Two-dimensional System

Chapter 814: Never contribute to the evil spirit

Rocky not only snatched the space gem, but also prepared to use the'technique' that Dr. Eric Shavig had mastered.

Use space gems to open a space channel and bring the troops under his control to the small broken ball through this space gate.

According to Eric Shavig, the materials that need to be prepared and the energy that can support the opening of the space gate.

Whirlpool God does not need to think more, this world can meet the conditions that Eric Shavig has opened the door of space gems.

There are only a few ways. The first is to get the help of Gu Yi and directly use the power of other dimensions to help the space gem open the door of space.

But this point can be ruled out, not to mention whether Gu Yi would have water in his head to help these guys.

Not to mention that as people on Earth, Eric Shavig and S.H.I.E.L.D., and Hawkeyes with low authority do not even know.

On this small break, there is also the profession of Master, let alone know the Gu Yi Supreme Master.

The second method is that Rocky and the others directly come to him and ask him to help them open the door of space.

Not to mention, if Loki had the courage to find himself in front of him, maybe the Uzumaki Goddai would look at Loki, so hard and courageous.

Help a bunch of Loki and directly use Chakra to open the space door, but obviously Loki’s courage is not as great as he imagined~

The third method is to find Loki and others, a motorcycle that looks like an ordinary earthling, and has recently started to catch fire, and the pillar of the juggling group: Hot Johnny!

It is hot to grab yourself, of course, there is no way to open the space door of the space gem, but half of Mephisto's power is sealed in his land.

As long as Loki found the hot Johnny, and as long as he could unlock the seal technique left behind by the Uzumaki God Generation.

When it can pass, Mephisto's power uses space gems to open the door to the space Loki wants.

But well~

There were only a few people who knew Mephisto, and Gu Yi wouldn't let Loki be so idle. This **** of mischief, who is a threat to small breaking balls, is mixed with the great demon King Mephisto in the regional dimension.

Then, the only way that Rocky has left is...

Bringing the four of Little Wanda back to the living room, Uzumaki Kamiyo raised his head and looked at the ugly building with neon flashes: Stark Building!

Only this replacement, the new large arc reaction, energy device building, its huge energy.

Only then can he help Loki, make the space gems work, and open the door to the space he wants.

Only when Uzumaki Kamiyo determined that this time the ‘disaster’ would happen to the city, and the Stark building was the center.

It is difficult to say whether Queens is near or far from here, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be affected.

Although this villa is very close to the Stark Building, it is only separated by two streets.

But when Loki's troops reach the safest place on the small break, Uzumaki Kamiyo can tell you categorically: there is nothing wrong, only two places are the safest.

The first is to find the Supreme Master Gu Yi and stay behind Gu Yi obediently.

The second safest place, ironically, is the closest distance to the dangerous outbreak point.

The location where the Uzumaki God is located has been systematically transformed, and Xiaomo will control the seemingly ordinary villa.

"It's dangerous, isn't it? Then, Mr. Jindai..."

"It's very dangerous for you. Your strength is enough to protect yourself. Think about your only relatives, so don't do things that make yourself likely to regret yourself for life."

Before Pete Parker could say any more, Uzumaki Kamdai who could see from Pete Parker's eyes that the child was about to do something.

Without hesitation or soft-hearted blows, his original intention of gaining strength was to protect his'relatives'.

Even if Konan, Nagato, Yahiko, and Tsunade are not related to him by blood, but his family is his family, Uzumaki Kamiyo can die for them without hesitation.

As long as he can save the lives of his family, Uzumaki Kandai will feel that his sacrifice is worthwhile.

As for others, I'm sorry unless it's like Uzumaki Kamiyo just came into this world.

Unless you have it, you can absolutely not be afraid, any dangerous ability and strength, the Uzumaki Goddai has just hit.

Think about it, if the Uzumaki Goddai might have something special, like Pete Parker, or Matt Murdoch.

Doesn't it mean exposing yourself to help that woman?

Look at Uzumaki Goddai's help, what happened after that woman, Uzumaki Goddai was not long after he left, and he was targeted by the "Monster" SHIELD of this world.

If it wasn't for Uzumaki Kandai who was really fearless and replaced it with Pete Parker or Matt Murdoch, what would it be like?

The first will be controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D., and secondly, there will be no complete ‘freedom’ ever since.

A steady stream of troubles will follow, and SHIELD will squeeze all the value you can use.

Just because you are different, just because you have more than others, so little ability.

When your kindness helps others subconsciously, it becomes ‘semi’ compulsive, according to others’ rules.

Do something that you could have done. According to your ideas and methods, you may have a more perfect ending.

But it is because you have been ‘ruled’ by others, and all your actions are of ‘purpose’ nature. Would you still feel happy in such a life?

Besides, you can take care of others only if you take good care of yourself. You live like a ghost, and want to help others?

Are you sure you are not bringing the other party into the "hell" together?

According to Uzumaki Kamiyo's estimation, the abilities of Matt Murdoch and Pete Parker.

Being able to protect oneself while also being able to protect the safety of one's own family is already powerful enough.

Because of this, it can be regarded as a ‘weight-bearing’ move forward, unscrupulous self-protection, and distraction to estimate the safety of the family. At the same time, the energy and physical effort required to resist a powerful and numerous enemy will be several times more than normal combat.

You know, Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch are just two ‘children’ who have not yet grown up.

It is precisely because of this point that the Uzumaki Goddai will directly take Pete Parker's gradual, restless heart and want to express his emotions.

Directly use your big hand, slap it down mercilessly, and extinguish this little flame!

For Fang Zheng, to Uzumaki Goddai, Pete Parker's ‘bad wind’ at this time could never be ‘facilitated’.

Otherwise, if Pilcher and Wanda, who have not fully grown up after spending so much energy on themselves, have been crooked, what can they do?

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