Two-dimensional System

Chapter 812: One generation version is generation god, generation generation version uses Wanda~

Little Wanda, who didn't blow anyone, clenched her small fist in annoyance and stroked in the air.

This made it even more so that those who accidentally caught a glimpse of this scene, Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch, were very fortunate that their decisiveness and avatar were fast enough.

"Oh~Wanda~We have all surrendered, can you put us down~"

Pete Parker was pitiful, with tears in his eyes like a pitiful little milk dog.

If there is a tail, I believe that at this time, we can see a little milk dog hanging from the "house beam" with its tail wagging fast~


Little Wanda was very upset. To express his upset, he snorted and glanced at the other side.

This group of guys are really getting more and more ghosts, and before this group of guys can take advantage of their heads, they just don't accept the pain and give a quick beating.

Was beaten by Wanda too much, Matt Murdoch, Pilcher and Pete Parker, the three of the same sickness also learned to behave.

They are all squeezing the timing in their hearts. As long as they see that they don't have any advantage, they will raise the white flag and surrender to Xiao Wanda before being caught by Xiao Wanda.

At first Xiao Wanda was still very satisfied. This group of guys were self-aware, but behind Xiao Wanda was depressed.

This group of guys is thorough. They have made up their minds not to give her a chance. Even if Xiao Wanda has all kinds of methods, no one can understand that Xiao Wanda is depressed every time before it starts?

Wronged ~ crying ~

These three stinky boys bullied her, so they must find a good opportunity to beat up these three guys.

Otherwise, I can’t get in touch with the small grievances in my heart~

Little Wanda clenched his fists, his attack was not fast enough, he must catch these three guys before surrendering.

Then the mouths of these three guys are blocked, otherwise it is not enough to just trap the limbs of these guys and not let these three guys raise the white flag~

Pete Parkmat Murdoch, the two do not know yet, their behavior has been. Thoroughly prompted Xiao Wanda to come back to black again, and the violent Xiao Luo Li never returned.

I don't know that they have completely angered Little Wanda, let this black-bellied queen silently plan the next battle, what kind of miserable life they are about to usher in?

Seeing the end of the battle, Uzumaki Goddai lifted the earth escape technique on the platform and restored the field to its original state.

Therefore, knowing ninjutsu is really convenient, and watching the surrounding rock pits disappear, both Matt Murdoch and Pete Parker will look at Uzumaki Shindai in admiration.

From their point of view, Xiao Wangda's abilities were taught by the Uzumaki Goddai. In the past two years, they have seen the Uzumaki Goddai'out of thin air' summoned to them various battlefields.

In addition to the sky, flames, glaciers, valleys, rivers, and forests, they have all experienced them one by one.

The crimson energy of Little Wanda, the spurs summoned out of thin air, and the ability to wait for a series of things are almost exactly the same.

In fact, what they don't know is that the villas that have been transformed by the system are under the control of Xiaomo.

Ninjutsu can also be used. The venue they want is the ‘permission’ given to Xiaomo by Uzumaki God, and Xiaomo created it by using his own Chakra calculus.

If this ability is used in the commercial field, I believe that all adventure venues will all close down.

As long as you give Xiaomo enough chakras, you can turn the whole earth into a fireball, let alone a glacial forest river.

But it is a pity that Xiao Mo did not control the core of the small break, so this may only be possible.

The days were still long, and Xiao Wanda decided not to care about temporary gains and losses, and with a small wave of his hand, Matt Murdoch and Pete Parker were released.

At this time, Pilcher has also gone through his own unremitting efforts (actually, the time for spider silk has come, and he has vaporized and disappeared).

Piercher, who broke free from the spider web trap made by Pete Parker, scratched himself, completely changing his hairstyle.

He came to Peter Parker with a grimace, and the latter looked at Pilcher, who was looking bad, and smiled brightly.

"I said Pete, can you stop trapping on the battlefield every time? And can you watch less movies?"

When it comes to movies, Pilcher is a lot of complaints. Pete Parker likes to watch movies and has all kinds of brainstorming tricks.

As long as Pete Parker can make it according to the surrounding environment, Pilcher is always the first person to be injured.

"Ma~ I'm sorry, but who is Pilcher? Your weakness is that as long as you restrict your range of activities, you will be abolished?"


Upon hearing Pete Parker's explanation, Pilcher was silent. Pete Parker was quite right, and he was unable to refute it.

The surrounding environment is indeed very restrictive to him. If you want to limit Pilcher, you don't need it at all. He can catch up with Pilcher and play a race with this guy.

No matter how fast this guy ran, Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch knew that he was the goal.

In other words, the scope of Pilcher's activities can only be around him, so is it not easy to limit Pilcher?

Just dig up pits of different sizes and models around you in advance and set traps inside.

Even if not all traps can be useful to Pilcher, as long as Pilcher's speed is limited, Pilcher hesitates.

Their purpose has been achieved, making Pierre suspicious. Beware of thunder at his feet and dare not approach them easily. What danger is there for them?

Of course, this weakness of Pilcher was discovered by Pete Parker, and even Uzumaki Goddai did not discover it from this way of thinking.

What's more commendable is that this wicked attention is still there, and it is also the inspiration that Pete Parker got from a certain movie.

On the first use, Pilcher was unsuspecting, and the pit dug by Pete Parker came and turned over.

Since then, Pilcher, who was originally on the ‘Battlefield’, has had more than enough energy but not enough energy after the ‘version’ was updated, and the whole person is considered to be abolished.

This really confirms the theorem of God from generation to generation.

The point is that Pilcher has been arrogant since the four started fighting, for a little more than two months.

Of course, the reason why the ‘first generation’ version of the ‘God’ is Pilcher’s is that Wanda did not play.

Hesitating Pete Parker and Matt Murdoch, the subjective consciousness of the two, Pilcher, who is the fastest, is regarded by them as the most difficult enemy to deal with.

Although Little Wanda gave Pete Parker a dangerous warning, but Little Wanda has always been harmless to humans and animals, and Little Wanda is a girl.

Pete Parker did not want to do anything with the girl, which led Matt Murdoch and Pete Parker to miscalculate the combat effectiveness of Little Wanda...

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