is not under the ‘control’, and even if S.H.I.

Uzumaki Shendai didn't plan to go to the airborne aircraft carrier of Director Black Braised Egg, to tease Director Black Braised Egg and the fragile, poor brain.

Going by yourself, do you want to be someone’s ‘thugh’? Or to be the "uncle" of others?

The key is that Uzumaki Goddai also knows that Director Hei La Dan also has his own ‘plan’.

Xiao Mo told Uzumaki Goddai that Director Hei La Dan had been preparing a plan called The Avengers.

There are old popsicles in the plan, Captain America Steve Rogers, and his familiar silly boy Tony Stark.

There are also the right and left arms of Director Black Lagoon, Hawkeye Button, and Black Widow Natasha Romanoff.

My name appeared in the earliest time, in the Avengers project.

However, he was crossed out by the director of the black braised egg behind, and the Uzumaki Goddai was not something they could provoke.

Now is the most critical moment for the preparation of the Avengers. All the Avengers are not selected from the army, nor are they selected from the agents they have trained.

But from all walks of life, there are the world's richest man, seven doctors, and old popsicles from 70 years ago.

If you want to screw these guys together and realize unity.

It is not a word or two that can be successful. Everyone has selfishness, and people who are righteous have their own personality.

No need, staring at Xiao Mo, who is moving on the aircraft carrier in the air, and sending him news, Uzumaki Goddai can also outline these guys in his mind.

What it would be like when they first met together, it was definitely that each had their own pride.

My pride will never allow it, and I will "compromise" so easily.

Part of it came out with a ‘victory’, how could these guys be obedient, and how could anyone ‘command’ them?

Director of black stewed eggs?

That's just a joke, the most important role of the director of the black bitter egg is to bring this group of people together.

How to talk about the thorns of these people, the organization of the Avengers was chosen to be successfully born on the small break, this is another matter please.

One or two times are okay, but as time goes by, these guys absolutely can't stand it, the black stewed egg chief who ‘gives orders’ to them.

Far away, in short, the current Director of Hei La Dan, absolutely does not want to see Uzumaki God on his air carrier destroy his plan.

Because, Uzumaki Goddai will not follow the instructions of the director of the black brine egg, especially the character ‘world’.

Uzumaki Kamidai is "not obedient", and Tony Stark will definitely learn Uzumaki Kamidai as an "idol" for the first time.

At that time, as a big-headed old popsicle, Captain America Steve Rogers will definitely be upset with Uzumaki Kamdai and Tony Stark who do not obey the ‘command’.

This is how the contradiction was born, and it is hard to say whether or not one will fight first.

As for Dr. Bruce Banner with the seven doctoral certificates, this guy has no ‘right to speak’, and he is also on the air carrier, and he will definitely not ‘lose’ to the ‘awkward’ existence of Uzumaki Kamdai.

These guys, Director Hei Bao Dan, hope to have the brains of seven doctors, Bruce Banner, and also hope that they can use Hulk's force.

But their feelings for Hulk and Bruce Banner are definitely the most contradictory. Hulk, who is transformed into anger, will not make sense with you.

Of course, Hulk and Director of Uzumaki God's Black Braised Egg, as well as those who read Uzumaki's information, Steve Rogers and others.

I chose Hulk without hesitation. No matter how irritable Hulk is, it is still a ‘person’, and they can see Hulk’s ‘ceiling’.

Uzumaki Goddai and the others so far, let alone the ceiling, they don't know which floor the Uzumaki Goddai is on.

Then we have to wait at home. According to Rocky's plan, the Stark Building in New York is very likely to become the center of the battlefield.

Uzumaki God is back, what are you talking about with those guys?


The thought of Uzumaki Goddai made him feel happy, and made Xiaomo pay attention to the movement on the aircraft carrier at all times.

Anyway, it does not take long before Hawkeye will bravely rush to the air carrier to rescue his new ‘master’.

And the air carrier with Loki would never be quiet. Loki would be sorry for his name as the **** of pranks if he didn't do anything.

Uzumaki Goddai sat comfortably at home, and the next time it was time for Uzumaki Goddai to accompany Wanda and Pilcher to learn how to use Chakra.

It was also the time that Uzumaki Goddai enjoyed the most, and Uzumaki Goddai over and over again sorted out his use of Chakra.

On the one hand, these precious Chakra and Ninjutsu experience were passed down one by one to Little Wanda and Pilcher.

In addition, Xiao Mo's assistance helped Xiao Wanda and Pilcher to remember and analyze them. Then Uzumaki Kamidai’s oral experience was'translated' into words that Wanda and Pilcher could understand.

This kind of learning experience is definitely not less full marks. Even Bai, Gui Deng Shui Yue, Honglian, and Junmaro did not receive such high treatment back then.

They were all produced by Uzumaki God, and through ‘spurring’ education after another, directly using ninjutsu, let these little guys experience and learn with physical memory.

This can also explain from the side that the realm of the Uzumaki God is higher.

The whirlpool **** generation back then was only one, until I felt that I couldn't tell why, everything can only be understood.

Through the precipitation of time, I have progressed to a lecturer who can talk about everything~

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