Two-dimensional System

Chapter 805: Black and red~

Steve Rogers, naked and sweaty, had a melancholy expression. He panted slightly and looked at the ‘affectionate’ in front of him, and looked at his black stewed egg chief.

When I woke up and found myself, I slept for more than 70 years, not only missed the dance that I was in love with.

You have to accept that the whole world has already existed, and things are not necessary for human beings. Accept the operation of modern equipment.

Even Steve Rogers, who was "abandoned" by the world and "eliminated" by life, did not expose himself to giving up life.

Follow the trend and give up on himself, it is not Steve Rogers. Although the process is difficult, Steve Rogers still adapts to the new world little by little every day.

But for Steve Rogers, the biggest conflict is ‘world peace’.

It made them hard to war. There should be world peace, and no one will die in war.

But this world is still not completely peaceful, and wars still haven't stopped completely.

In this regard, Steve Rogers was helpless, although he was very kind, but now he, even the meaning of his own existence, has not been found again.

How could it be possible to manage the life and death of others? Who is the current self to fight for?

Director Hei La Dan did not speak any more, and looked at the man in front of him quietly, with a legendary color.

He knew that the man in front of him would never let him down. This man just needs a little time to accept it.

After a long time, Steve Rogers's face changed, as if responding to Chief Black Lagoon.

His eyes shone with brilliance, and he carried a unique breath of beauty, with a confident and deep tone.

"This time, who is our enemy? Where is my teammate?"

The curvature of the corners of Director Hei Bao Dan's mouth rose, and it was true that this was the captain he knew in his impression.

When someone needs him, he will stand up and become people's hope!

"All here."

The director of Hei Bao Dan also knows that it is too difficult for the current Steve Rogers to play high-tech.

Therefore, the materials handed to Steve Rogers are all sorted out by him himself, which is on paper.

Feeling the paper in his hand, Steve Rogers, who has been frowning, is slightly relieved.

But when Steve Rogers opened the information, he saw that the gorgeous and familiar picture on the screen, to the point where he suffocated the cube that revealed the blue light.

Steve Rogers was all ill, and the soothing brows were once again frowning, and the mood was even more unhappy.

Obviously, this thing is very unfriendly to Steve Rogers, and it reminds Steve Rogers of his 70 years of sleeping in the ice.

"To be honest, this thing shouldn't appear in SHIELD!"

Director Black Braised Egg could feel that Steve Rogers in front of him was very angry, as if SHIELD had failed him.

That’s right, 70 years ago, I was just for your unborn descendants.

There was a peaceful and stable day before he stepped forward to fight the Hydra, but with the broken things, it fell into the North Pole and turned into a big popsicle.

Not only sacrificed his happy life, but also missed dancing with his beloved woman, getting married and having children, and enjoying the future in his old age.

Are you so messy? Not only "interrupted" my deep sleep, but also found things that shouldn't be found?

What do you want to do? Do you need this thing? Or do you want to be second in Hydra? Want me to be a popsicle again?

However, the current Steve Rogers still has not been able to fully emerge from the previous three views.

Instinctively, there is still only one big soldier who absolutely obeys the orders of superiors.

Even if there are countless emotions and dissatisfaction in his heart, Steve Rogers knows that there are absolutely no trivial things about the Universe Cube.

It's just that his chest was ups and downs, and he was palpitating from seeing Director Hei La Dan.

For fear, Steve Rogers was so angry that he jumped out his heart.

Seen by Steve Rogers in this way, it was so black that there were no other colors except black, and the black face at the moment seemed to be burning like a flame.

His face was red in the black, if it weren't for the director of the black stewed egg, he would have no idea what his face was.

I'm afraid it's because I can't stand the torture from the soul like Steve Rogers. Find a rope to choose a tree with a crooked neck and hang himself.

But when I thought, if I committed suicide, wouldn't S.H.I.E.L.D. become something in someone else's pocket?

There is also the problem of Loki, which has not yet been resolved, the small break and human beings are still in danger at this time.

He is not fake now, but that has to wait until he has solved all the troubles such as Loki and Universe Cube.

If you don't let it go, the director of his black marinated egg will never look down!

Although this is a bit sorry for Steve Rogers, but for the sake of humanity, the director believes that Steve Rogers will understand him.

Director Hei Baodan never thought that because of the Universe Cube and the existence of the Universe Cube, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau was snatched away.

This completely became a thorn in Steve Rogers's heart, but the current Steve Rogers did not show it at all.

But in my heart, S.H.I.E.L.D. is no different from the Hydra 70 years ago, as long as it is an organization that brings danger to mankind.

In the eyes of Steve Rogers, none of them should exist.

The only difference is that SHIELD is an official international organization, and Hydra is an unofficial international organization.

A person who is not just a good person at first glance, but also to the whole world, openly admits that he is not a good person. One is wearing an official shell and doing some dangerous things.

The two brothers are not good at all.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a problem after distinguishing the priorities, but there is no danger of anyone who has robbed the Universe Cube.

"That thing is not far from where you are sleeping, and I found it when I looked for you..."

In the end, Director Hei Bao Dan bowed his head and gave both sides a step. This thing is right next to you. Seeing that it is not justified not to hold it.

Obviously knowing it is a good thing, and has not yet received the actual beating, plus the power of SHIELD.

Not to mention the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., even Director Hei La Dan's heart, before encountering Uzumaki Goddai and Loki, was floating.

If it wasn't for the strength of the Maelstrom God Generation and completely out of the control of S.H.I.E.L.D., or if it wasn't for Loki to give it, Chief Black Lagoon slapped him.

Director Black Braised Egg’s heart is still floating in the universe~

Steve Rogers glanced at it, glanced at the smiling black egg, opened the Universe Cube and took away the guy's information.

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